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WOW it's been awhile eh...

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Sara, Sep 10, 2006.

  1. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Did anyone miss me?

    Or rather...does anyone remember me? (sam you don't have to answer that one...LOL)

    Checkin' stuff out but I'll soon be posting more regularly nowadays.

  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Yes I do :D

    How are you? Good to see you back on line, hope things are going well.
  3. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Things are okay... Unfortunately Honijade my female pit had to be put to sleep this past wed. She had a pyometra but once we caught it (those dang stoic pit bulls) the infection had gone into her blood stream and she was septic. She was VERY sick and even if we could afford the vet bill the vet could have only given us a 50/50 type chance that he could have saved her. It was a sad sad day and Monty her buddy cries now. He was lookin' for her till yesterday and now he cries in his crate. I brought him with me to work...not sure how to deal with sad dogs though...urgh...

    Everyone else is fine. Hermionee has grown a ton and I'll have to get pics one of these days. Askari was re-homed to a sheep ranch to warn of coyotes and is doing well with a Boarder Collie buddy she has there. Andy found himself a great dane rescue. he's HUGE and I'll try to get pics of him up too.

    We're buying a house on three acres to have the horses and dogs on. It's actually been quite a wild year.

    How are things with everyone else?!!

  4. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Sorry to hear about Honijade, you dont get much time with a pyo once you see the signs :(
  5. nern

    nern New Member

    Welcome back Sara! I'm very sorry to hear about Honijade. :cry:
  6. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Hi stranger!, I am so sorry to hear Honijade :(

    I am dealing with the same old same old of Jakes hot spots, he has one on his leg now, a new area for him, and heard to heal.

  7. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Goodness I've missed everyone! Thanks for all of your condolences and you're not kidding DelaUK HJ was sick for a total of 48hrs start to finish and of course being a stoic type she didn't clue us in till her last 18 or so hrs of the ordeal. This has seriously cut into my ideas about any kind of showing or breeding of any females ever again. I truly don't know if I can bring myself to believe that it would be worth it at that kind of an expense. Even if she'd not have gone the worse direction possible...

    I hope everyone's doing great though! Our household is recovering thanks to the newest addition of a Chinese crested we acquired about a month ago. Silly me wanted a dog to sit on my lap in the car rather than one to sit in back and scare people (not on purpose of course).

    Speaking of hot spots...this little fellow, the crested seems to have itchy spots but not moist or anything so I'm not sure you could consider it a hot spot. We've tried cortizone stuff but it doesn't seem to do any good and he isn't losing hair (granted his hair is thin by nature but no spots that should have hair are missing any). Thoughts?

  8. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Hey Girl! Long time no see! LOL

    Oh man, Kabuki is just awsome. She's really learning the advanced training I've been doing. She caught on to the "crawling" yesterday afternoon! I though it was great!!!

    she's still having trouble staying for long periods of time. but we're up to 2 minutes! I don't expect her to stay much longer than that!

    Precious is doing awsome! I'm pretty sure she's preggo. her whole attitude has changed. She's become soooo emotional. I'm talking wants to be up your butt 24/7, and be petted and loved on constantly.

    I'm sitll doing training with her, but not anything strenuous. Just the basic stuff, and some novelty tricks. She's so smart. I love em all soo much.

    I told Bobby about HJ, he said that sucked and he was sorry to hear that. (i keep telling him how awsome Montey is though!!!) So get me some pics if you can!!!!
  9. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Hey Sams,

    Andy's aunt drew my name for Christmas (YES we drew names for the holiday about a month ago...silly mom-in-law) and when she heard about HJ she said she'd get me a nice APBT registered and all for Christmas if I wanted. OF COURSE I'm taking her up on her offer but I'll probably get a local pup out of a friend of mine's breedings. He's got Eddington dogs and some others that are old bloodlines and smaller pits (like they're supposed to be).

    I knew Kabuki would be best at learning stuff so I'm glad she's doing well. Hermionee is great and an AKC judge insist that I show her. Even after HJ and all that I want her spayed ASAP but this judge was adamant that I show her...I'm still not sure...want to check her hips FIRST and make sure about height, she's a shorty...but an AKC judge is definately swaying.

    Monty is awesome but nothing to prove he's got anything good to offer in terms of bloodlines...not that it matters. If you go to AAAMerican Pit Bull board on the Hotmail message boards you can look on like page 7 or so of the pics and my kids are there...Monty and HJ...even puppy HJ *tear* ACK...

    Anyway I was going to ask you though were Bobby got his dog from and what he paid for him?....

  10. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Ummm I know he's out of Kingsland or something like that... I think he paid around $150 because he did some work for the guy. He's got all Colby, Boudreux, and on Jeep bitch.
    Good dogs for sure. Mickey is really tall compared to all the others. But Bobby also fed him a really high protien diet as a pup and I think that might have had something to do with it.

    I'll ask him tonight what the guys name is and I'll shootcha an email!
  11. Sara

    Sara New Member

    You had told me about his bloodlines and that's why I was curious. I've been wanting something with some Jeep (mostly only because he's the most famous dog out of his dam Honeybunch) for a LONG time now and I'm trying to hunt it down and see what kind of pricing I can find where I'm not breaking the piggy bank.

    I've found some that I like but where I'm looking at buying from I could either go with a pup out of heavy hempill on the bitch's side and heavy Colby on the sire's die or a pup out of heavy Jeep/Crenshaw on the sire's side and a bitch out of Fat Bill for the dam (bloodlines I don't know much about)...urgh...

    OR I could go locally and get some good Eddington (little ones not WP lines) lines and some other old school stuff... Hmmmm....


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