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How do I get rid of fleas?

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by zarate, Sep 12, 2006.

  1. zarate

    zarate New Member

    Ok, the more I look at Cynder...the more I'm positve it's fleas. I just found some tiny worm-like critters and when I looked them up, they look exactly like the pics of flea larvae. I've yet to find an adult flea, but they have to be there. I only found these in his bed. I've since thrown that out and am now confining him to the bathroom (as I do when nobody is home) since it has tile floor, because the last thing we need is an infestation of fleas....if we don't have one already. So my question is, how do I get rid of them? I know I can treat him with frontline for cats, we use the frontline for dogs on the pooch, and we've had good luck with it. So hopefully it will work for prevention (if I ever get rid of them!) for Cynder as well. Thanks for any tips/advice! We (especillay Cynder!) really appreciate it.
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I'd say Frontline for him and a good vacuuming and toss the bag. You said you have tile floors, you can vacuum those too.
  3. zarate

    zarate New Member

    Alright, sounds good. I have a bagless vacuum cleaner, so should I just wash it really good...or would any leftover fleas/eggs not even survive on the plastic? Should I put some sort of powder on the carpet...if there is such a thing? Thanks again!
  4. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    You might put a flea collar in the cannister of the vacuum but I wouldn't use the powder. Personally, I don't like to overload the house/critters with pesticides. I think the Frontline on the cat and dog is enough. But I probably would treat the yard if that's possible. Oh and vacuum several days in a row to get rid of any hatched eggs that might be left.
  5. zarate

    zarate New Member

    Thanks for all the advice, and the flea collar in the canister is a great idea. I found some carpet powders tonight at the pet store, but didn't get them as I wanted to get everyones opinions first. I'd rather use the least amount of pesticides as possible as well, since I've got a 6 month old baby, and a cockatiel to think about as well as the other 2.
    I also saw a kit to flea bomb (or something to that effect) the yard as well. Has anyone ever used one of those? I also found a flea fogger to use indoors, but wasn't sure I wanted to use that...for the same reasons listed above, and I'd be afraid residue would be left behind on everything. I can't stop itching just thinking about these fleas....I can't imagine how my poor kitty feels :(
  6. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    What did your vet recommend?
  7. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    Ortho makes a good product that works on fleas, ants, and grubs outside the home. We use it 2x a year (mostly for ants) and it works great. Just don't use it where your dog might be so he doesn't bring it in on his feet or get it on his feet an dlick it off.
    The product is granules and best used before it rains cause that helps the ground soak it up
  8. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Yes Mary, I think that's what I've used. Ortho something and it's granules that have to be watered in. I do it a few times a year too since my neighbor's cats don't mind the fence lines and come into my yard all the time. I rarely had a flea problem before Leroy started "breeding" cats next door.
  9. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Why do you confine him?

    I use Frontline for our cats.
  10. zarate

    zarate New Member

    Because he doesn't like to use his litter box. So if nobody is home to watch him we keep him in the bathroom and laundry room (with the door open in between them)
    And right now I'm getting rid of the fleas, and there is tile in there...trying to avoid getting them in the carpet...if at all possible.
    But I found lots of dead fleas today on top of the dryer. So that's good.
  11. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi again. Have you taken him to the vet to rule out a UTI (urinary tract infection) or other possible medical problems that may be the cause of his urinating outside of the litter box?

    If a cat has a UTI it's pretty painful and they will associate the litter box with pain and opt to urinate elsewhere.

    If he's urinating outside of the litter box, due to behavioral reasons, you'll have to figure out what is stressing him out so that he stops. Perhaps a cat outside? Another person he doesn't like? It could be so many things.
  12. zarate

    zarate New Member

    Hi, well it's been a little over a week since I've scrubbed *everything* down and switched to "cat attract" litter and so far everything is going well. He's been to the vet to rule out a UTI, that's why I was going crazy trying to figure out what else it was! LOL. Thanks.
    Now it's been 3 or 4 days since I've treated Cynder with frontline, and the day after I treated him, I found quite a few dead or dying fleas on top of the dryer...but how do I know when they are all gone? I can check and check and can't find any! He's a black cat with lots of fur. I've been brusing him twice a day to see if I can find them that way as well, but no such luck. Tho he really enjoys the extra brushing.
  13. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    I would just watch him for scratching. Frontline is good, so you're probably safe. Just treat him again next month to be sure. :y_the_best:
  14. zarate

    zarate New Member

    Hmm, I notice my quotes didn't work :(
    oh well.
    But yes. We've been thinking of buying stock in frontline LOL. Just to prevent this mess and my fur baby's discomfort! He's 8, and I honestly don't think he's ever had a flea in his life. The dog had them when we got him as a pup, but we kept him (the dog) quarantined until he went to the vet and had his shots and was treated for his fleas and all that fun stuff. I haven't seen the cat itching for the past couple of days....so maybe this is it!! Thanks so much to everyone who replied to my big ol' mess, we really appreciate it!
  15. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi. The flea combs are great to see if live fleas are still on him. I think they cost under $5 (USA).
  16. zarate

    zarate New Member

    Yup, we've got a flea comb. All I seem to get is fur and flea dirt. So that's good, right? I just hope I'm not overlooking them. But I haven't been seeing any fleas (I've only seen the dead ones that fell off the cat)
    So now the cat has full range of the house again. And if he keeps up with using his litter box like he has been he can go back to having run of the house *all* the time, instead of only when we're home.

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