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Crate training a puppy help

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by pupmom2be, Sep 16, 2006.

  1. pupmom2be

    pupmom2be New Member

    I just got a puppy...my first. It's a 10 week old Maltipoo. I have an exercise pen set up in my kitchen along with the appropriate size crate inside it. Well, I think I traumatised him when I brought him home today. I placed him in the crate with a bone, toy and towel. He cried and whimpered all the way home. He salivated a lot and finally spit up some of his kibble. When we arrived home, I took him to the "potty spot", played with him, fed him (he's only drank water and accepted some treats with 2 pees outside so far). He has taken a few naps in the pen on the floor, but will not go in the crate, despite a treat,bone and toy. I am getting a bit nervous about tonight and getting him to sleep. Do you think I should take the cover off for now and see if he'll sleep in the bedding? Do you think it is OK if he isn't crated right away and just take it more slowly, allowing him to sleep in the pen? I could sleep in my livingroom that adjoins the kitchen, a few feet away from the pen? Or should I let him cry it out in the crate? (something my husband will have a hard time tolerating since he really wasn't keen on getting a dog).
    Thanks for any advice.
  2. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Hmmm... I've never had any dog afraid of the crate but a few who didn't like it and would not go in willingly. I feed all of my dogs in their crate and that seems to be the best way to go. I would put your crate in your room for the night and put the pup in the crate and use the crate as his feeding area and safe spot rather than his playpen. After a day or so he'll figure it out. My Chinese crested still doesn't like his crate but has learned that he is in there and quiet when we go to bed and slowly he's growing to like it. Feeding on a schedule helps with potty training and the crate training as well.

    When I've had pups in crates they cry but if I put my hand down by the crate in bed they'll calm down. Depending on his age they'll cry when they have to potty and you may have a few sleepless nights trying to figure that part out. Once they are staying for the night in the crate without potty breaks then you can move it to whatever part of the house you want him in. I would not bend on the crate though. He will not learn that it is safe any other way than through habit. I doubt he's afraid of it rather than disliking it.

    Puppies are HARD work and I'm going to start all over again this weekend...scary task...LOL

  3. gypsy

    gypsy New Member

    I still have VERY mixed feellings about crates, but here is my two cents worth. First off, am very glad to hear you have a play pen for your furbaby. I see way too many people storing puppies for hours on end in the box. Secondly, the baby is a LITTLE dog.......they have very little capacity in the bladder, so plan on going outside every couple of hours, at least. Our pup schedule for wee pommies: out at MY bedtime, 10pm, out at hubbys bedtime, midnight, out again at 3am, and out when i get up, 6am. We do this until at least 6 months. They won't be leakproof until then. And, i feel that it is cruel to even expect it of them. In the past, big dog puppies were leakproof very early, but the little guys are just different. At least with our wee ones, if there is an oops, it is not a big deal.
    Now, please from everyone, don't yelp at me, but........i do not believe in letting puppies 'cry it out'. They can quickly become hysterical, and even ill, if they get really excited. Again, we don't do the crate, our dogs sleep in the bed (yes, its BIG :lol: ) with us, so crying is never an issue. If you go that route, we put a plastic tableclothe over the bedspread.......the crinkle of little feet in the night will definitely wake you up. And if you are slow, it is easy clean. But i caution you, if you go my route, it takes up huge chunks of time. We don't mind......we love the time with our dogs, and wouldn't have it any other way.
    Now that i have talked yer 'puter off, how is the wee one?
  4. pupmom2be

    pupmom2be New Member

    He actually did very good. I put my shirt in the crate and a treat and he crawled in. He wimpered for about 10 seconds and I slept next to the crate on the couch. He got up every 3 hrs and peed outside. He accepted going back into the crate with again a minor whimper, I poked my fingers in the crate and he stopped and went to sleep. So far so good.
    Thanks for your help!
  5. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Glad to hear its going so well.
    One thing i would like to point out the reason he quietens when you put your fingers into his crates is because he is learning a whimper will get your attention......

    I personally let mine cry it out and you can be sure that after 1-2nights of them crying they leanr i am not going to pay them attention to them..

    An old t-shirt or anything with your perfume, deodrant anything that the puppy associateds with you aswell as a ticking clock under his bedding will help settle him..

    So far you seem to have everything under control and sounds like your having lots of fun with him


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