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New Hex Pictures. Growing Puppy.

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by True_Pits, Jan 13, 2007.

  1. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Here are a couple pictures of Hex I took the day before yesterday. I thought you would enjoy seeing how Vader's daughter is getting along Sams.



    She is getting so big. I can't believe how much she has grown from the "little" puppy we brought home. She is super heavy (so me) I can bearly pick her up now. This is my first giant sized dog so its going to take some getting used to. @ 6 months she is bigger then most of my adult Pits. I think she is probably 55lbs, while little Storm Chaser is almost 8 months old and only 26lbs. So you can imagine.

    Here is her picture. Tiny little squirt.
  2. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Pretty girl! Has a much diffrent face than Faith.
    Yeah, I know what you mean by getting big fast!!!. Faith is right at 64lbs. And is as tall as Precious. This was right after christmas, i'll have to get some recent photos. She jsut never sits still long enough. LOL

  3. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Hex has a face like her momma! CUTE little face... Stack her up and send a pic...I'm curious how her conformation is going. She looks like a sweety though. Those big dogs are hard to get used to for sure. You're sure they should be ACTING like adults, calming down or what have you and you have to remind yourself that they're still puppies...LOL... How's her bite? Does she snort much? I'm curious if the smushy face is the big deal as far as that goes or if it has to do with bulky muscle too. Those two kids look like they are leaner than my Hermionee or even Precious so I was wondering. I'm sure HErmionee won't have a heat tolerance and Butch had trouble with heat too, I figure it's the smooshy face causing issues but the snort stuff was the indicator that the soft pallet could have been more open causing the issues. So I'm curious... Personally I like the longer noses as the breed is not supposed to have a pronounced stop I think you're only supposed to be able to really feel it rather than see it. Anyway let me know. You can do email or whatever. She's soooooo cute! There's a rescue in Colorado that has a blue mask and points. REALLY pretty. SplitrockBoerboel is where she's listed if you are curious. I don't like the breeder myself, she breeds too much with what she can get for cheap but to each his own... I just wouldn't buy from her. This dog though...is tempting.

  4. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Wow they do have a different face. And build too. I bet my husband would like Faith's build and look better. Oh well, too bad! I love Hex. Hex might be closer to that weight though, not sure will have to weight her. I almost fell over backwards picking her up...lol So she is pretty heavy, seems I can pick Kodiak up easier and he is 55lbs. So she's probably grown some more. It just doesn't seem like she should be so big already.

    Sara no she doesn't snort, at least not as of yet. I'm not sure how the heat will effect her since its so cold. I haven't checked her bite recently, but will have to do that. I think longer nose would be better then shorter nose. Kind of like in Pits is the samething.
  5. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Faith is built pretty stout. I'll have to get some decent photos of her when it stops raining, and stack her up nicely. Heres some pics of Vaders face for comparison.

    Hex is still a cutie though!! And *wink, to the right home i'd sell Faith. I wnat to remain SMALL breeder and 6 dogs is definately getting a bit too much. LOL

    She'll be shown on the 2nd of February at the International Show and then at the ARBA on March 31 and April 1'st in Hutto near Austin Texas, you should bring Hex!!! I'm thinking Chaos and Izzy willl be there as well.


  6. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Yeah she is a cutie. We love her to death!! And very smart too.

    My husband really liked Vader's looks when we went and picked out Hex. He wasn't too sure about how she seems fearful/standoffish. Kind of bothered him. But she was away from her home so thinking maybe that had something to do with it.

    On March 31 and April 1 we have an ADBA show in Odessa, TX so wouldn't be able to make the ARBA show, Odessa is like 7hrs away from Austin area. Then there is Liberty, TX show April 14th weekend but not sure if we will stay in TX for the 2 weeks or not for that one.

    I believe when I was looking at ARBA shows they had one in CO that I might check out, as I'd maybe like to show a couple Pits depending on what their preference is.

    Just can't wait for her to get older and mature so we can see what she is really made of, conformation aside.

    We are also thinking of doing some Bandogs in a few years, depending on how things go. Should make for some upstanding dogs.
  7. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    We've got Family in Liberty and I only live about an hour 45 minutes from there!!! That would be neat! WOuld love to come visit or have you visit!

    Vader is a velcro dog to one person. I've found that out since I've had her. It took her a bit to get used to me, but now, i can't get rid of her! LOL She goes with me to PetsMart and everywhere and is very socialble there. (I think she's figured out everyone will give her treats! LOL)

    But Thats what the boarboel should have done when you first attempted to approach. You were a stranger and she should have treated you like one, and alerted your presence.

    Although, being in a diffrent area migh have had a lot of influence on her reactions as well.

    Here, she'll run right up and bark at you and keep you OFF my property until i tell her to relax its ok. LOL THeir all like that here. Precious is the only one I keep an eye on when strangers are around, She's VERY protective and if voices get loud or she feels i'm being threatned, she will front them and litterally run them off.

    I usually kennel her until she's figured out they arent' a "threat". Hince why she's my inside dog when i'm home alone. Or I'll keep a leash on her. SHes very obediant, but her protective drive is just what I like. I do plan on doing some schlutzand or PSA with at least ONE of her pups. I'll probably do one iwth Vaders as well. Depending on how my school schedule turns out.

    I'd definately like to see Hex in person. I bet she's a cutie!!! OH is she a chow hound?? LOL Vader see's food and she goes nuts, Faith is the same way... those two are awful. LOL
  8. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Well I'm not sure if we are staying in TX for the 2 weeks and going to the Liberty show or not. I think we probably will as he said it is up to me. After the Odessa show we will stay there for awhile and then trek over to the Liberty area. My parents have land not far from there and also my Uncle who lives in Dayton so we will visit him. This is about 15-20 minutes or so I think from the Liberty show.

    So maybe if we do that then I can come meet you and the dogs on the way. That would be cool. I heard you have a really nice male. I'll let you know what we are planning to do when its closer to time.

    From what I have read Boerboels should be fearless protectors. This is my first one so I'm no expert on them. I've only been reading on them and talking to a couple other Boerboel people, but I don't think fear aggression=fearless protector. This means that from how she was acting then if I had been a serious intruder she would have curred out had a made any real threat/advancedment. I had a Boxer who was the same way. She could scare off a few people though...lol Where a protector would be confident when alerting of a stranger and warning a stranger. Not backing up and trying to tuck a nub (she didn't have much of a tail) and reacting skittish. This is the samething a breeder of cane corso's told my friend. That the dogs should act that way because she is a stranger. So basically he was admitting to selling fear aggressive bluff dogs.

    What I think is that she was acting different being away from her home. Some dogs act this way when they are unsure and in a different element. Like how she acts at your home might not be the same as if you took and left her with one of your friends. So it is hard to judge from that seeing her one time in a totally different place. She may be protective there at your house which I don't doubt and defensive because thats her territory and people, but when I seen her she wasn't on her own territory.
  9. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    True, very true.

    She was skittish wehn I first got her. Then again, she drove all over the US, litterally, so I imagine the stress of that go to her too.

    She was here for a bit but then settled in and is one of the "pack". Love her to death. If you see her here, you'll understand just what I'm talking about.

    Thanks for the compliments on Byeboer. yes he's a VERY nice male. He's making his debut this year at the shows. I'm gonna hit all that I can with my school schedule and clinicals, and the puppies that are on the way.

    Let me know when she gets old enough, and if you show and title her that will be a BIG plus. I won't even consider her though until she's passed ALL health testings, and certified. Same goes for Faith. I'm only alowing very limited breedings to Byeboer. I'm not like some that will just breed and breed and breed and pump pups out just because I have him. I'm allowing one outside breeding at this time and thats it.

    I want to really prove him first, but I need to see his progeny as well to see what he's producing and if the pups are worth geting out of him. Know what I mean???

    Anyway. I'd love to come to Odessa or Dayton when your down, be sure to give me a hollar and let me know!!!! Bobby, my brother in law is looking for a female. We're taking Mickey to a few shows and getting him into weight pull and lure coursing.
  10. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    I would love to see Vader and the rest of course. I'm sure she was pretty stressed which can make them act a lot different. Thats why I hate having to ship pups.

    We are going to try and hit a lot of shows too, as usual, but this year we got a lot of family stuff and other travel going on so we'll see. We have several very close to CH so can't wait for those to get finished.

    As far as for Hex there are a couple males that I have already looked at, working dogs in protection and on a ranch. But I might consider others, if we even breed her. We got her as a guardian for our goats and property and if we breed her to another Boerboel we will keep a few pups and have a little pack of them to run together.

    Other than that if she works out for what we want we will take her to our Nemo for some bandogs for hog and sporting dogs. Which I think would be some excellent dogs.

    I'm not certain on titling her yet. But we'll see I'll probably get out to some ARBA shows with her and see how she does. Would be nice to get a title.

    Yeah I know what you mean. What good is a great dog that can't produce. I guess we've decided to change one of our breedings up because of that same fact. 2 brothers one is definatly the better dog but the other brother is producing far better. Weird how that one works.

    Is Bobby your bro-in-law that got the Gotti female? Or different one? I have a few females available.

    We almost definatly be in Odessa, do that one every year and we will later decide if we are staying in TX for the 2 weeks until the Liberty show. I will certainly let you know. I'm getting pretty excited, almost show season again.
  11. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    The gottie pup didn't go thru. The whole litter ended up dying at 3 weeks.

    The idiot, i could have killed him. He had a pup come down with parvo, so he had it in their bathroom, well, forgot to bleach everything down and clean it super good. So the weather got really cold and he moved the pups to that bathroom so they could be warm instead of in his garage/shop setup, So the whole litter got parvo.

    I offered to take her to the vet and pay for it.. if he'd just take that off the purchase price, he wouldn't soo they all ended up dying. I was heart broken. She was sooo pretty.

    He's got another litter, but I'm staying away from him. If he does't have sense enough to be sanitary in his up bringings and enough sense to let someone try and save the pups, then he's not worhy in my book.

    While he has some excellent dogs, he's not trust worthy in my oppinion. Its all just money to him.

    I'd love to take a look at some of your females.

    Oh, If you need a place to stay while down here, your more than welcome here, I've got 6 kennels and a big run open and available if needed. Very nice kennels at that.
    Lots of training room too.
  12. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Wow that sucks. What an idiot. Usually when I hear Gotti I run in the opposite direction as most those breeders could care less about the health of their dogs. I can't believe he wouldn't let you take her to the vet. Crazy.

    PM me your email address since it won't work on the forum

    Thanks for the kind offer. I think we will stay with friends after the Odessa show and then with my Uncle near Liberty though once we head that way. But we will see what happens. The dogs usually do fine staying in the trailer for short trips but with the extended time we will probably tie out and kennel them.
  13. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Its all up to you, just thought I'd throw it out there if you wanted to let them run.

    Also Bobby and I would LOVE to meet Santana, he's in love with that dog. he gets me to print out all of her pictures. LOL

    We were looking online at a Jeep/Rascal dog last night, UGLY UGLY UGLY....thats all i can say, and they had a beudroux dog bred to a another Colby and both of us just laughed and went to the next page... LOL

    Somehow their all trying to make these Low Wide Monsters..... Sure they "look cool" but they can't perform!!!

    Would really like to get some good catch dogs.
  14. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Yeah we'll see how things work out. We could maybe stay there a a day or something on the way to Liberty. Hopefully we will have the 12 dog trailer instead of this 8 dog trailer by then.

    Santana is my baby, she goes with me everywhere. No matter what. My MIL was like we can keep her for the weekend, I was like NO WAY, she can't be without me and I can't be without her. So we will certainly have her with us. She is Bella's mom (don't know if you already know that) That is funny that he gets you to print the pics off. Check out these I just uploaded yesterday, I took them back in august.

    http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b122/ ... asmile.jpg

    http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b122/ ... ll8-06.jpg

    http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b122/ ... it8-06.jpg

    http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b122/ ... ll8-06.jpg

    http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b122/ ... st4yrs.jpg

    Aw man, I have those lines. Well who knows a lot of time they aren't what they really say they are. Mine aren't ugly at least not IMO of course..lol

    I will email you what I have, only 3 females right now. See what you think of them.

    So you are into catch? That is cool.

    Also how can I take a look at your males pedigree?
  15. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I assure you though, your dogs look NOTHING like these, their horrible!!! One has sooo much CaneCorso look to him, its rediculous to think that they can pass it off as a jeep/rascal dog. NO way in hell.....

    Anyway, sure! Shoot me an email! mare-majic@excite.com
  16. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    As far as "catching" goes. I'mnot into the "sport" of it and competing. I'm strictly into the hunting of it. we've got wild hogs BAD here. Real bad.

    I'm not intrested in any outcrossed for a catch or scent/track dog. Strictly pit/pit or boel/boel. Might do something like that with one of the pups.

    As far as a pit with a boel, I'd strongly advise against it. Theres just too much unknown about the boerboel, and with their dominant ways and their dog agression, tied into another breed with sever dog agression issues and dominance, I just don't see a good combo coming out of that.

    Now if Hex were to pass all health testings and whatnot, I wouldn't see a problem tieing her with another Boel.
    I've seen some boerboels doing bite work, catch work, and such and they are pretty good. Not real good for the run down, but for a release catch, I think they'd be great.

    I've just always been to scared to throw one of my dogs out there and risk injury. despite all the new gear they have available.

    Theres some people down here breeding bandogs, crossing pits with bullmastiffs and american mastiffs and to be honest, i'm not impressed in the least bit. I'd look around and see if you find omeone thats done it. get their oppinion, and rethink it. but thats just my oppinion! :D
  17. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    I will send ya an email in a few. Just came in from playing, walking, feeding and watering the doggies.

    Well I'm glad mine aren't horrible..lol But yeah a lot of people hang papers so you never know what they will come up with.

    We are not set on it yet. Just an idea. But really as far as the dog aggression/dominance being in both breeds it wouldn't be any worse then pits to pits. But we won't do anything without a lot of consideration. But its actually been done a few times that I know of with fairly good results. But it takes the right dogs I'm sure. She (Hex) is so young anyway to really know if she is breed quality at all even to another boel.

    I've also seen them do protection and such. Basically like I said that is why we got her was really a guard dog and possibly a protection type dog depending on how she turns out. We had several thousands in dogs stolen and now we have up cameras and all that, maybe its a little weird to have a guard dog for yours dog but we also have her for our own comfort and hopefully for some protection for the goats. But we will see in time.

    She is my first boerboel so I don't just plan to jump right in and breed, have to see as time goes by. From having the Pits I do have a lot of breeding experience and such but the Boerboel is a totally new breed to me so I'm still learning some stuff.

    Anyone can create a bandog per sae, but how "impressive" that dog is depends on the parents, bloodlines and purpose of breeding. A lot I have seen are people claiming to want to breed "The ultimate" working dog or a "tough looking new breed" or some bull and they just take any Pit Bull and pretty much cross it with any bull breed they got and think it will be some awesome working dog or the next big gladiator dog or some crap. But crossbreeding succesfully is more then just that, you can't expect super dogs from the F1 generation and you have to practice selective breeding and culling. Breeding a Pit and a Bullmastiff I wouldn't look for much coming from that, most Bullmastiffs are really toned down now adays and not much more then big pets.

    I have seen some very nice Swinford Bandogs being worked, so I think it just depends on the dog.

    Yeah I understand about the hog problem down there, they cause so much problems/damage. Hunting provides food and cut down on hog population, I'm not against it at all.
  18. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Here are some pics of the Pits


    Warrior doing some sled work.


    Liberty doing some sled work. For those who don't know she is Val's daughter, Val is the one in my signature.
  19. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Hey Sams,

    They've done the cross before in SA. I know the fellow who did it and he has had great success in the brothers he kept for hunting out there. GREAT leopard dogs I guess. Really some serious hunting dogs... Never seen any do protection but I doubt that'd be really a purpose, maybe for sport but the Boel is already geared for Personal Protection anyway.

    True, Boerboels take a LONG time to mature and often times puppies have no idea what to do with their urge to protect or what to make of it it seems. What the Boerboel needs is the human guidance so that YOU clue them in on any threat and from there, usually by the age of two, they know exactly what to do. Often times people are disapointed in Boels at 18mos becuase they're chickens but they really grow into some pretty fearless protectors after they mature and as long as the owner/handler manages to keep them socialized and whatnot. Anyway I need to shoot you an email.

  20. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Hey True...I just read more slowly and wanted to tell ya there's a fella selling Pyr x Akbash pups as LGD's. I called him, mostly curious about the dogs and crossing and he's the real deal. Dogs live 24/7 with the goats and he said he hasn't lost one goat to predators since he's had the dogs. I'm always interested in what crosses work for what and stuff. I've noticed that people are crossing Pyrs more often to get a tougher LGD...I think the Pyr is becoming watered down as a purebred...who knows. The topic peaked my interest. If I had land and could have sheep I'd be all over the pups that this fella has for sale. They're perfect for this climate is why. I love the Boerboels for my home protection but I think you can't really beat a good LGD for livestock...Boerboels like to guard their people and small property they aren't so much an LGD. For your place your choice was good I think...but if you had a ton of land for a dog to watch sheep or goats on I think you'd want something more along the lines of a Pyr or Central Asian Shepherd or that sorta thing.


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