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Newbie Shih-poo Puppy owner

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by joansie2006, Dec 31, 2006.

  1. joansie2006

    joansie2006 New Member

    Hi everyone. I've just joined this group and I'm sure I'll be hunting for a lot of information and guidance from all you owners of shih-poo's.

    We had a fabulous Christmas..our kids gave us a brand new Shih-poo puppy. She is soooooo adorable. We called her Christmas, but she will be known as Chrissy. She is 11 weeks old, and weighed 2.2 kg which I think is about 4 lbs. and just a little ball of fur. Her coat is mostly white, but her head, face and lower back is dark brown. I do have a picture of her that I took yesterday, but I'm not sure how to include it here.
    She is very playful and likes to give lots of kisses, lol and also loves to bite...which we are working on..gotta get her out of that habit now.

    It's been a very long time since we had a new fur baby in the house and I sorta forget a lot of things, like when How much food to give her, when will she lose her baby teeth when should we get her spayed...lots of questions will come to mind as the days go by.
    Looking forward to meeting all of you. Until next time, I'm off to play with Chrissy now.
  2. myshihpoo

    myshihpoo New Member

    Welcome Chrissy and Joansie :) :)
    There are several shihpoo owners around on the board. I have two shihpoos.... Bailey, 3 1/2 year old .... and Baxter, 1 year old. :) If you have any questions regarding the mix, just ask away!!! I'm madly in love with this mix.... and you will be too! hehe

    Hopefully you can post pics of your Chrissy soon
  3. joansie2006

    joansie2006 New Member

    Thank you for the welcome.

    How do I go about posting a photo of Chrissy? [/img]
  4. myshihpoo

    myshihpoo New Member

    You have to upload your pictures to a photo-hosting site (like "www.photobucket.com") then once the pics are uploaded, you then would just copy/paste the webaddress of where the picture resides, by using the "IMG" button above (that stands for image).
    I don't know how techn/savvy you are, so let me know if you need more help after you upload the pictures, k? :) I'd be happy to help you.
  5. WendyM

    WendyM New Member

    I am sure you are enjoying your new furry bundle as much as I am enjoying my new little one. They are the sweetest, funniest dogs that I have encountered. I am well and truly biased now about my Shiph-Poo as I am sure you with yours LOL.
  6. joansie2006

    joansie2006 New Member

    Thank you for your post

    Hi Wendy:
    Yes, we are truly enjoying her. I'll really be happy when she is fully trained tho. She enjoys going for walks, but I don't take her very far because it's still quite cold here and her little feet get cold easy. When she's had enough walking or she's cold, she will sit in front of me and that means she wants me to carry her the rest of the way home....funny.
    How old is your fur baby?
  7. WendyM

    WendyM New Member

    Kristel was born on October 25, 2006 - so just 9 weeks. She loves to go for walks and is getting quite good at staying by my side. So far, she is paper trained for widdles and we have the wee jobbies outside. I bought her a little ski jacket to keep her warm and it seems to do the job. I don't know about you, but I have met more people whilst walking her. They are all astounded by her small stature and how she just romps right along on the lead LOL. Kristel weighed in at 3lbs on December 29 when I took her for her first vet visit.
  8. joansie2006

    joansie2006 New Member

    Hi Wendy:
    Kristel is such a pretty name. What color is she?
    Chrissy was born October 9, 2006 so I just counted and she is 12 weeks old now. She weighed 2.2 kg. (approx. 4.8 lbs.) on Dec. 24th when we got her.
    I like taking her for walks too, she hops like a little bunny and it's so funny to watch her. She also loves the snow...bury's her face in it. I'm trying to get up to 10 posts so I can show her picture. I'd love to see a photo of Kristel if you have any.
    Well gotta go now.
  9. WendyM

    WendyM New Member

    Kristel is black with a grey undercoat. I have been told that she could totally change colour in the next few months which should be interesting. Right now her face is so dark it is hard to get a good picture as she all blends into one ball of fur!

    I checked back through her records and she weighed in at 2.6lbs on December 12 before I got her. She is scheduled to go back to the vet on January 20 for another set of needles. People keep asking me if I am going to breed her but the answer is no. I want to enjoy her as my pet and not get involved in the whole issue of raising puppies.

    I know what you mean about the number of posts and wanting to post pics of the puppies. I have tried several times, but get the same warning that you must have gotten.

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