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Statewide Pit Bull Ban Proposed In MO

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by True_Pits, Jan 21, 2007.

  1. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Bad news for Pit Bull owners.

    The state of MO has a proposed Pit Bull Ban that will be state wide.

    So if you are in this area or no someone who is beware. Please pass this on to anyone you know in MO.

    Also if you are in the area the MO Pit Bull Club is holding a meeting in Odessa, MO at Morgan's Restuarant @ 6:00 TONIGHT so if you can attend or know someone close by please do!

    They will have info about the ban and what actions to take. All Pit Bull owners are being urged to attend.
  2. Sara

    Sara New Member

    If the ban goes through do the pit clubs in the area have a plan of action to take to save some dogs???? Colorado was hit with that stuff and lots of folks didn't plan for it...a ban in a city would pass and the next day they would be out in force confiscating pit bulls and putting them down...ugly stuff that BSL...just Ugly...

    Keep us posted...

  3. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    I'm not sure what all they have planned, I'm sure they have some sort of plan thats why they called everyone to the meeting. They still keep me informed of whats going on here and there, but since I'm all the way over here.... The bill hasn't made it to congress yet and they are trying to stomp it out beforehand and make everyone aware just in case.

    It was a pretty small turn out which is dissapointing but it was bad weather too and I'm sure a lot of people didn't want to get all. Although I would if it concerned banning of my breed.

    They won't just pass a law and then come start taking dogs the next day. It will be like in independece, they have a certain amount of time to get rid of them and can have them grandfathered in if they wish to keep their dog by applying for annual lisense.

    There are also other things that will likely be in place. Mandatory spay & neuter is one, except for breeders. This is what they passed in KC and will likely go throughout the whole state.

    Otherwise I'd probably have to make a run and pick up at least 12 more dogs that I could think of.

    I think that is why the Denver ban has seen so many problems and why some are even wanting to come to law suits. Pretty much done very shady. But they the owners had 30 days to rehome their dogs and knew it.
  4. Sara

    Sara New Member

    That's true about Denver but some of the other areas I don't think had the 30 day luxury...I do remember though once Denver did it everyone was doin' it and likely those little towns were doing it illegally but knew the pit owners in the area had no money to spend sueing or they figured they were too ignorant to know... I'm sure that's what happened in the small areas... a few colorado breeders probably were on the legal systems list of bad folks anyway...I know a couple who are pretty scary anyway.

  5. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    Over here in Queensland Australia pits are Banned, they are classed as dangerous dogs, they were sooo many attacks from them.. Its not the dog its the dam owners who wont be educated on how to handle them and bring them up.. :x
  6. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    One thing about Texas, it'll never happen down here. I just dont' think anyone could allow it.
    As for me, money or not, I'd put up one hell of a fight.....
  7. tuttifrutti

    tuttifrutti New Member

    ohh yes, i'm with you sams. i don't currently own a pitbull, but i would like to eventually. all the pitbulls we get in at work are big sweethearts!
  8. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I mean, i don't get how anyone would want to ban this!!!


    Ok, so he may not be the most Innocent thing, he does have an appetite for well, anything... but he'd never harm a person!!


    The way you train and handle. is most important. Even though I do know there are some with "issues" I'm a firm beliver that we should ban the people not the dog!!!
    Active "culling" practices should be taken sure, but thats with every breed, I konw more chiuhaha's that are far more dangerous than one pit!

    Hell, he's even a sweetie when we embarass the dickens outta him by putting a piece of scotch tape to his head!!!!

    Not sure what the deal is, but he just gets plain goofy when you stick something to his head. He won't try and get it off, he just sits there all still like if he doesn't move, it will just go away....

    But honestly...... Its not the dogs. Its the people and that pisses me off more than anything is that while yes the people are upset, its the dogs that are being punished, and who's doing anything about it??? not many that i've seen....talk is one thing, actions are a completly diffrent story
  9. rowdiebrindlepit

    rowdiebrindlepit New Member

    yeah they tried that in south bend indiana too. then they took pit bulls of the list of dangerous dogs and than that night an older man was walking his dog and a pit bullran up and grabbed his dog than his leg before he was stopped. the owners had multiple calls in the past and never fixed the dog or how ever it was getting out, and now the county has postponed the actual writing of the bill and they are modifying it. a friend of mine who lives there went and herd one of the meetings and herd potties,chows,pits and i believe dobies were all gonna require a 100$ a year tag, automatic nutering/spaying befor it can be registered, and must wear a muzzle when ever in public. but it hasnt been passed yet so i am hoping it will change, because i will be right between 2 countys with bans on pits. and ill tell you what i sure as hell aint getting rid of my dogs because some idiots cant control their dogs!
  10. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I agree. There are several with animals they can not control. One of my biggist issues I bring up with people that are wanting one of my puppies or dogs, is if they've ever had a large or giant breed before. If not, i'm requiring them to go to another breeder near by, and then have that breeder email me after they've spent a day with them, or they can come here. They really need to spend at least a full day of handling one, and learning all about them with hands on. I spent a WHOLE week with Sara here from Auspet getting to know them. Let alone I spent how long researching them....

    I do give out a little quiz on them to make sure they've actually resarched the breed or if their just saying that they have.
  11. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    One of the requirements I have for pit bulls I adopt out in rescue, is the adopting family has to agree before adoption to work with an actual dog trainer, if its me, I do lessons for free) but they have their choice. They can choose whoever they like. I do follow up on this as well. It works out for the new family and the dog because issues are continuously addressed before they become a major issue with the dog as well as the family.
    My other requirement is the dog is spayed/neutered BEFORE they leave me.
    Back yard breeders is a huge problem with pit bulls.

    In my opinion, for someone without breed experience, one week is not nearly enough time to learn breed traits and/or obedience training. Learning is a lifetime of experiences.

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