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My girls are home!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, Nov 8, 2006.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Poor Precious and Kabuki!!! Their now both home and healing. LOL I'm having fun keeping their "e-cone collars" on them.

    Precious broke a foot in two places, and tore the pad off that food and split the webbing between the toes all the way up to the joint, and ripped out two toenails.

    Kabuki the next day got her foot hung in the kennel pannel and somehow her pinky toenail got stabbed into her other toe.... Ugh. Soooo they both went into surgery yesterday. Precious got her foot set and reconstruction surgery after three days o f antibiotics and antiinflmatories.... and Buki got her toe nail removed and all hers trimmed really short. Same for precious. They do NOT like their toe nails done.

    I don't know how Precious idd it, only thing I can think of is fence fighting with Mickey next to her. She broke off both bottom canines too. we didn't know that till the vet saw it. Ugh. Sooo next week she goes in for two root canals... thats gonna cost me heaping $1200 per tooth. Ugh. I swear, for those who think its cheap to have dogs.. think again!!! I've spent $3000 in the past week alone!!!

    But their healing now. I feel sorry for them having to walk around with the "lampshades" on their heads, but I can't keep them from wanting to chew on their bandages and Precious on her cast! Grrrrr
  2. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member


    There they are in the kitchen. Their clumbsy from the collars.

    Any ideas on how to keep them entertained yet quiet and still?? Both have to stay crated for a week and Precious for two. this isn't gonna be easy!!!
  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Poor Precious look so sad in that photo!
  4. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    So sorry to here, glad they are all doing well now! Just takes healing time which is never any fun.

    FYI I own a daughter of Vader


  5. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Oh cool!!! Lemmi Guess.... has to be Hex???
  6. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Sams you're quicker than I am...on the uptake that is...LOL...

    I got Bella from True_Pits.

    Kabuki is Hermionee's sister True

    Sams, Precious seems prone to odd injuries. Shortly after I got her we came home one afternoon and she was screeming in her kennel...I ran out to see what was up and her crate was in there for shelter (hot summer) bungied to the fence of the kennel... Anyway I ran in and she seemed to be yanking on something in the back of the crate...screeming her head off... I got closer and I could see she was hooked to the bungee by her face...I freaked, climed in and screamed for Andy... I'm not sure what he'd have done, climbed in with me? The bungee had been chewed in order to make a NICE sharp point out of the end and that point went through her upper lip and out her nostril. It was all surface. to think of it now I'm squeemish but then I didn't care... I just pulled that sucker back through the hole it was in and she was okay. Her little nose was all stretched out for awhile and I was soooo worried it'd stick that way and she'd be ruined for the show ring... Obviously the injury never did cause a problem.

    She also ate the side of our garage so perhaps her boredom is getting her in trouble...think of her like you'd think of a yearling colt...in a corral run...LOL
  7. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Oh gawd!!!
    Well she's usually really good. She's got a few toys, her treat ball and her kong. and that ugly pink thing I got from you. LOL She still has it!!!

    Yeah, for the dog that cost me little to nothing, sure has racked up quite a bill!!!!!
  8. Sara

    Sara New Member

    ugly pink thing... was it pink??? I can't hardly remember what the thing looked like... I remember that you hated it but she loved it so you took it with...LOL... that cow thing??? it's tiny!...LOL... Silly dog she had that as a pup...I can't beleive it's still survived....

  9. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    oh she LOVES that stupid thing!!! Yeah, its ugly and stinky and its missing soem parts. I had to sew it together a few times, and I have to wash it to get the smell out of it. But she takes it everywhere, no one else is allowed to touch it. LOL

    Here's a pic of her foot. She's got 27 stitches. most are on the bottom of her pads and between her toes. Her toe is a lil' crooked, it didn't set properly, but since her teeth are broken she can't be shown anyway so I'm not worried about it as long as its not causing her any issues or problems.


    The purple stuff is granulex. its an antiseptic and will help in healing. Also tastes horrible so it helps keep her from licking it too bad. But i keep the cone on anyway just to be safe. Knowing her past "edible" history, i wouldn't put it past her to lick and chew at it.

    Keeping her still and quiet is proving to be a pain in the ass!!!!
    But she's soakin up the attention. Silly girl. But I love her to death.
  10. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Yup, it is Hex..lol In the 2nd pic she is playing with Bella's sister Storm Chaser. Cool website by the way!
  11. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Aww thanks!

    Precious is doing Great by the way. back to her old self.

    Oh True: My brother in law loves that pic of your pit. This is his pit pup "Mickey"
    he's a Colby X Beaudoux (sp?)
    Definately and athletic dog. LOVES the spring and flirt poles.



  12. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    His dog is very good looking!! love his markings and build.

    I have some Boudreaux as well.

    These 3 are littermates, heavy Maverick with a 16th out of Nigerino. They are all extremely silly...gotta love em'

    Bear male

    Widow female

    Hennesey female

    and this is their half sister Ebony, same sire her bottom is Rascal/Carver/Eli/Honeybunch


    Don't use much Colby blood, but know some people who have it and like it very well. The closest I have is a Carver/Colby w/ a little Tudor/Corvino, she's a little itty bitty thing. She is black brindle/wht marks
  13. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Oh Mickey is about as silly as they get..... has some dog agression.. No matter what we've done he's got it. He's had more socialization than most, but i guess you can never beat whats inherited....


    And here he is helping his "Dad" (my brother in law) work on his mustang....
    He's really good at disposing of the trash and un needed (and needed) parts!!! LOL

  14. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    He is a good looking boy!

    Here is Widows singleton pup

    Mine are not really that badly aggressive, Bear is more silly then anything, Hennessey can be a lil firey sometimes and Widow was really not aggressive until my lil mouthy attitude female got her upset. Widow bit her in the leg. But the other female has a dominant attitude.
  15. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    You'll NEVER guess what I bought yesterday.... LOL
  16. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Uh oh....What would that be? A pittie?
  17. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Post pics Sams...
  18. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    It won't let me!!!!

    She's a Gotti line pitbull. She's blue and white and 7 days old today. I can't wait til she's 8 weeks!!! She's going to be my brother in laws.... but you know how that'll turn out!
  19. tuttifrutti

    tuttifrutti New Member

    oh sams i envy you, i want a pitty, but need more space and time before i add a third dog to the mix.
  20. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Weird, I can't even get to the site you mailed me so that might have something to do with it...urgh... What does the bro-in-law wish to do with his pits?


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