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Help with a new kitten...PLEASE

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by blong303, Oct 22, 2006.

  1. blong303

    blong303 New Member

    I am not a new pet owner. We have a dog. I grew up with having dogs, rabbits, guinea pigs. Just never owned a cat. My 19 year old daughter wants a cat that she will be responsible for. Here is my questions... rather lenghtly.. sorry. ( my daughter stills lives at home so the cat would live here with our family and dog.) While purchasing some produce at a farm , an adorable 8 month old kitten came up to my daughter and starting pawing at her leg and following her around. She pick the kitten up in her arms and the kitten began purring. I must say it was the most friendly farm cat and the owner said since we seem to like her so much we could take her home if we would like. Another couple came to the produce stand and the kitten immeadiatly aapproached them as well. Of course my daughter wanted totakeher home. I have these reservations , not being prepared at home and being to spare of the moment discission. My question is this. Since this kitten has lived outside all of its 8 months , how difficult would it be to have it be an indoor cat? How hard to train it for the litter box. I do not have experience with cats. Has anyone out there have a similar experience. Any help would be greatly appreicated.
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    when/if you bring this kitten home keep him/her isolated in a room w/a litterbox. Perhaps your daughter's room that way they'll bond.
    Leave the cat isolated until you can get a vet check done along with a fecal. Chances are good since she's always been outside she'll have some intestinal parasite you have to medicate for., and possibly fleas too.
    Please don't use that OTC crap for either deworming or fleas.
    Make the vet appointment for spay/neuter then once she is healed from that start to integrate to yoru household slowly.
    But keeping her isolated in a room w/a litterbox will help her use it.
  3. blong303

    blong303 New Member


    Thanks so much for your response. It is helpful to us. Now about the cat litter. Does it matter what kind we would use? I read something about different textures of litter. And if it is an outside cat it may perfer a ground like texture. Really not familar with this cat litter thing so I need some advice on that as well. Thanks again for everythng and have a great day. :D
  4. nern

    nern New Member

    I agree with everything Mary said. I had taken in 2 cats (approx. 1yr old) that were dumped on a farm. I believe they had lived outdoors for all or most of their lives but I had no trouble getting them to use the litter box and converting them to indoor cats. I kept them confined in the beginning also.
    For cat litter, most cats seem to prefer sandy type litter with small granules so that is what I would try first.
  5. vene

    vene New Member

    I've had a very feral cat and he had no problems using the regular cat litter. He was contained in the bathroom. If the regular cat litter doesn't work, you can always try the Cat Attract litter that's supposed to work really well. Good luck with the new kitty!
  6. blong303

    blong303 New Member

    Thanks everyone for all of the help. It is most appreicated and I am so glad there are sites like this that can help us out. Hope everyone has a great week. :lol:
  7. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Since it's been outside all its life, it would be a good idea to get it tested for FeLV and FIV. Even though you don't have any other cats, both of those are nasty, highly fatal diseases so it would be good to get it tested.

  8. blong303

    blong303 New Member

    We just picked up are new kitty today. We spoke with the farmer and he said she was born in May. So she is more like 5 months old. She goes for a vet check up tommorrow. I will be sure and bring up the FELV diseases Chelle mentioned. Thanks again. :D
  9. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Congratulations and good luck with your new friend!
  10. blong303

    blong303 New Member

    Our new kitty is doing wonderful. So glad I let my daughter talk me into letting her have her. She was at the vet yesterday and is in healthy condition. Only the minor things that go along with being on a farm and never being indoors. She has worms and ear mites , which we are treating her for both. She started using the litter box as soon as we showed her. Never realized a kitty was this easy. Hope I haven't spoke to soon. We have always owned dogs. There is work with all animals just some more then others. Well thanks everyone again for all your help. Have a great weekend. :lol:
  11. Ehilse

    Ehilse New Member

    So glad it all turned out for you, now your making me want to get another kitten... :wink:
  12. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    :eek: :eek: :eek:
    a good home for a sweet kitten - couldn't ask for better
  13. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    LOL Good stuff, seems your on your way to having a good life with the Kitty..
    If you have time, Id love to see a picci of her.. :D :eek:
  14. lunaguy

    lunaguy New Member

    Congrats on the new addition to your family. Yes, I would love to see some pictures too!

    It's amazing how easily cats can apparently adapt to using a litterbox. Luna never used one for the first 3 years of her life, and she took to it instantly. Well, she thought it was a comfy bed at first, but when nature called, she knew just what to do!

    >Just never owned a cat.

    Give it a few weeks and it will be obvious who owns whom now. Poor unsuspecting human, haha. :)

    Good luck!
  15. blong303

    blong303 New Member

    Yes , I would love to send pics....but I am not sure how it works? Do you have to pay a membership in order to show pictures? On another note kitty is doing great her name is Sophie. Our 2 1/2 year old sheltie , Maggie are doing great together. THey like each others company. So glad this is all working out. I do have another question regarding the litter box. My daughter first contained Sophie to her bedroom and the litter pan in her room as well. Sophie now roams all over the house and we place a new litter box in the basement. We showed it to her and she has used it several times. (as long as we show her each time.) Would it be a mistake to take the other litter pan out of my daughters bedroom? We really would like her to just use the one in the basement. Is it to soon to get rid of the upstairs one? I sure do not want any accidents. Thanks everyone for all your help. :lol:
  16. vene

    vene New Member

    Congrats on your new addition! :eek:

    Most people use Snapfish, Tinypic, or Photobucket, free sites to upload your pics.

    Here's Chessmind's great explaination on how to upload photos here:

  17. eman

    eman New Member

    if her food is in the basement too and she spends most of her time in the basement..then i see no problem in removing the one in ur daughter's room. if not, u can move the box gradually..move it a little closer to the basement every day..

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