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Frozen to death...graphic content

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Sara, Jan 11, 2007.

  1. Sara

    Sara New Member

    So finally got pics of the dogs in the snow after the blizzard a couple weeks ago...

    Hermionee and Banshee fighting for the toy...Ozzy can only watch...


    Pit Bulls Tearin' it up!


    Greyhound or Bella???


    Dauby, safe on the Deck

    Bella stacked like a pro!!!!
  2. nakoma_star

    nakoma_star New Member

    Wow, very beautiful dogs.
  3. tuttifrutti

    tuttifrutti New Member

    awww! that almost makes me wish it would snow down here!
  4. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Gosh Ozzy is so big! I can't believe how huge he was in person.

    Bella is looking awesome as usual! Can I steal those pics? Or can you send them to me.

    Looks like they had a great time in the snow. We had some snow up to 3ft here, the dogs look so goofy in it. When I put Storm Chaser out it was so funny seeing her plow through it.

    I will have to post the pics of Hex I took today, I can't believe she is getting so big already.
  5. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Thanks and Bella does look good. Ozzy is giant for sure! since he's territorial it's really menacing I'm sure. Since I met him and he was always such a mush ball I can't imagine seeing that size and then his bark to warn that it's his territory...eeks... No one will break in this place with him around. I don't know that he'd actually follow through but he does a great bluff for sure.

    I sent you the pics of Bella, I figured one of those might be good for the site or you could put them up in your gallery too. You're welcome to anything I post of her, after all, you did most of the dirty work.

  6. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Yeah he is incredible. He looks so much like a giant next to the other dogs.

    Oh sorry I haven't checked my email yet. I guess I did do most the dirty work indeed :D After all she was born on my bedroom floor on a motel blanket.
  7. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    WOW, Monty is looking great Sara!!! Still into Gatoraide Bottles??? It MUST be a pit thing, honestlly, I don't know about others, but Mickey is Crazy over bottles, then again, he's nuts over anything. LOL

    Ture, I got one of those big polyeurothaine weight balls, the kind with the plug so you can fill it with sand or what ever to weigh it down. Have you had any luck with them? Mickey Loves the thing, seems to wear him out faster than anything. i haven't put anything in it yet, well except a small bell to make it rattle so it makes some noise and makes it more intresting....
  8. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    No I haven't tried that, sounds like something to give to Thunder because that dog can play non stop, all day and all night. He ran acres and acres chasing and throwing his basketball lastweek in freezing cold and wasn't even the lease bit tired. He was fields away.

    Pitties do seem to love bottles, I'll have to post some video of Maxi playing with them. She is so silly. Pits are nutty sometimes.
  9. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    LOL! I agree!!!
    I'll have to get the video of Mickey and the ball for you, its really funny and i think its the only thing he can't tear up. Its really hard plastic and big enough that he can't get his mouth around it. So this might last a bit longer than all the other toys.

    He's played on his spring pole so much, the ropes wore in two...gotta get him a new one. LOL
  10. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Well I just not got some video of Maxi with the bottle but my camera batteries died so I will have to try again.

    Bullys are very silly dogs. I wish everyone could understand their true nature.
  11. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Very silly!
    I got one of those Jolly Balls for the horses, with the handle... Mickey walked around for over an hour carying it by the handle and swinging it back and forth. He's such a friggin nut!!!

    He got ahold of his leash the other day adn was shaking it and bonking himself on the head repeatedly with the buckle end, and we could't get him to stop!! Finally I got the idea to get a squeeky toy and distract him. LOL I swore he was going to give himself a concussion!!!

  12. Sara

    Sara New Member

    I'd like to give Ozzy a Jolly ball but Hermionee would kill it in no time. Her toys die quickly. She LOVES tearing. Monty does still love chewing on plastic bottles. We haven't given him any recently...partly because he has only just now started playing again. He really took HJ's death hard. And I think he resented Bella coming...he plays with her now though, he used to just ignore her all mad like. Of course I miss the HJ too and she was the one that would go wild for toys like that...none of my dogs are that crazy at the moment so I think it'd be hard.

    Anthropomorphosize a dog enough and they're too human to handle when they die I guess. Bella has more energy than all my dogs combined but HJ still beats her out on her prey drive...that dog would claw someone to death for a toy if she had no manners....

    Monty does look good doesn't he... LOL... I forget about his looks because he's not registered and therefore nothing special in the "conformation" sense. But looking at those pictures really made me want to turn him into a hunting dog! I'm about to find myself a couple of sight hounds and then search out a Coyote hunter in the area to take me out. Monty and Hermionee would be a team of finshers to behold. I don't think Hermionee could keep up with a Yote though...and Monty's to stupid to realize when he was surrounded...gotta love the pits. Der...

  13. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    I thought about getting a Jolly Ball for him but figured he'd destroy it in no time flat. So decided against it. I'll have to check into the weight balls though. Nice picture of Mickey, looks like he sees something in the distance. Also looks like the same kennels we have set up, about the only thing they can't break out of in a few seconds. He sure sounds like a typical Pit a goofy nut!

    Sara I agree Monty is a very pretty boy, papers or not.
  14. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Thanks True!

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