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How do i discipline a Husky pup?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Ehilse, Oct 25, 2006.

  1. Ehilse

    Ehilse New Member

    Does anyone no how to stop a husky pup (around 5 months old) to stop jumping up? She is going well with sitting but with a 15 month old and another one due in afew months i really need Sasha (husky) to stop jumping on us. I have been tapping her on the nose when she does it (don't yell at me :roll: ) but she thinks i'm playing???

    Anyone have any ideas?? [-o<
  2. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    ther ehave been some good previous posts about this but couldnt find them but I did find this. I also posted aboute some advice people gave on how to introduce their dog to theri newborn too

    http://www.dogproblemsolutions.com/how_ ... umping.php

    this is about bringing introducing a baby
    To stop them being hyper when you first come home, what you need to do now (you dont want them jumping everywhere when you walk through the door if your carrying your baby).
    I would completely ignore them for about the first 15 minutes after coming home....dont talk to them, dont pet them....just basically go in, take off your coat, maybe go into kitchen make a coffee or something....then you can make a fuss of them. Some people dont like the idea of this as they kind of feel bad that theyve left the dogs alone but dogs dont think like we do, yes they are happy to see you....theyll be just as happy in 15 minutes though, they do adjust to this usually pretty quickly.

    I actually do this for about 15 minutes after coming home and the same before I leave, cuts down on chances of seperation anxiety and destructive behaviour while your gone.

    Something I forgot earlier. With the attention thing, also try to give your dog less attention as the baby comes closer, so that it does not seem as though the baby is the cause for the loss of attention. For instance, if you walk your dogs twice a day, but are going to have to cut it down to once a day after the baby comes, do that before the baby comes so that the baby does not appear to be the cause of the loss.

    First golden rule, no matter how much you trust your dogs NEVER leave your baby unattended with them, not even to go and answer the front door, to pick up the phone in another room. Even with the gentleset dogs accidents can happen.

    One of the things I did when I was pregnant was I would lay on the couch, invariably one of the dogs wuld be up there with me anyway, they would lay with their head near my belly....they can hear the babys heartbeat, feel the movement. Should say though if your dogs go on the furniture now but you wont want them on when the baby's here then I would stop them getting up there now, that way the jobs already done and its one thing you shouldnt have to worry about when the time comes.

    One thing that you can do now is get a blanket and lay it on the floor (like you might if your playing with your baby.....teach the dogs to stay off the blanket.....kind of like the blanket is a boundary and theyre not allowed to cross it. I would work with one dog at a time intitially, as soon as the dog steps on the blanket....a stern NO....'off', keep doing it over and over again, dogs do learn boundary areas pretty quick if your consistent. Kind of like some people dont like their dogs being in the kitchen or dining area, so as soon as the dog steps foot over the doorway (usually like one of those metal strips that holds the carpet down.....or the flooring itself goes from carpet to tile etc) they give them a stern NO and the dog will back off a little.

    One of the things that can really make a dog anxious is a lot of crying, you can get tapes or cds of various different sounds including babies crying.....if you can get one of these (or even if you know someone who has a young baby, see if they can record the crying)....start playing it quietly while the dogs are around and gradually increase the volume, (aou dont need to play it for long periods either)....this should desensitize them somewhat, they will no doubt still react when they hear your baby but it shouldnt be as alarming for them. A lot of dogs will want to alert you when they hear the baby crying, desensitzing them a little wont stop that....again instead of just the sound they will also be picking up on scent and movement. It should just take away any major anxiety issues that they may have with the sound of the crying.
  3. Ehilse

    Ehilse New Member

    Thanks so much honeybears, i get so angry at sasha but i have to remember she's still a pup. i'll let you no how it all goes.... fingers crossed. :m10:
  4. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    I've had a lot of success teaching dogs not to jump on people by simply putting my hand out, palm in their face, and telling them "OFF". I think a single word works better than two word commands, like "No Jump." But that's just my observation. Others may have different experiences.

    It's very important to pay attention to what your body language is saying. If your voice is saying "OFF" or "No Jump", but your hands are saying "Jump Up", your dog is going to respond to what your hands are saying, not what your voice is saying.

    It's also important to reward as soon as you get a positive response. Simply saying "Off" without following up with a "Good dog" as soon as your dog settles without putting her feet on you doesn't teach her what behavior is preferred to jumping.

    If she already knows "sit", you can also start making her sit as soon as she starts acting like she wants to jump on you. As soon as she sits, you can give her attention. If she's jumping around, she doesn't get the attention she wants until she does sit. It's like dogs at the airport who are taught to sit when the sniff out something that's not allowed, like food or drugs. The dog sits, and is rewarded. You can do the same thing to teach your dog not to jump. If she sits, she gets a reward. If she doesn't, she doesn't get a reward.
  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I have been taught to ignore the dog while it is jumping on you - just keep turning your back and moving away. I cross my arms and stare at the ceiling. When the dog gives up and sits down, then you pay attention. If they get back up when you try to pet them, it all starts over again.

    Take a look at some of these training videos: http://www.nerdbook.com/sophia/movies.html to see it in action.
  6. tuttifrutti

    tuttifrutti New Member

    In the book I just finished reading (The Other End of the Leash, highly reccomend it) it was talking about how dogs interpret what human's body motions say. One of the problems addressed was jumping, and how your natural reaction when a dog comes to jump on you is to lean back, which actually creates more space for the dog to jump into, and encourages it. Moving foward, on the other hand, averting your face, and basically blocking the space, meeting them half way, discourages jumping.
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I have found that different things work with different dogs. Some people swear by the "knee them in the chest when they jump up" thing, but for Nala that was useless. Moving into her space was okay, but totally ignoring her - even leaving the room when she wasn't able to follow - was the thing that worked best. With the new foster dog, moving into his space works REALLY well. I lean over him and sort of rush at him, and then he keeps 4-on-the-floor for quite a while before he forgets and we repeat.

    Not many things work well with Nala, but I was genuinely irked this morning and was feeling very grouchy. She was outside and kept bashing against the door to come inside and I had had ENOUGH of that. I opened the door and snapped "KNOCK IT OFF!" Apparently it was the exact right tone of voice for her to know I was serious and she backed way up. I told her to SIT and STAY, closed the door and walked off. I did what I needed to do before letting her back in, and actually I sort of forgot about her. A few minutes later I opened the door to let Bonnie out, and Nala was still sitting there. :eek: She got much praise for that.
  8. Ehilse

    Ehilse New Member

    Thanks heaps everyone for your comments, i'm trying the holding her paws when she jumps up and then let them go around 30 seconds later. i don't no if it's working. it's hard to be consistance when i have things in my hand or my son... will keep working on it.

    Thanks again for your help. :wink:

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