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Sick Little Freckles Boy

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Dukesdad, Sep 27, 2006.

  1. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    Yesterday when I got home from work I found that Freckles had experienced a bad bout of Diarrhea, unfortunately, while in his crate. Needless to say everything was a mess. Got the crate out back and cleaned and disinfecteted everything and then had to do the same with Freckles. He was never fond of the sprayer on the hose but when I took off the sprayer he settled down and I spent about half an hour giving him a bath.
    He did drink water and for supper I cooked up some brown rice and chicken. He was OK overnight and for breakfast more brown rice with a little of his regular food.
    The little guy was pretty mopey last night and just slept on the couch next to me, a far cry from his normal hyperdrive. This morning he seemed back to normal so hopefully he will be OK today.
  2. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    poor freckles, he must have ate somethign that didnt agree with him, glad to hear is doing better
  3. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Dehydration can get them pretty down as I'm sure you know. You might try some pedia lite in his water as it will help restore those electrolytes lost in that poo. Not sure if this is known but the bowels are where the body absorbs it's moisture so anytime you have the poops you get dehydration setting in pretty quick. With us and our doggies... Hope he gets to feeling better. We've been off and on since my girl died so we've added rice to every other feeding and so far so good.

    Is brown rice better than white for some reason?

  4. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    Not sure about the brown rice but my guess would be that it offers more nutrition and fiber than white rice. Any feeding regimen for dogs that includes rice always seems to specify brown rice.
  5. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    I found a rice that my dogs really like here at Stater Brothers. It is called California Brown Rice. Takes a little longer than most to cook (45 mins) but it sure is hearty and tasty too. When I cook meals there is always left over rice and they all get some. Makes for a nice comfortable full belly for the evening.
  6. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Hmm any time I've heard a vet talk about the "bland diet" they don't specify brown or white rice.

    Since we're just using rice as a binder through a stressfull moving time I'm not too worried about nutrition content as their feed is providing that for them since nothing in their dog food regimine has changed.

  7. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Either brown or white rice can be used.

    For weight gain after a dog been seriously ill or was a rescue that was not looked after properly most people will use Brown rice due to it contain more nutrional value, But the downside is its heavier on the stomach but does not cause a problem.

    White rice is usually used just to settle down there stomachs if being sick or diarreah as its light on there stomach.

    I feed both to my dogs with no problems so i guess its down to each individual owner what they decide to use..

    Hope Freckles gets back to normal really quick give him a hug from me and the gang..

  8. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    You can also try the rice they use for baby cereal, I believe. I was told to try this for my parvo pups when they were on the mend.
  9. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Is Freckles still feeling okay?
  10. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    Thank goodness yes. When I got home yesterday I was affraid to open the door but all was OK and he is back to being Freckles again. Monday night when he was not feeling well he just slept next to me on the couch. Last night he was in my face again with that tennis ball, pawing at my arm and being his usual butt head self. I told him that just because he missed aggravating everyone, including Duke, on Monday night that he could NOT double up his efforts to make up for it. :D
  11. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    oh poor freckles! I hope he wasn't eating any spinach!
    I hope he feels better!

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