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busy busy busy busy

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Mary_NH, Sep 12, 2006.

  1. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    a box full of cats and a box full of parakeets were left at a police station in southern NH.
    And guess....most of the cats are Siamese :x , one DSH and one Persian.
    They are too far away for me to go evaluate but we have someone on it and I might have possibly 2 of the 4 kittens already adopted (most like one I'm hoping the person will take 2).
    What a mess!!! How can someone do that? The boxes were taped shut, at least the parakeets weren't in with the cats.
    The poor kitties are in a cage in the basement of the PD cause they don't have a shelter to take them too. Everyone is full up due to kitten season being late this year.
    Ty and Squeak go home Saturday so I'll most likely have 2 more coming in Sunday from this group.
    Please send good thoughts to the kitties as most are already showing signs of URI and no one to medicate or vet them. We need to get them out soon
  2. zarate

    zarate New Member

    That's just terrible that someone can do that to a living creature! I wish I were a bit closer, because I would definately take some of the budgies. In fact mine passed away this morning. Not sure how old he was but I've had him nearly 4 years. I wish my cat liked other cats, because I'd love to foster animals in need. How do you get started in something like that? (Sorry if I got off topic!!)
  3. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    for me it started after I adopted Zeus from my local shelter. I'm not quite sure how they managed to suck me into fostering but their volunteer directors is so good next thing I knew I was taking care of a mom cat and her 2 kittens LOL I don't even remember how it happened.
    Fostering for the shelter broke my heart as I never knew the fate of the kittens (always kittens with them). I knew about Siamese Rescue and how they work so I contacted them to foster. Very few fosters in New England so they took me (after I went through a very detailed orientation).
    I love it
  4. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Jeez, that would not have been good.

    Well, I think the person that took them to the police station had to care a little bit. I mean they could have dumped them anywhere, but they obviously felt that the police might take these kittens and birds in.
  5. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    the kitties, and birds I assume, will be going to a shelter in southern NH. The cats were being kept in a cage BEHIND the pd as they didn't have anywhere else for them.
    Once they are tested, spayed/neutered if needed, I'll be getting 2.
    I understand they've remained friendly so they must have been loved at some point.
  6. vene

    vene New Member

    How terribly sad1 Sending positive vibes for the birds and especially for the kitties. :m10:

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