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Anyone tried these Products? Dog and Human Vitamines

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by DMikeM, Sep 25, 2006.

  1. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member


    A friend gave the K9 Glucosamine product to me, 2 bottles for Pepsi to help with her hips as she is aging and her joints seem to bug her some.
    I have given her a couple doses of Ascriptin (?sp). And that seems to help some.
    My dogs self feed so they have food in the bowel all the time so i have to give Pepsi her liquid boost directly down the hatch.

    Anyone have any input on this, good or bad?
  2. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I looked into this awhile back and thought it was too expensice, it looked like just a glocosomine/msm supplement that didnt have enough dose of anything else to warrnt the cost, but I just did a search on one of the ingredients called Hyaluronic acid.

    My dad just had this stuff injected into his knee for pain relief. I had no idea they had it in supplement form for humans and animals.

    So i am going to try this for Wylie. I have her on high dose of gluco/msm and no good results. sometimes she can barely walk. As for you, Unless you are having severe problems it might not warrant it for the expense. If Pepesi is just moving more slowly you want want to get her a good gluco/msm supplemtn along with a good senior vitamin
  3. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Asperin can cause bleeding in the belly. I didn't know this until Honijade went in when she was sick. They mentioned coffee grounds in her puke and wanted to know if we gave her anything like that or asperin. We had given her a baby asperin as her eye was red and she seemed annoyed by it two days before going into the vet... This is probably where the coffe ground looking stuff came from as it was blood stuff from bleeding in her tum when we gave her the baby asperin.

    FYI it does happen in some dogs. It had NOTHING to do with HJ's illness and subsequent Euthanasia so don't flip out about that bit.

  4. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    Well I gotta say this. Pepsi is acting like a whole different dog in just 2 days. I had already decided no more Ascriptin for her so I will know for sure tonite when i get home if it is the Liquid Health, the Ascriptin, or just coinceinence.

    Sara, I became aware of the Possible side effects of Asperin and dogs a long time ago but was told Ascriptin would be ok. But after seeing a recent news flash about hundreds of people losing dogs to NSAIDS ( non steriodal antiinflammatories) I decided that she would not be getting anymore Ascriptin.

    honeybears, I will look into other products down the line as I had 2 bottles of the stuff donated to me. I have been looking at Syn-Flex for a good GL MSM suppliment.
  5. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Sarah, thanks for your experience with Asprin, I give Wylie 150 mg which is even higher than baby aspiriin. what to do, what do do. worry about Ulcers with aspirin, or liver problems with nsaids. Her liver enzymes are high but the vet thought not high enough if I wanted to try nsaids.

    Ascriptin is a blend of apirin, calcium cabaronte and milk of magnesia?

    so is ascriptin for bowel problems but has aspirin for pain?

    Mike, aspirin cause ulcers and NSAIDS (human version is Ibuprofin) cause the liver damage and death.

    It could very well be the ascription because that would be fast acting. glucosomine and msm take labout 30 days to work thru the body and start showing improvement
  6. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    Ascriptin is supposed to be like a super buffered Asprin. Real gentle on the stomach.

    I agree Pepsi could be reacting to the Ascriptin which is another reason I stopped giving it to her. But the LiquidHealth contains some ingrediants that may be contributing to her sudden recovery. Before I started giving her either product her hips were really starting to bother her and I could see signs of extreme fatigue. But now she is bothersome and acts like she wants me to take her on a walk.
    We will see in the next weeks to come how things go as fall brings on the cold here in the mountains.
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    There's something else for arthritis called DGP that you may want to look into: http://www.doggonepain.com/. Whole Dog Journal did an article on it and they seemed to like it. I'm sure it's pricey, though.
  8. Sara

    Sara New Member

    the MOM in the Ascripton would help with the ulcer thing. I'm sure nervous dogs etc... are more likely to get ulcers from asperin than others and no doubt dosage does matter.

    Glad the pooch is doing better though.

  9. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    She is a whole different dog now. She used to get severe tremors in her legs when she would stand still, now they are minor. My back deck is a full 12 stairs up and she used to have a hard time at the 4th stair but now has run up the whole flight at different times. She keeps wanting me to go out back and play fetch, even though she is near exhausted after 5 throws she keeps wanting to play.
    She has been eating twice as much as she was last week, and has been wandering around the back yard playing and exploring, things she has not done in over a year.
    This is a near 14 year old Staffordshire Terrier, that was experiancing rapid weight loss and atrophy in her rear leg muscles.
    I hope this is not a temporary thing for her as I did not expect her to even make it through this upcoming winter.
  10. Sara

    Sara New Member

    They're tough dogs. I hope she keeps up the improvement.

  11. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    that is great news! how much dosage of the ascriptin is she taking?
  12. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    I stopped giving her Ascriptin (500Mg once in the morning) last Sunday. She is only taking the LiquidHealth K9 now.
    2 Tblsp 2 times a day.
  13. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I am bringing this up because my vet put Wylie on something similar a few weeks ago, called Syn-flex. She is a different dogs. she barely limps and she is much more active and playful. ALmost back to her old self
  14. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    Yep SynFlex is almost the same thing. Pepsi is still doing great and with adding a heater to her dog house she is even happier than before.

    I am glad Wylie is experiencing the boost like Pepsi. It just reminds me to keep up her treatments.

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