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ABout the pea size lump....

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by iluvmykittys, Nov 30, 2006.

  1. iluvmykittys

    iluvmykittys New Member

    The pea sized lump I found- is still there. Its tiny, and does not bothee my kitty. I am going to wait a week or 2, before i drag her to the Vet being she HATES the car- and the Vet. :(
    I did find another lumpy-pump thing near her hind leg- up on her thigh/back area. This is flatter- and it looks like its scaley. My husband thinks maybe its like a dry skin patch. Not sure...
    But its flakey looking. I will keep an eye on that as well...and maybe bring her to the vet in a week or so.
    Any advice on the new flakey lump? Please write back.
    Also- are there any kind of skin conditioners or cream I can put on her to ease up the flaky skin? She has a lil dandruff (all over) ....dry house.
  2. vene

    vene New Member

    It might be a scratch bump. She may have kitty eczema. Monty used to have lots of dander/dandruff until I figured out that the food that I was feeding him gave him allergic reactions. First I thought it was the climate but he'd have dandruff all year round. Then I switched him over from Iams to Wellness, etc. and his skin condition cleared up. I never did put anything on Monty as I figured he might lick it. I would think that baby lotion would be safe to use but it's better to ask your vet. Have you tried using humidifiers or placing bowls of water near heaters? Daily groomings obviously helps out as well unless she's like Milo who hates being groomed. Is the dry, flaky skin a new condition? Has your routine around the house changed? Did you use new cleaners for the floors/rugs? New flooring/rugs, bedding, detergents or fabric softners? I hope she feels better soon. :m10:
  3. iluvmykittys

    iluvmykittys New Member

    Thanks for the info. I really apprecaite it!! :)
    I have 3 cats. 1 is a diabetic, and I have to put all 3 cats on his Prescription Dry food...b/c he would eat the other "good" foods and not the prescription if I had 2 different kinds. He's no dummy. I am though, because I actually tried it & thought it would work...he went to their food.
    What symptoms are food allergies? She seems OK- no sneezing, coughing or anything. She loves to eat :) She is a big ol Fat kitty....about 13 lbs, with a big belly. LOL!
    Maybe that area is eczema, or just a dry patch? I will watch it.
    I don't think she can scratch that spot- because its between her side/thigh area and back bone. I am not sure if she can even lick it.
    I will see....have to watch her.
    Its visible if I move her hair away, where as that othe r"lump" is not visible...its under her skin. Wouldn't know unless you felt her.
    Same with this lump, except if I move her hair- you can see its dry & scaley looking.
    Any more info- please write!
    THANKS!! :)
  4. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi. It may be the food. It's hard when you have multiple cats and they need different foods. Too bad you can't feed your one cat his diabetic food and the other two just quality soft and hard food. Like Vene, I also feed my cats Wellness.
  5. vene

    vene New Member

    His food allergy is not sneezing or coughing etc. but rather having bad skin and dandruff. Monty had dander/dandruff all year round until I changed his diet. His fur looked matted and dirty all the time. His flakes were really gross and coated the entire house. 2 weeks after the switch in food I noticed he seemed cleaner, happier, and his dandruff went away! The constant grooming by the Zoom Groom helped quite a bit. He really became a different cat. The new diet did not affect my other kitties. They can eat whatever they want and seem to look the same to me. They don't have medical conditions so I use Pro Plan and another food like Wellness or Solid Gold or Chicken Soup etc. and I continually switch their foods. I got the Wellness idea and the Zoom Groom too from Chessmind and his kitty Handsome years ago and I'm so grateful to them, lol and so's Monty Boy.

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