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Help I need websites or information about english pointers!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by leslieb8186, Oct 20, 2006.

  1. leslieb8186

    leslieb8186 New Member

    OK my "Dearest" husband thought it would be a good idea that we bring in another dog. Now I just got thro with one that had parvo my 5 1/2 month old rottie Dante. Well Sabrina is 2 1/2 and is hyper as all get out. I don't really like hyper active dogs is there any info or website someone can help me with to get to know the english pointers alittle bit better. Its going to take some time and training I know but the hyperness oh my I get a headache everytime I look at her..I know thats bad! Ok PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.. :shock:
  2. tuttifrutti

    tuttifrutti New Member

    I have two brittany spaniels, who are also extremely hyperactive. I walk them about 3 miles every night, and we play frisbee and fetch at various times throughout the day. Training also helps them, because it gets rid of mental energy. As far as websites about english pointers, I couldn't find any that were about anything more than the breed standard. Maybe you can find a book at a local book store, or off of amazon.com.
  3. leslieb8186

    leslieb8186 New Member

    Thank you so much!

    Thank you for helping me out! I try to walk her everyday she slept really good last night for the first time lol even tho it was in our bed as long as she's comfy thats all that matters but I really do appreciate it. :y_the_best:
  4. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I have a dog with that is so hyper its like she is on speed!. Walking just doenst cut it for her, she loves her walks but she has to run and play. She is 8 years old now and except for getting arthritis she is as hyper as ever.

    So I would recommend both walks and play and if you have an area to let her run. I agree with Tutti, get some training, you might find one that that geives them a job to due since that is what they are bred for.

    A tired dog is a happy dog.

    how did you come to acquire the her?
  5. hermann muenster

    hermann muenster New Member

    I agree with the idea of giving the dog a "job" to do. Dogs love to have jobs!

    Not to cause any marital problems --- but ----- if you husband wanted the dog --- how about if he took the dog to a training class. Maybe just an obedience class (even if the dog is already trained) or a class to learn about hunting. Or, how about learning to get a newspaper in the morning, or training to become a therapy dog, or learning some advanced tricks?

    I don't know where you live, but around here, many times the weather doesn't permit for long walks - so having "jobs" besides walking really helps exhaust some of that extra energy!
  6. leslieb8186

    leslieb8186 New Member

    Well we aquired her from a friend of ours their pit bull female Candy is getting aggressive and Candy was bout to kill her cuz Sabrina was pretty much giving up letting Candy win. As far as classes go their to expensive and we're in the miltary so we don't have much money to go by. I know everyone thinks miltary have money nope sure don't Lcpl pay for the Marines SUCK!!..so i'm doing whut I can she runs with our 5 1/2 month old rottie Dante we have a fenced in back yard so she runs in circles..her previous owner has done "very little" with her in the hunting department once I get her trust i'll take her out where we usually go hunting at alrighty thank you all for your suggestions!
  7. hermann muenster

    hermann muenster New Member

    Dog training classes don't necessarily cost much money! Personally, I have stayed away from expensive training facilities.

    The training is only as good as the time YOU spend teaching and reinforcing the lessons with your dog!

    We had a dog that we took to a park district training class ($25.00 for 8 weeks!) that dog got his CGC and went on to became a therapy dog.

    I have other dogs that have have also been to park district classes ($12 - $20.00) and 4-H training (free!) One of these dogs has won numerous awards for obedience.

    Do we have brilliant dogs? Nope - believe me, they're just regular dogs --- but WE have spent some time training them. I think they are much happier and confident with their lives because of the classes.

    It might take a little searching - but there are breed clubs, dog clubs, park district, and county groups that offer dog classes either for free or for a small charge.
  8. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Now Now!!!! Depends on the ability of the trainers employed at the expensive training facilites dont you think :wink:

    :lol: sorry....had to say something there, I just started working for one in UK and previously worked for Coast To Coast in California....they are both excellent facilities.

    Anyways, if you want to try it at home by yourself why not get a good video that has the whole training course on. Heres a link for the video from the company I used to work for, Ive been using Morans method for over 10 years now and it works....on every dog.


    You would need the Complete Canine video.

    Good luck.
  9. hermann muenster

    hermann muenster New Member

    That's true. I would expect excellent trainers at the more expensive facilities.

    But................. The Trainer, and the class time is just the very beginning of training! The real training is the repetition and reinforcement of the lessons over a period of time. The trainer and the class time is basically for the owner to learn how to train their dog!

    The video's aren't for everyone. I like the class environment for my dogs. I like the to be able to work in a group at least for that one session per week. I think getting out of the house, going to a different location helps everyone learn better.
  10. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    Here's one site that will only tell you what you already know, English Pointers need a LOT of exercise.

    Working breeds can benefit from carrying a bit of weight in a backpack to enhance an exercise workout but I'm nor sure if a Pointer should carry the weight. Check with a good trainer first.
  11. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    You do realize that you can't just take this dog out hunting and expect her to know what to do, right? Hunting dogs take a lot of training.

    If you don't like hyper dogs, then you may want to reconsider this adoption. Maybe just take her until you can find a better home for her. Trust me, a hyper dog can make your life miserable if that's not what you like. REALLY miserable.

    For a hyper dog, you need to teach them self-control. It is a very tiring process.
  12. tuttifrutti

    tuttifrutti New Member

    I think she will eventually calm down once she settles into your home and gets older, but I can't guaruntee that. My grandad had one and he loved her, he's looking for another english pointer, but can't find one in our area worth less than 20 grand :shock: too bad you don't live closer ;)

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