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One Very Angry Cat

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Chezza, Oct 16, 2006.

  1. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    http://video.google.com.au/videoplay?do ... e%3Acomedy

    I cant believe that they think that this is funny, what has happened to this cat for him to be so upset and nasty towards people... :cry: :cry:
    Do "Feral" cats get like this????? Iv never come across a feral one even as nasty as this, they are more fearful than anything..
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    holy moly!!!!
    Siamese Rescue has had to turn some cats down due to their unhandability.
    The Siamese kittens I fostered their mom was PTS when the kittens were only 3 weeks old cause she went into attack mode whenever the shelter staff went near her. She bit a few people.
    That kitty in the video looked terrified
  3. winnie

    winnie New Member

    From my experiance working at an animal hospital, I've noticed that sometimes a cat who is the best cat at home can turn into a complete monster when they go to the vets, especially when you put them in the cages in back.

    Not all cats or even most, but some are like this.

    My cat Romeo is an awesome cat, very sweet, love loves people and attention. However when i have to bring him in and they put him in the back, he goes nuts, scratches, tries to bite, and has escaped from the techs quite a few times, they had to use a net to catch him. People at work would tell me he is too wild, but its only cause he is so scared at the vets. At home he is perfect.
  4. tuttifrutti

    tuttifrutti New Member

    From my experiance working at an animal hospital, I've noticed that sometimes a cat who is the best cat at home can turn into a complete monster when they go to the vets, especially when you put them in the cages in back.

    oh yes, definitely notice this at the vet i work with. there are some cats when all you do is walk past the cage without even looking at them and they hiss and yowl and swat. It takes 2-3 people to get them in their carrier to go home, and we usually have to throw a towel over the cat to restrain it. once you get it up front to the owners though, they are the sweetest cats. the owner will pull them out and the cat just purrs and wants to be petted by everyone.
  5. vene

    vene New Member

    Poor kitty. He looks terrified. :( I don't blame him to be in the defensive mode. His world is being turned upside down.
  6. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    sorry to be in the minority here..but i do think that is funny...that is exactly how my jazz gets when i take her anywhere out of the house..she is such a sheltered kitty..she freaks when anyone walks by my sliding glass door...we live in an apt and it faces teh walk..she hates strangers..and she always yeowls like that..at people, other cats, me sometimes...i think its very funny! but heck..thats just me
  7. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Romeo is the sweetest, lover of a cat at home, but our vet won't even try to take his temperature or do a fecal any more because he doesn't want to get bit.

    And Rusty has such a quiet, cute little meow at home, but as soon as we have him in a carrier in the car, he screams like a banshee.

  8. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    Iv never ever come across a cat so upset like that, I guess I got a tad upset because they laughed, thought it was funny at how upset the cat was.. He was not a happy chappy hey.. But I can see the lighter side, when you work with animals you always have to keep some sense of humour I guess. :D
  9. vene

    vene New Member

    I'm pretty sure they are not laughing at him in a bad way. It is a tad funny about how upset he was by his diminutive meows. I'm sure they felt sorry for him like we all do. :mrgreen:
  10. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    Yea your right vene..I hate to pick him up though, not without a full set of ARMOUR :lol: :lol: :lol:

  11. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Oh my goodness. Poor kitty. I wonder if the camera was scaring him.
  12. yogi

    yogi New Member

    ferral cats are quite

    nasty. I live on a farm and for several years have had ferrals brought out to live on the property. These cats are in fact wild and therefore can be very aggressive. This is not to say that within a controlled situation they cannot be house trained and on the whole become somewhat tame but ferrals are this for a reason and that is they have had no real interhuman contact and are wild to tend for themselves.
  13. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Poor cat. :( I hope he/she is okay now and doing well.
  14. lunaguy

    lunaguy New Member

    Me too. Poor scared little guy. That's how you act when you're afraid, out of your element, and have no control over your circumstances. It reminds me of how frightening and frustrating it must be like to be taken off the street and put into a small cage in a shelter. Man does my heart break at just the sight of a cat in a cage, so I don't find his fear funny in the least (although I can understand how some can). I'm not sure if he's in a cage at the vet's office or if he's in some sort of shelter, but hopefully he's comfortable and relaxing at home right now.

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