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2 yr old shih tzu doing #2 in the house (didn't for a year!)

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by itmustbepuppylove, Oct 28, 2006.

  1. itmustbepuppylove

    itmustbepuppylove New Member

    Hello All,

    It's been a while since I've been all, mostly because things have been going sooo great with my wonderful shih tzu bentley.

    He learned to potty outside all the time for over a year, no mistakes ever! (he could hold it while was away at work, etc.) So I have actually been so surprised and really pleased with his house breaking. Until recently....

    He still never pees inside but he does, about once a week, go #2 in the house. Disturbingly, he actually eats some of it after he does it.

    Some things have changed in our lives. He and I now live with my boyfriend and his dog - a 100 lb chocolate lab. The two dogs get along perfectly and really enjoy being together :) It's really so cute given the 85 lb difference!

    Maybe a new house and a new dog friend around all the time (before we lived alone, no other pets) are the cause???

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE offer me any suggestions you have. We are willing to do whatever it takes to get him back to his housetrained state!!!

    Thanks guys!
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Youve probably hit the nail on the head already with the move, new environment etc. Did this start shortly after moving in?

    Couple of things come to mind,
    is he neutered?
    is the chocolate lab neutered? (is it a male or female)?

    it could be a territorial/dominance issue, hes just letting the other dog know that this is his place, this could depend on both dogs personality types. You should be able to stop it though but you have to be vigilant, catch him in the act so you can sternly tell him no and then get him outside. You will need to clean the areas hes been doing it (is he going to the same place every time or all over?) not just with a regular disinfectant but with something stronger that will eliminate the scents....not just cover them up so us humans cant smell it.
  3. gypsy

    gypsy New Member

    What DeLa sez. I might add, there are products to add to his food to keep him from eating his feces, such as Forbid. This is typically a puppy thing, due to a mineral deficiency, but is seen in adult dogs occasionally. I would also take him to the vet for a physical.............marking territory generally involves urine rather than feces.....so might be some type of bug he's got.

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