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seeing pets after they have died

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Jamiya, Sep 15, 2006.

  1. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Hey all. Remember we have talked several times about seeing pets after they die? My sister's family (including their dogs) have seen one of their cats that died earlier this year. Several different people have seen her on different occasions.

    After my Patches (kitty) died, I was hoping I would see him - but I never have. My daughter (12 years old) mentioned once that she thought she saw him sleeping on a chair out of the corner of her eye, but every time she turned her head to look, the chair was empty. I was so happy - he's with us!

    My daughter got very sick a couple of weeks ago and we ended up in the hospital having her appendix removed. Before her surgery, while she was feverish and very sick, she said she saw Patches standing in her room by the door. I told her he was going to surgery with her to watch over her.

    I wish I could see him!!
  2. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Interesting that this comes up. I saw my horse a LOT after he first died. Always in the same feild on the way to the stable and always as plain as day he stood out there grazing away.

    My Honijade that we put down recently is following me around. Recently I keep hearing a brush of air past me or agains my leg (she never watched where she was going). It's strange because I'm fixing on getting another pup here shortly. I hope I don't offend. I actually think that HJ would have liked the idea of playing with a pit bull puppy.

  3. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    Strange occurrences but believable. The afternoon after I had to put my old Jake to sleep we returned home to upset to do anything but lie down. I was really hurting with the grief when suddenly I felt a warm soft fur brush against my arm. At once I felt better and came to grips with my loss for I realized the Jake was there watching after me. It has not occurred since but I feel that some part of Jake is there in Duke.
    One thing Jake used to do all of the time was to get trapped in a little used guest room. Any time the door was not completely shut Jake, for some reason, would push the door open and go into that room. The door was one of those that would swing slowly shut so Jake could not push it open. He would just sit there without making a sound waiting for us to come let him out. We would soon notice his absence and we always knew where to find him.
    Remember the story about how we got Duke. Duke, as a very young puppy met Jake in the Vets office just a few weeks before Jake passed away. I remember them meeting and thinking one life going, a new life coming. I got a call from the Vet seven weeks after Jake passed asking me if I could take Duke. The owners remembered meeting us and they had to find a new home for Duke. Of course I could not refuse, it was fate.
    Just the second day after we brought Duke home, he was about 7 months old, I couldn't find him in the house. I called, no response. You guessed it. I eventually found him quietly sitting in that guest room with the door swung shut.
    Since then he has done that on several occasions.
    Some things just can't be explained.
  4. Sara

    Sara New Member

    actually ever since I've been hearing the rush of HJ I'm assuming... I've felt much better about her passing.

    Your story makes me wonder what tricks she will teach the new one?...

  5. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    OK, I've got goose bumps.

    I grew up with a little toy terrier named Maxx. He was supossed to be my dog but I was 14 and he attached himself to my Mom. He was always cold and would follow my Mom everywhere--would even stand under the edge of her robe. He died in 1997 and my brother gave her Reuben the pom in 2002. I believe Maxx came back to us but with a warm coat. Reuben is sooooooooo attached to my Mom and will stand under her robe's edge and even lead her down the hallway by the hem of the robe. She has even found him lying on Maxx's tombstone. Now the logical part of me says it's because the stone is cool but I'm really not that logical. I totally believe the Maxx is somewhere in Reuben...he acts so much like him.
  6. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    after my beloved elderly cat, Tami, died quite a few years ago now and then I would feel her beside me on the bed, on my pillow, etc. I would reach up thinking it was my other cat, Sessy, settling in - and there would be no little body there. I know it was Tami coming to bed.
  7. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    I still have very vivid dreams about Sheba or Cedo where they're still here with me. The dreams are so realistic. Then when I wake I think they're in the room with me and for the moment I think they're still here. I've even gone so far as to get up thinking that I need to let them out to do their business. Then it will hit me, that they've been gone for 5 and 6 years now.

    The feeling of them being present is so strong and then it will slowly subside. I refer to them as my "visits." You can't convince me that dogs don't have souls.
  8. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I wish I could see my Patches again. I'm glad my daughter has seen him. Maybe I'm too much the engineer for him to be able to visit me. :(
  9. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    We lost our Malamute just about a year ago. One of her favorite things to do was to get a big drink, then come over and wipe her chin on my pant leg. A few days after her death, my dachshund, who has never done anything remotely like that got a drink and came over to wipe his chin on my pant leg. I know where he got that idea from. Someone was whispering in his ear.

    I also have a little black dog that seems to show up whenever there's danger or some sort of trouble. I see him from the corner of my eye, he's there, and then he's gone. One time he stood in front of me, growling and snarling, and kept me from going back to my apartment. Once I turned to walk away, he disappeared. I found out the next morning there'd been a shooting in the building right about the same time I would have been going in. So every time I get a glimps of him, I know something's wrong.
  10. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    We used to see Gris all the time. And not so much after we got Smokey and Charllotte. But after they both died, I would hear them all the time. And dream.

    Now that I've got my 'boels, I don't see them as much.
    But Granvel still says he hears Gris's tags jingling in the back of the truck when he's on long drives.
  11. Sara

    Sara New Member

    I hear HJ too. I've heard her more than anything lately. Every time I get home I hear her hollering like she always did when I stepped through the front door. Interresting how that is.

    It's actually been very theraputic this weekend to have the new pup around.


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