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Please Help, my puppy isnt eatting great! plz read.

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Jedi, Sep 29, 2006.

  1. Jedi

    Jedi New Member

    we have a pomapoo, probably 8 pounds or so and he is 7mths old.

    How do i get him to eat all of his food???

    we started him on purina puppy chow complete nutrition. he seemed to be eating ok... not great. when we went on vacation my mom was like i dont think he likes his food as he doesnt eat and she didnt think we were giving him enough either. well when we got home he started eatting better again. THen it was time to buy new food. I saw purina puppy chow had another brand called healthy morsels formula that had hard and soft chews. so we got that. he seemed super happy and loved it at first, couldnt wait to eat. we also found out his new amount he should be eating in a day, which was MUCH more then we had been giving him. We feed him twice a day. Well his was eating great right away but still not the amount he should be. Well then we learned if it was on the floor instead of in his bowl he ate it better. not sure why, so we started putting it all on the floor. he still doesnt eat all he should maybe MAYBE 1/2 of what he should and that is taking him back two or three or so times to his food. he kind of plays with it will paw it then eat it.

    Any suggestions?

    We did start picking it up so he cant eat again till night time. he eats about 12 hrs apart.

    Should i change his dogfood back to what he was on even though they are both purina puppy chow just a different type or try something altogether different or just keep him on this.

    I wish I could just feed him and leave him and when he is done he has ate all or most but he doesnt. Oh we also tried locking him in an area till he ate but he will not eat AT ALL then.

    UGH, he is pickier then my kids! Please any suggestions?? He seems healthy otherwise.
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    If he likes the food and your vet is happy with his weight and general health then I would keep him what he is on.

    Personally I feed dry food mainly but my dogs have always got some canned meat mixed in once a day (and have always got the odd bit of food that Im eating, carrots, couple of slices/pieces of chicken, beef etc except when Ive had a dog that has certain food allergies).

    As you know shutting him in didnt work, no surprise there, some dogs will eat better if you with them, some better when your not. How long where you trying to pick up the food after 10 minutes and not putting it down again until the next feed was due? This can take a few days before they figure it out. The other thing is with the real small guys I will usually feed them 3 times a day, even if one of those meals is just a light snack, a lot of real small dogs just cant handle the amount of food they need when only given twice daily. The biggest concern I would have providing there are no current health issues is that the small ones can get hypoglycemic if they dont eat something every few hours (about every 4-6 hours).
  3. gypsy

    gypsy New Member

    Thats right.....we have pomeranians, and have never done the twice, or thrice daily feed thing, we feed free choice. Makes housebreaking a little more interesting, but we also have never had problems associated with dogs who wolfe their food down. If you are going to have a feeding schedule, i would go for at least four times a day. The little guys just can't eat enough to last for 8-12 hours.

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