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Tango's had a bad few days

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Ginger, Sep 28, 2006.

  1. Ginger

    Ginger New Member

    Tango was feeling under the weather over the weekend, he disapeared for a few hours on Sunday which is unusual for him, he hadn't been around for breakfast so I was out looking for him for 20 mins until I found him, he just didn't look himself, I picked him up and carried him home (he doesn't like being picked up but let me do it). He didn't eat anything all day, I even cooked up some chicken but he wasn't interested.

    He seemed better on Monday though so I didn't take him to the vet, he was eating, but still not his usual happy self I just thought he was recovering, yesturday he slept all day until about 6.30pm, when he got up he looked terrible, all his furr was a mess and he looked depressed, by 7pm he had been sick twice, all bile from his stomach. before I'd finished clearing it up he was sick twice more, then just laid in the middle of the hallway looking like he was on deaths door, I called up the emergency vet and got an appointment 20 mins later.
    Even though he was really ill it was still a hell of a fight to get him in the cat carrier.

    The vet said his temperature was 103 and he was quite dehydrated too, he gave him some antibiotics and anti-inflamatries and said I could leave him overnight and have him put on a drip but it wasn't really needed at this stage, I took him home in the end and told to bring him back if he was sick again, thankfully he wasn't.

    Hes much better today, eating, happy and purring, still not 100% but I'm sure he'll be fine once hes finished his antibiotics.
    Isn't it stressful when they get sick!? I was in a right panic last night, and I must have thanked the vet so many times before I left!
  2. vene

    vene New Member

    *Hugs* to Tango and you. It's so hard to watch our little ones get so sick. Thank goodness he's on the mend. :eek:
  3. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    glad to hear he's on the mend.
    I have learned to offer ill cats Pedialyte instead of water. Most of them drink it right up. I've been able to avoid giving fluids that way - something I don't want to do but I have the workings for the fosters.
  4. Ginger

    Ginger New Member

    I haven't heard of Pedialyte before, put it into google and from what I see its some kind of rehydration treatment? If I'd known about it I would definately tried it.
    I will keep that in mind for if there is a next time.
    Tango still seems like hes getting better, eating lots and looking healthy. :)
  5. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I see you are in the UK I wonder if you have Pedialyte there...it's generally used for kids who are sick but cats can drink it too
  6. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    I'm so glad your kitty is feeling better.

    My Mittens was very sick like that once and I also took her to the emergency Vet. She also had a fever and was put on antibiotics. it was pretty scary so I know how you feel.
  7. Ginger

    Ginger New Member

    Poor Tango has gone downhill again, he was looking much better but last week he had a couple of nights that he looked a bit down, he was still eating so I just put it down to recovering.
    Last night he started being sick again in the middle of the night, he was booked into the vets this morning, no fighting to get him into the carrier this time, he just couldn't be bothered.

    The vet felt his tummy and said there is a 'mass' or 'lump' there, he said it isn't hard, its a bit squishy, hard to tell what it is without operating, but Tango doesn't like it being touched, no high temperature this time, so they did some blood tests, gave him some more shots (Rimadyl and Marbocyl), blood test results came back within a hour, no kidney or liver problems just high white blood cells, which could be from an infection or it could be the 'mass' is something more sinister, like cancer. :?

    So we have to take him back in a couple of days, see how he is, hopefully the shots he had will help. Hes been back from the vet for nearly 2 hours, had a sleep and a little to eat and drink, hes on his feet which is an improvement from this morning.

    Keep your fingers crossed for Tango
  8. vene

    vene New Member

    Thinking of you and Tango. :m10: [-o<
  9. Bente

    Bente New Member

    I'm sorry to hear Tango has gotten worse :( I'll keep him in my thoughts, hopefully it's nothing serious.
  10. Ginger

    Ginger New Member

    Thank you for your kind thoughts, Tango is no better today, he came downstairs for breakfast but had a sniff and didn't eat anything, hes just been resting.
    I am very worried, I hoped he would feel a bit better by now after the shots at the vet, I'm finding it hard to concentrate on anything else today, just glad I work from home so I can keep a very close eye on him.
  11. Ginger

    Ginger New Member

    Tango is going to be OK, he was feeling a little better before his vet visit, had something to eat and used his litter tray. The 'mass' turned out to be a very hard and bloody poo.

    The vet says Tango has a bad stomach bug, it will take a while for him to recover and he has to eat boiled chicken for a week or two, he also has to go back on Saturday for more another antibiotic shot.

    Can't tell you how relieved I am :D
  12. vene

    vene New Member

  13. Ginger

    Ginger New Member

    Tango has been slowly recovering over the past 2 weeks, but 2 days ago he seemed a bit down, last night he started being sick again, went back to the vet this morning, this time he has to stay in over night, hes going to have x-rays and an ultrasound, be put on a drip, have a much more detailed blood test.
    The vet says he has a slightly low temperature, high heart rate and is in some pain, he could be in there for a few days :( .
    Its not looking so good.
  14. vene

    vene New Member

    *Hugs* Thinking of Tango and you. Hang in there.
  15. lunaguy

    lunaguy New Member

    Poor little guy. I'm sending out positive thoughts your way. I hope that the vet gets to the bottom of this and finds a solution. There's nothing worse than seeing a loved one go through something like this, especially when dealing with the unknown. Good luck!
  16. Ginger

    Ginger New Member

    Got some results back from the vet.
    Just the blood tests at the moment, all of the viruses they tested for came back negative.
    Kidneys are fine, there is some problem with either his liver or gall bladder results but apparently they could be symptoms of the problem not the problem itself. There are some more tests to do regarding this but they have to test him before eating and after, and hes not eating yet.
    He was having his xray while they were on the phone to me so no results back from that, and they still might have to do the ultrasound but the vet said that he is quite unhappy so they're going to leave that for a bit later. Hes had some more antibiotics so hopefully he'll feel a bit better for that.
  17. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi. I hope he will be okay. You sure are taking good care of him by taking him to the vet each time he gets ill. I hope you are not going broke! I wish him all the best. It can be so frustrating when our fur animals are not well and they themselves can't tell us what is wrong, what hurts and so on. So all the vets can do is tests and more tests until they can pin point the cause. Keep us posted.
  18. Ginger

    Ginger New Member

    Tango is home, the vet is waiting for some more blood tests to come back on Monday/Tuesday and hes feeling a bit better so no need for him to be there, and by all accounts from the vets he was pretty unhappy there.

    The ultra sound showed he has abnormalities with his liver, it could be tumors or it could be a bad infection, the blood test results we get next week will tell us more.
    Then based on the results and how hes feeling he might have to have an operation, to open him up and look at the liver & get a biopsy to test for cancers I guess.

    So hes back on a bland diet, has 3 different kinds of medication to take for a while and we've got to keep a close eye on him.

    The vets bills have been pretty high, money is getting a bit tight but hes worth every penny, I'd spend everything I have to make sure he gets everything he needs! I'm just happy to have him home :m29:
  19. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Thanks for the new update. I hope it turns out not to be something serious.

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