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PLEASE HELP!!My smelly Shih-tzus face

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by gigismom, Nov 20, 2006.

  1. gigismom

    gigismom New Member

    Can someone please tell me if theres anything I can do about my shihs smelly face. We've had her trimmed and washed and still she stinks? We love her soo much but company hates to have her get near them because she so smelly and I hate it because she so lovable. My nephews and nieces cant play with her because she leaves them smelly. I clean her face everyday with no prevail. If theres anything please let me know.
  2. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    First have the vet check her teeth. If they're dirty or infected, that will make her face smell bad. So will infected ears, so those should be checked too.

    If the teeth and ears check out fine, then you probably need to be sure there's no food still clinging to her hair, and wash her face with something that will help neutralize the odor. You can dissolve baking soda in water and use that, or use a vinegar/water mixture. Also make sure you wipe any creases or wrinkles dry, as moisture in those will cause odors to build up quickly. Dust them lightly with a little corn starch mixed with baking soda to keep them dry and less smelly.
  3. gigismom

    gigismom New Member

    Thank you so much!! Ill try it all. Ill let you know how it works out for Gigi.
  4. myshihpoo

    myshihpoo New Member

    I had a similar problem with my shihpoo Baxter... his eyes were extra watery (more than i remember with my other), and his face was constantly wet. I counted that i wiped his face five times a day. I mentioned it to my vet and she said that I really need to make sure i keep the hair around his eyes trimmed good. Also recommended a warm/wet washcloth (then dry) instead of the kleenex i was using. We also noticed that his eyelashes were getting in his eyes, thus causing the watery irritation. Since you have a shihtzu, that might be part of the problem also. There was something about that warm wash cloth and trimming around the eyes that did the trick. He's not stinky anymore :)
  5. gigismom

    gigismom New Member

    Thnks Ill hv 2 try that. Ill let u no how it gos.
  6. myshihpoo

    myshihpoo New Member

    great!! let me know... and i should mention that it took awhile for the "stink" to go away... for some reason, i remember it was over a week or so..?
  7. BMerkley

    BMerkley New Member

    Stinky dog face results?

    My dog would get stinky by rubbing her face in the grass outside. She would seek out smelly spots and roll around in whatever she could find.

    I heard about using tomato juice to get the smell of skunk out of animal fur so I tried it, and it works! Then I used a natural liquid cleaner for removing dog odors around the house. This worked marvelously.

    I don't know if she got tired of me bathing her or ran out of places to roll around in. I found the fur under the chin was a magnet for collecting smelly stuff so I keep it trimmed well.

    Hope this helps!

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