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Dixie Chick gives me a scare

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Mary_NH, Oct 29, 2006.

  1. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    Since arriving home from the shelter I hadn't seen Dixie....asked Paul he hadn't seen her either.
    I searched everywhere, even in spots I just know she won't fit in.
    I kept thinking back to when I last saw her and I believe it was early Saturday morning when I cleaned her chin. I don't recall seeing her after that. But I did errands, laundry, some cleaning, went to shelter for a couple of hours, shortly after getting home (around 3) I realized I hadn't seen her - then I couldn't find her.
    Paul and I were watching the movie Sixth Sense and during commercials I would look for Dixie - even tried to get Molly to do some tracking that didn't work.
    Paul was even calling "Dixie time for bed" usually she runs after him. I had a tuna sandwich for dinner - no Dixie.
    I was getting greatly worried...and terrified as to what I would find when I did find her.
    During the movie Paul started squirming a bit in his seat and hearing some scratching.
    We pulled the sleep part of the sofa out and yup....there was Dixie but up inside the back of the sofa STUCK!!!
    We got her out with some coaxing of tuna flakes and pulling the bed all the way out so she'd simply plop to the floor.
    I got to thinking....when I folded the bed up at NINE THIRTY that MORNING the bed folded in hard - I pulled it back out, saw nothing so finished folding. Dixie must have been on the back of it then and was in the sofa for TWELVE HOURS was 9:30pm when we finally found her.
    One life down I believe
  2. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Awwww! The poor girl! I'm glad you found her and she's alright.

    I know the feeling too - I once thought Moe had escaped during a party we were having. People kept coming and going so I thought someone might have let her out. I searched the house, then the street and yard. I was on the verge of tears when she wandered in the room yawning and stretching from a nap. I still don't know the location of some of her sleeping places!
  3. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    I'm so glad you found her! That is such an awful feelinig you get while searching. All sorts of horrible things come to your mind.

    Booger did that to me one day and I was literally on the verge of tears too. She had just fallen to sleep on a pile of blankets in the attic and didn't hear me when I called her. I was really panicing because she ALWAYS comes running when I call her. I went upstairs and called and called for her and then she finally came around the corner with her usual sleepy/puffy face.

    I was soooo relieved!
  4. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Whew! Glad you found her! Sabrina hid under the bed last week when my Aunt and Uncle were staying with me. They closed her up in the room with them and she is too much of a lady to wake them up to let her out so she was in there for about 12 hours too. She came out the next morning and made a beeline for the litterbox!
  5. Bente

    Bente New Member

    awww, poor Dixie :shock: I'm glad she is okay :)
  6. lunaguy

    lunaguy New Member

    Whoa, that's scary. Glad she's ok!
  7. vene

    vene New Member

    How scary. I'm glad you found her! I have a bad habit of locking Rene in closets and the basement so I always check heads before heading out the door or even before bedtime. I also check for toddler heads. (My friend's boss ran over his 2 year old on his way to work one morning and did not realize that his toddler went inside the garage.) I get very paranoid when my furkids don't respond when I call for them. They will usually not respond if they are in a super comfy place.

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