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12 year old Lab

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by iluvmykittys, Dec 9, 2006.

  1. iluvmykittys

    iluvmykittys New Member

    My brother has a 12 year old Black Lab.
    She has Hip Dysplesia/Arthritis. But she can get up & run and jump cause she is happy...
    She has (within the last maybe 3 years or so) developed Oil Lumps under her skin. They had 2 of them removed, but could not afford to have any more removed- and the Vet said they were not harmful...so they left them.
    Within the last few days, she has been throwing up & seems to be loosing Bowel function.
    One vet gave an opinion of "Its about the Quality of life...." and basically said do you want her to suffer through the winter?
    I don't agree. I think its wrong, but that is because I saw a cat be put down, and the image just bothers me sooo much!! I have a dog and 3 cats- and I don't think I would give up this easily.
    Would you? Do you think she is old, or dying??
    She is an outside dog- They have another dog- that does not shed, and seems to now be # 1 dog. Sad sad business.....breaks my heart- I feel like they want to put her down...just because...
    And I cannot get involved for fear that my Big mouth will only make us never talk again.
    HELP!! :(
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I think it's totally unfair to take a 12 year old dog with HD and other health issues and leave it outside during cold months!!!! The pain that dog must feel has to be horrible. I simply can't imagine.
    And yes I can talk cause I had a Shepherd who was born with HD - and laying outside in the cold weather for just a few minutes made her so lame it was hard to watch her move.
    A short-haired old dog with joint issues left outside - makes me cringe.
    Any animal, in my opinion, who is ill and won't recover should be let go humanely. I believe the same for people but that's another board.
    If the quality of life is gone why prolong an animal's pain and suffering? The only reason people do is cause they can't let go. I can understand that...but it's not supposed to be about what we need it's about what the animal needs.
    If the dog can't get better and is just suffering, along with the suffering he must be feeling outside in the cold - what is better? A possibly long, slow painful death or and quick humane ending?
    I had to let my 12 year old Shepherd be sent to the bridge last year - and yes it was extremely painful for me to do....but she was suffering and that would be have worse for her.
  3. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I agree with everything Mary has said, it is cruel to knowlingly allow an animal (any animal) to suffer in pain when we can stop it. Im a firm believer in quality of life, if there is little to none then let it go.
  4. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    That is sad. I have a 10 year old lab and he suffers from hip dysplasia as well.
    He can't stand being outdoors for long periods of time.
    I don't think its fair to the dog to be living like that. Why even have a dog if you are going to leave it outdoors?
    If that is the way they wish to care for the dog its probably best to put him out of his misery and let her go in peace.
    That is an awful way to live a dog's life.
    Your brother seems to be very selfish. What is the diagnosis?
    Have they done any diagnostic testing on the dog?
    Can you take the dog? Maybe another caring family member?
    I don't see any other options.
    Good luck and my prayers go out to this poor dog's soul.
  5. hermann muenster

    hermann muenster New Member

    I ditto all the above posts.

    Maybe if the old guy can get to live in a warm house, he'll feel a little better - there doesn't seem to be much hope for him outside in the cold.
  6. iluvmykittys

    iluvmykittys New Member

    I have been sick over this all weekend.
    My brother said that teh Dog is doing well. Has not thrown up, is runnng and playing etc. He has been putting her in the basement on an old mattress and blankets and she is near the Boiler- so its warm-er then outside. I am happy to hear that.
    My brother has a lot of love for this dog- its his wife who bought the dog for him 12 years ago, had a baby and then immediatly threw her outside b/c of all her "hair" around the house. She easily can have a pet one minute, and get rid of her the next. Kind of weird to me, that someone grows no love -- :cry:
    Our neighbors are a Vet and any day now they are going to come check the dog out. I offered to take the dog, but I have a dog and 3 cats- and one cat is Diabetic (he is male) and I really am afraid all hell would break loose in my house if I were to take the dog. So....I don't know any other options. :?:
    As of right now, the dog seems to be OK, she is not "out"side anymore....and its out of my control. :( Unfortunatly. I think she has a lot of life left- she is always up & running to meet/greet people, and she plays OK and is eating.... :y_the_best:
    I dunno....I would leave her be. (I am selfish I guess)
    Will keep you posted!!
    Thanks for your prayers & info.
    Much apprecaited!! :D
  7. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    it's good to hear he brought the dog in - my take on the wife though....he has some control over his pets I hope.
    But it's good this senior dog is at least warm, and sounds happy. Hopefully he'll live out his life at least in warmth.

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