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To Mike, So Sorry.

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Chezza, Aug 29, 2006.

  1. Chezza

    Chezza New Member


    I reckon I can speak for all here on this forum, that we are all sorry for your loss of your dog.. Losing a pet isnt easy as it is, but to lose her sooner than you should is heart breaking..
    Just to let you know your in our thoughts..
  2. NickSter7715

    NickSter7715 New Member

    I can't even imagine the feeling. We're all so sorry for your loss of Ice.
    Just keep in mind, she'll always be in your memories.
  3. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    HI Chezza, Nickster, Thank you.

    Its strange not having ice around and is going to take some getting used to, As she was always bouncy full of life, a proper little comedian.

    My mum has offered to get me another dog but i do not want another, I love all my animals but ice was something special, She had her own mind, Very stubborn when she wanted to be but those are the qualities she has had since she was 5weeks old.

    I will never forget her

    THanks again

  4. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Mike I am so sorry about Ice. Chezza and Nickster said it all

  5. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    I know how you feel and I am so sorry for your loss. Do not forget that there are thousands of other fur kids waiting for a special home that only you can provide for them. Take some time for healing then go and find you another fur kid to raise.
    Every time I have lost one of my kids I swore I didn't want another, but even though each one is irreplacible and leave that empty spot in our lives behind, the next one helps to fill in that spot and give us back some of the love we miss.
    I have cried for you and will cry for you some more and I don't care what anyone says about grown men crying.
    For me the reason that our pets have such short lives compared to ours is because there light shines so much brighter than all the others, and you know that the light that burns the brightest must burn the shortest.
    I hope you will be able to find another Rottie mix when time permits, I know I will always have a place in my life for them because of my 2 boys.

    Take care Mike I hope you are able to heal quickly.
  6. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Thanks DMikeM, Mitzy one of my other dogs was like a mother to ice and she seems to be looking for her which makes it harder for me since she is off her food at the moment and will only take a small bit ethen walk away and won't each anything else.

    Mitzy is very maternal with all small animals and because she has been spayed and no chance of her having anymore of her own she tries to look after others.... Since ice was 5weeks old mitzy has mothered her, followed her around told her off for doing something wrong basically been her mother and now ice has gone mitzy seems lost.

    I have had to play with mitzy more than usual to try and take her mind off it but that dont last long then she goes looking again.

    My friends have said i should go look in the shelters and get another puppy or young dog but at the moment i dont think i could face that..

    Maybe in time i will change my mind and go look but until then i will wait, It still hurts when i see pics of her and see her when i close my eyes, i have even had a dream i opened the door to find her sitting in the yard waiting for me but then she just vanishes, Its like she is trying to tell me something, strange i know..

    Thanks for everyones kind words and support


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