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  4. Live Spirulina

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epalzeorhynchus bicolor....haha, ok...red-tailed shark

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by mjknigh, Sep 18, 2006.

  1. mjknigh

    mjknigh New Member

    Hey everyone, i just had a couple questions about this little guy. i wanted to try breeding the redtails, when i get a few tanks that i can use to study the guys, cuz i realize that it is extremely hard to breed red-tails so im taking up the challenge

    Just some simple things the grow 4-6 in, ph=6.5-7.5, Temp=73-79degreesF,
    They live for five to eight yrs. and that's some basic stuff, though most of you, if not all, knew that.

    Males have a solid black bodies and females a greyish belly and the females are also less colorful and bigger than males.

    K, now breeding info that i found out. I will need rocky caves for them to breed in and with very dim or no light, in the caves it takes thirty to sixty hours and free swimming in four days, the red-tail appears in seven to ten weeks.

    Well, sorry, that was really long and it does kinda look like im just showing off, but i just wanted to know if i was misinformed or if i'm missing anything out? Well thank you so much for your time!

  2. Used

    Used New Member

    Because of how aggressive Red-Tailed Black Sharks are towards one another it is extremely difficult to successfully breed them. It is also very rare for them to breed in captivity. From what I've read you need a very large tank(100-150g), a large group of them, and having the tank planted helps.

    Well good luck.
  3. mjknigh

    mjknigh New Member

    alright, thnx alot!

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