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My new puppy barely eats...help!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by kellym, Nov 19, 2006.

  1. kellym

    kellym New Member

    I adopted a 7 week old Lab mix puppy (Raven) from our local Humane Society this past Thursday. She had a full bowl of food in her cage, so I wasn't quite sure if she was eating very well. I was led to believe she fine just fine. She was the most active puppy there so I tended to agree with them. I wasn't too concerned the first night she was home when she didn't eat much figuring she had either eaten a lot before I adopted her or that she just needed time to adjust to her new home. Yesterday, we put down food for her (the same kind the Society was feeding her) but she barely touched it. She ate maybe a few tiny pieces and drank a little bit of water. As of today, I tried to get her to eat when she woke up but she just sniffed it and walked away. She didn't even want the water. Should I be concerned????
  2. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I really suggest taking her to the vet. Loss of appetite can be a sign of an underlying problem. Some rambunxious puppies have to be enticed to eat. Perhaps mixing some canned food with it would help?

    You can try giving her some Nutrical to stimulate her appetite a little bit. I'd me a little concerned if shes getting dehydrated.
  3. hermann muenster

    hermann muenster New Member

    Sometimes a puppy in a home will pass on a few meals.
    But not drinking? That's a lot more serious than skipping a few meals.

    I think a vet visit is in order -- It's a good idea to have a vet check done anyway with a new pet - sick or not! It gives the dog and vet a chance to get aquainted, the vet can give you little one a good thorough checking over, and answer any questions you may have.

    Keep us posted.
  4. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    A 7 week old pup shoud definately not go 48 hours without eating a meal. VET ASAP, even if the lack of appetite was just down to being in a new enviroment the lack of food could have now caused a health problem.
  5. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    Yea a vet check ASAP, and it might be that she didnt or doesnt like the shelter food, try something different for her. it may take her some time to adjust, but most definatly get her to the vets to rule out any health issues.
  6. kellym

    kellym New Member

    A little bit of everyone's advice worked! Thank you!

    Just wanted to let everyone know that Raven is now doing much better. Called a Vet and made an appointment for Monday morning, but after reading the advice here and speaking to the Vet--Raven is now eating AND drinking! I originally tried mixing beef broth into the dry food I was given but that didn't work. I bought canned puppy food, mixed it with the dry and let it sit for about an hour until it softened up the dry food. As soon as I sat on the floor and started to feed her, she went on a feeding rampage after the first bite! She ended up eating the entire bowl and afterwards drank half the water in her water dish. I'm still having her checked out by the vet, but just wanted to let you all know that your advice worked!!! Thanks again! (Raven thanks you too!) :)
  7. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Glad to hear that!
    If she's eating really fast, try and slow her down a bit, you don't want her to asperate any of her food, and definately don't want her consuming it that fast. You could try putting a little amount down at a time, until she's finished to slow her down, or try putting an obsticle in the food dish so she has to work at eating around it.

    Some puppies don't like hard food right off the back, and it could have been that she couldn't chew it very well. So softening it will sometimes help.

    I would definately still take her in for an evaluation jsut to be sure though! its always a good idea to take any new pets to the vet when you get them. Its a requirement for anyone that gets one of my puppies. I take them before they leave of course, but I tell the new owners with in 48 hrs (unless its a weekend) they must take the pup to their vet to be checked out. Its a failsafe and also lets the new owners and vet get aquainted with their new puppy/ dog.

    Would love to see photos of your new puppy if you have any to share!
  8. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    I'l second that one.. :eek: Glad to hear she is doing better than she was..
    She will pick up in no time.. :y_the_best:
  9. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I don't belive I ever had a dog that didn't want to eat... Mine are icky about what they eat, but still...
  10. kellym

    kellym New Member

    Thank you all so much!

    I'll get pictures of Raven up on here as soon as I can!! :D

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