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Boogers new digs/xmas pressie...pics inside!

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Cassie, Dec 11, 2006.

  1. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    Booger grew out of her old condo so we got her a new one. We're going to de-fur her old one and give it to grandma's baby girl (Tulip). Tulip was an abandoned baby, about 2 weeks old when grandma found her 4 months ago. Tulip is healthy and doing great now. I know Tulip will love Boogers old condo.

    Booger has gotten so big that the condo rocks back and forth when she runs up it. I'm afraid that it will fall over. It is time to get her something more stable to support her weight. So hubby and I have been shopping around and found this one which she immediately took to!

    I moved her old condo into the diningroom so that I can remove her fur and Booger is loving the new location! LOL she keeps going from one condo to the other.

    Here's Booger in her new condo and loving it...


    And here's Booger loving the new placement of her old condo LOL...


    In the old condo, there's a small hole that Booger can barely fit through to get into the top section. And Booger squeezes through it...it's so funny to watch her do it.

    Tulip is going to love Boo's old condo :)
  2. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Great pictures of Booger :D She's a lucky girl to have two condos! For now... :mrgreen:

    Beautiful christmas tree btw :D
  3. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Those are great pictures! I've found that anytime I move the cats' big scratching post they seem to enjoy it more. Wonder why??? :?
  4. vene

    vene New Member

    Lucky Booger and Tulip! Great pics, and a beautiful tree and home! :eek:
  5. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    Thanks everybody! I'm glad you enjoyed the pics. I haven't posted Booger pics in a while and she was cracking me up going from condo to condo.

    I'm amazed that she hasn't attacked the tree yet. No batting at ornaments or climbing. She just likes to sleep under it. So far, so good!
  6. lunaguy

    lunaguy New Member

    Awesome setup! She looks like a queen sitting on her throne! :D
  7. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Wonderful pictures. Booger looks like she is having a ball. Great looking condo's too. Your tree is so pretty.
  8. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Great pics. She looks very content! :mrgreen:
  9. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    We delivered the old cat-condo to mom's (grandma's) house today and Tulip is all over it. She's LOVING it!

    Being a rescued kitty with one owner (grandma), she's really scaired around other people. Grandma wasn't home when hubby and I (strangers) showed up and brougt Booger's old condo into her home. I went into the home alone at first and she came right up to me and sniffed my hand (I stood back and extended my hand). She sniffed me and allowed me to pet her!

    Then when hubby and I moved the condo into the house, she got scared so she pulled back.

    I was really hoping to see her enjoy the condo. But we could see that she was afraid so we just left.

    Hours later when Grandma came home, she phoned us and said that Tulip has been climbing up and down it and loving it.

    We knew she would love it and I'm so happy that she's enjoying it.

    Merry Christmas Tulip!
  10. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    Yeah, you're right about that. They love it. I don't now why either.
  11. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    I'm glad you were able to recycle the other cat condo for another kitty. :y_the_best:

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