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My Dog's Temper Tantrum

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by shihpoolover, Oct 28, 2006.

  1. shihpoolover

    shihpoolover New Member

    My dog is so spoiled. OMG if he does not get a snack first or if I don't let him bully the puppy (if I give them both bones he will take the puppies and lay on it while he eats his) he actually falls out on his side, takes his front paws and starts rubbing his face while make this crazy noise. Then, and I am not kidding, he goes around in a circle like he is break dancing.

    Please tell me that somebody out there has a spoiled dog like mine. Do I need to call the Dog Whisperer? :?
  2. gypsy

    gypsy New Member

    Well, first you need to define spoiled. If you are fine with this behaviour, don't sweat it. If it drives you nuts, yes, you can change it. Your older dog is just asserting his authority, and place in the pecking order. This will be fine as long as the puppy is subordinate. If the pup turns out to be dominate, it can get ugly.
    We have a similar situation happening with our stud and the new girl. I just give him to understand that this is not acceptable, and he is outgrowing it. Just need to be consistent. In my household, snapping fingers works well. In desperate situations, i use a squirtgun, but that is so very humiliating for the kids, i don't use it often. They ALL run! :lol:
  3. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    IMO I believe he should not be able to "Bully" the Puppy..
    Dogs can be taught MANNERS without losing there Pecking order..
    Its not fair that the pup loses his bone just because your older dog says so..Not at all.. At the end of the day, dogs will sort it, but please be fair on the pup too.. Because "YOU" are at the Top of the pecking order.. :)
  4. shihpoolover

    shihpoolover New Member

    Not just the other dog.

    One of the reasons my dog (Ziggy) has his tantrums is because I won't allow him to bully the puppy. Also, the puppy isn't taking his mess anymore. I have noticed just within the past few days that Ziggy came running to me with the puppy hot on his tail after he tried to take something from him. The two of them get along pretty well to be males(one is neutured). Ziggy just likes to have things his way and has tantrums even when it has nothing to do with the other dog. I am definitely working on nipping this in the bud before the puppy picks up this behavior.
  5. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    One of the best ways you can deal with this sort of temper tantrum is to ignore it. Scoop his little butt up and put him in "time out" in another room until he cools off. When you bring him back out, don't baby talk him, don't scold him, just go on as if nothing happened. When YOU decide to give him attention, do so. But don't allow him to demand it, and definately don't give him attention when he's throwing a fit.
  6. gypsy

    gypsy New Member

    Yep, that can be very effective. Or wear a squirt gun at your belt and squirt him with each and every offence.......our dogs HATE this, something about being humiliated................or being 'gasp' treated like a puppy........seldom do i have to squirt the third time. Think of it as a type of clicker training, and use a verbal cue, such as NO with each squirt. Plain water is all you need.

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