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Chinese Crested question Allergies?

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Sara, Sep 12, 2006.

  1. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Hey all. I'm new to this board but I've been around on the all breed board and on the Pit Bull one too for a long old time.

    I've gotten a new Chinese Crested about a month ago and I was wondering about allergies that may be common in the breed and about teeth health in the breed. All I ever see is info pertaining to teeth in the hairless version.

    My new charge is 6 months old and his name is Dauby and he's a sparce coat so even his crest is thin but he's got hair all over his body. Anyway he's been a bit itchy since we got him and I've tried a few things so far with no luck--Lotions, cortizone spray, and medicated shampoo(well moisturizing shampoo) and a change in food from Pro Plan stuff to Iams small breed puppy. But still no luck in getting the little guy to stop itching. He's only about 6lbs.

  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Hi Sara, dont know much about these guys, havent seen too many of them although the ones I have seen were usually for skin problems...as I recall they were mostly staph infections and would have been treated with medicated baths and maybe oral meds. The cause....I do remember one dog that the owner always put a sweater on, the vet thought the dog may be allergic to the clothes detergent, she changed it to a mild one and the dog was okay afterwards.

    Anyways I found this on line, its a forum specially for Chinese Crested.


    good luck.
  3. Sara

    Sara New Member




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