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Almost Upon Us Know

Discussion in 'General Topics & Support Issues' started by Chezza, Nov 19, 2006.

  1. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    Xmas that is..


    Soo who's done some xmas shopping then, I have done my Brothers and sis in-laws and my two nieces.. I bought some really good pressies, simple but nice.. Cant believe this year has gone so quick, its really flown by, does anyone else think time is just flying by, cant believe its going to be 2007 soon..Another year gone..
    So whats peoples plans for the Jolly season, going away :?: Having dinner at home :?: , relatives over, or just a quiet one with immediate family :?:

  2. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    I have not yet gone shopping. We will spend Thanksgiving with family as well as Christmas.
  3. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Ugh...I haven't done ANY shopping yet. And no ideas either. My Dad is back in the hospital so I'm a bit stressed and busy. :( I can't believe it's almost December.
  4. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Love this time of year, Well all my christmas shopping is all done.

    I have my family coming to spend christmas.
    This year has flown by only seems like yesterday i was getting ready for last christmas.

  5. Bente

    Bente New Member

    I've bought a few christmas presents, but I still have lots to do before everything is ready.

    I'm afraid this won't be the best christmas: I was hoping to spend it with my boyfriend, either with mine or his family, but I have to work Dec. 20th to 24th (we celebrate the 24th). Then I have the day off the 25th and it's back to work on the 26th and 27th... Luckily I have rest of the cristmas off, and my bf is coming to visit me then :D (we live on different sides of Norway).
  6. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    Thats lovely charmedagain.. :D Hope you have a lovely time..Family is prescious.. :D :eek:

    Ohhhhh Bente, Thats must be hard, but I sought of know how you feel there too. My Bro lives across the world from me, and I miss him every day..My beautiful nieces, and my sis In-Law..We get on fabulous, always have..And its so hard to be apart..I miss them dearly..

    Sorry to hear that coppersmom, I hope he will be ok.. :( I really do.
    Xmas is about sharing, giving, and enjoying our loved ones company...
    Thinking of you.xx

    Come on Chessmind, ya bet to get a move on.. :wink:
    I must admit I will leave My Immediate fam till last..Though I shouldn't :roll:
  7. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    I know. I usually shop in December. At least I'm not as bad as my father. He shops on Christmas Eve day!
  8. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    I've bought a few things but have a long way to go. I'm still in the Thanksgiving mode right now but that will be over tomorrow. Then I better get my act together and get something done.
  9. vene

    vene New Member

    My kids are all set but it's really hard buying stuff for our good neighbors. Thank goodness there's still time left to shop. :mrgreen:

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