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Ahhhh Finally some pics of the crew!!!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Sara, Nov 20, 2006.

  1. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Okay guys here's the kids...

    Bella first...she's the new pit I got from true who will be showing next season

    Now here's Dauby the Chinese Crested we picked up...he's sparce coat and thinks he's a big dog till he gets a bit more than he bargains for...then you get this pic...begging to get a ride in my arms.

    Now here's Hermionee, Kabuki's littermate...I'm not proud at all.....

    Here's the Dane Ozzy looking fairly miserable...

    Dane Cross puppy Banshee:
    Following the leader/bully (it's a very fine line)

    Here's the three "little" ones (Bella, Dauby, Monty)wishing they could play with my hooved friends Jack(the black appy) and PT Andy's mare
  2. tuttifrutti

    tuttifrutti New Member

    you're dogs are so beautiful! i love bella.
  3. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Thank you...for both me and True...LOL... Great breeding behind her...True can elaborate there...LOL

    I produced Hermionee...BOY am I proud...LOL.. She looks just like her Grandpa...strange!

    Here's a pic of the old man: [​IMG]
  4. tuttifrutti

    tuttifrutti New Member

    haha, originally when you said "i'm not proud at all" i thought you were serious and was thinking "but she looks so great!" took me till the 3rd pic to pick up on the sarcasm, lol.
  5. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    Bella is beautiful, really beautiful.. :eek: I like her.. :D :y_the_best:
  6. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Wish I could have gotten better pics of Bella but she really is velcro...in every sense of the word and getting her to sit at that distance with all the excitement was a task in itself...any time I tried to even get a different angle of the sit she would turn and face me...cute but...LOL...not what I was hoping for at the time.

  7. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    Well from the picc, she is beautiful. :y_the_best: :eek:
  8. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Bella's a doll.... Harminee looks good! Very bully. Whats she weigh?

    How's Monty doing??

    Yes she looks alot like butch. Very diffrent than Kabuki. Buki is really tall and lanky.



    Harminee looks alot like Precious. Low and wide. But don't let her fool you!!! She's VERY athletic!!!


    Hey True-Pits: This is Faith Hex's sister: she was checking her self out in the closett mirror. Silly girl.

  9. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    wow you sure have your hands full! what great pics
  10. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Thanks for all the compliments :eek:

    Sams, I'm not sure what Hermionee weighs now but a few months ago at petsmart she weighed in at 104 so I'm figuring she's probably at about 115 or so...nutty really. I think she's taller than Precious was at her age but hard to say. I need to measure...wonder if my horse stick would go short enough to measure the dogs???? Hmmm...on the deck...Hmmm....

    Monty's good, he thinks he needs to be with the horses when he's out...in fact I think his nerves are messing with him, he's skinny...I'm not QUITE sure what to do with the dud though...I know he wants to be IN the corral but I can't quite tell if it's to be with the horses, play/chase them or eat them after he sizes them up...I doubt it's the latter as we found him in the barn doing just dandy horses fine too...not even rustled up...LOL... Next spring though I'll test him out with them in the corral and if he's okay with them I'll dog proof the corral and barn and he can hang with them when they're not out in the feild....when we're home of course.

    A book, sorry...LOL... Email me at the hotmail addy that Yahoo is about to go.

  11. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Great pics! They are all looking good. I'm pretty busy now but will maybe try to post some later, just started to check this board out again.

    Bella and Hermionee look really good, and that lil Dane mix pup wow she is going to be big?? I think Hex will be more lanky/tall then Hermionee is, kind of like Vader is build.

    Bella sounds like her dam, she follows me around everywhere, she is like my shadow...lol
  12. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Sara- don't think I have the new hotmail addy. If I did, i'm sure i trashed it on accident. Email it to me : Mare-Majic@excite.com

    Anywho.... Kabuki is right at 122lbs. She finally filling out wide and putting on some bulk instead of height. She's also been challenging Vader alot here in the past few days. I broke up a fight yesterday. I was sooo sick, and they were fence fighting thru the kennels. So today I'm off to get ply wood and separate all the keennls. Thats all I need is more problems. I'm assuming its because their all trying to come into heat at the same time. Ugh.....
  13. Sara

    Sara New Member

    I haven't heard of many fence fighting issues with the boels but who knows. I do know that hormones will get them all keyed up. PLUS you have some very tough bred Boerboels at your place not so sure how rough and tumble vader and her lines are but you know Precious and Kabuki have dominance and dog aggression from both sides BOTH their mom's were bullies and Butch, well he and Riot both were agressive with other dogs so...doesn't surprise me that those two are a handfull in that sense.

    I'll send ya an email though, you got the new addy with the wedding announcement deal...anyway.

    I need to check out your site True, see if Bella's pic is up. Getting her pic done from a side veiw nice and stacked will definately be a two person job considering her velcroness...CUTE she is though we love her to death, the big ol' shoes she has to fill are quickly getting smaller and smaller.

  14. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Thats no joke Sara!

    Precious and buki have completely diffrent personalities and traits, but when it comes down to the wire, they both do carry on that "line trait" of some dog agression and being bullies.

    Precious is by far the pack leader, what she says usually goes. Now that all three females are in diffrent stages of heat cycles, they all have attitudes. Vader was at the low end of the pecking order, Faith even picked on her, now it seems that the order is changing and she's pushed Faith down and now attempting to do the same with Kabuki, however, Kabuki wants non of it and is suprisingly holding her ground.

    All three females are kept separated and yesterday i went out and bought some mesh netting (real thick construction kind) and put it up the sides of all the kennels. They can still see and smell each other, but there's no chance for them to fight. Growl as they may, they'll just have to get over that.

    Now I have no problem letting all 5 of them out to play together, none of them will dare challenge another with me insite and in the yard. I'm alpha they all know it so they get along happily...

    Only cries I usually hear come from Faith, and its usually them remprimending her for being too hyper and having bad puppy manners. I don't enterfere with that. There are somethings that the "adults" will have to teach her and she'll learn that she just can't run up to them and bite their ears, or pull their tails.... Now if they ever get too rough, sure I'll step in, but as most know, its better to let the elders teach the younger.

    Boe, I'mnot really sure where he stand in it all.. Any of the females, Faith included, will put him in his place. It seems like he has a aura of "justice" and "authority" over them, but at some level all the "ladies" still rule him.

    If two females beging to "buck up" to one another, before I can get to them he usually will stand between them and let out a rather bone chilling and shuddering bark as if to say "ENOUGH!!!" and they usually do.

    I bet you see alot of the "pack" setting with your group too huh??

    I'd love to see how others dogs react in their family settings as well. ITs definately FAR diffrent having 5 dogs, well 6 actually than having just one or two.
  15. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Yeah I put one of the pics on the site, so check it out. Its already updated/uploaded whatever. I'm going to be doing another update tonight (hopefully if I have time) I'll have some new pics of Surprise and Desire on the pups page. We are leaving tomorrow morning so hopefully I can get it done.
  16. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Good Luck True!!!

    Sams, regarding pack stuff... it's interresting the "little dogs" don't tend to have much of a higherarchy other than Monty being at the top, and Bella is actually at the bottom of the totem, Dauby is smack in the middle...no one really has much issue. But no hormonal stuff has gotten thrown into the mix yet so we'll see.

    It's cray all the dogs though...very interesting to watch genetics and whatnot.

  17. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    yeah. i'm all into the whole "pack" thing now.

    Any other times, they all get along, but when ya have three females in heat, a male going ape cuz he wants them all and can't have any of them, its nutty and crazy.

    I keep a watchful eye on everyone at all times, whether their in their kennels or out with me.... I'm just anal like that.

    They've all begun "howling" now... its rediculous... sounds gawd awful and creepy as all get out!!!
  18. Sara

    Sara New Member

    That's an odd thing. Hermionee beat up the puppy not too long ago. Had her on her back just screaming like crazy... Hermionee has Ozzy cowed too, anyway Andy looked out the window to see the ruckus and while Puppy was hollering and Hermionee mowing down Ozzy was dancing around in a tizzy not sure what to do, wanting to kick Hermionee's butt but not knowing how and being afraid of her anyway and that puppy screaming like that...finally I guess he just sat down defeated and started to howl... By this time andy had the window open and yelled at hermionee, she stopped. Puppy is fine she got a cut on her nose is all... But the hysterics that it put Ozzy into is just nuts! go back up to the pics and picture the fella...COWED by a dog half his size IF THAT...LOL...

  19. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    LOL There's a Great dane Breeder down the road that brings his "pal" a neutered male over to play with the dogs all the time. he'll cower to Precious and she's the shortest one here!!!

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