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Anyone know about this?

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by iluvmykittys, Sep 26, 2006.

  1. iluvmykittys

    iluvmykittys New Member

    My cat got bit by a tick last week.
    We removed it, all was Fine.
    About 3 days ago or so.....My cat's eye looked about 1/4 closed. It looked like he was smirking with his eye....Like a half wink kind of.
    Just took him to the Vet today.
    She put an ointment in his eye...gave him an Anti-biotic Shot, and gave my husband medicine (I am not sure if its for his eye or by mouth. Can't get a full story....Until I go home at Lunch time. He was driving and didn;t tell me everything)...
    The Vet said its either an Allergic Reaction to the Tick...or an Infection.
    Anyone evr have this with their cat??? I have to call the Vet later this afternoon to let her know if the swelling went down or not....I guess she will take it from there?! I have no idea....
    PLease write back.
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I'd first find out what the medicine is for...you can look it up online to find out if it is to be put in the eye (that's a definite 2-person job).
    The face doesn't have a lot of fat on it so I would imagine if the tick was close enough to the eye it would casue a fair amount of swelling. The tick I pulled off my groin area this summer :oops: :roll: :shock: swelled significantly and stayed that way for awhile. And it hurt too
    Poor kitty
  3. iluvmykittys

    iluvmykittys New Member

    Help!! 4 meds for a swollen cheek...??

    Ok, I have these meds for my Kitty's swollen cheek/face area..
    Clavamox (Liquid Drops) (Daily)
    Chlorpheniramme (Sp?) 4mg Pills (1/2 Tablet 2x Daily 7 days)
    Erythromycin Ointment 0.5% (3X daily for 10 days)
    Neo-Poly Bac w/HC Ointment (2X daily for 3-5 days)

    He is diabetic, so I wonder if the swelling will take longer to go away? I hope he is OK. My Vet doesn't know if its an infection...like COngunctivitis, or maybe an infection wher ethe tick bite was. The whole area where the bite was is red, and swollen....but his Right eye is leaking a think, pussy fluid every now & then....like an eye cold would do...
    I am sooo worried for him. He is my baby. I want him to get better...and I hate having to giv ehim 4 different types of meds. He hates them...and he runs when he sees us coming!! :( Poor Baby!!! :(

    Anyone have an ideas about this swollen area- and the meds.
    Write back, please!!

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