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Updates on Mommy to be!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, Jan 28, 2007.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Just wanting to update everyone! Vaders doing great! Being pampered like the little princess she is. She's decided the office bed (guest bed) is now hers. LOL Even after buying an expensive whelping pad and bed for her, she's decided the pillow top queen suits her better! LOL

    Ultra sound shows 13 babies! OMG, i don't know what i'm going to do with that many...... LOL Actually i've got pretty much all of them sold. I'll be keeping back one or two.

    Here's a few photos! Enjoy!!!

    Look Ma! I'm on the bed finally!!! Ha ha! and you said my fat butt couldn't make it!!!

    Ahh this is the life... would you bring me a sparkling water please???

    Uh, mom, that was Tap water...nice try...

    Got any more Snookies??? (doggie cookies, peanut butters her favorite)
    Ahh this is the life....

    I wonder if I'll get my waist line back?? Gotta have that figure for swim suit season!!! Mom says we're going to the beach this summer!!

    Ahh.. I love you....
  2. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I may be pregnant!!! But i'm still a guard dog! now i KNOW i saw the pizza man go in there somewhere!!!!!
  3. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Oh my How big has she gotten, She looks very happy some dogs in whelp look miserable but she does look quite happy and content.

    Well you should know that they decide where they want to whelp and most of there time there decision is final....

    13 Pups i told you that you were going to have a large litter well just think of the fun you will have with them all when they on there feet running around...

    How long she got left of her pregnancy now?

  4. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    She's due in 2 weeks. But thats going from the last day mated. So it could just be one week. We'll see! She's got her last ultrasound and x-ray on the 30th (Tuesday). Just want to take one more look, make sure everythings lined up properly and there aren't any problems. And see what the count is again so we know what to expect and I won't worry about retained puppies. exc. Of course she's going right after their born, but you know what I mean!!!!

    It'll be my luck, she's going to hold out until i'm either asleep, or I'm at school.
    So I went out and bought new baby monitors!!! LOL That way I can listen to her at all times. She was being very lathargic and just pain myserable last night. I listed to her chest and tummy, clear lungs, strong heart beat, gut sounds are adequate, lots of puppy activity and I can hear wierd gurgling, so thats good. Her temp was 100.5F... gum color was good.... I'm just assuming she's tired of being big. LOL

    But your right. She's the happiest dog pregnant! But i'm thinking it may be because she's in the house, getting waited on nose and paw, and getting all the special treatment and yummy puppy food. LOL
    Either way, she's happy all the time.
    Now if I can just get her in the bathtub for a last bath... i'll be doing good!
  5. tuttifrutti

    tuttifrutti New Member

    oh my goodness, she's so big! and 13 puppies! :shock:
  6. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Uh huh!!!! I can't belive it myself!!!
  7. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    HOLEY MOLEY!!!! :shock: :lol:
    She is big...
    Cant wait to see some puppy Piccies.. :eek:
    Good luck with eveything, with her labour and all, hope everything goes smoothly...
  8. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I'll be at the International Dog Show with Byeboer and Faith this weekend. So her and Kabuki will be spending their weekend at the Vets office just in case.....
  9. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Ok guys!!!! :eek:

    Had our LAST vet check before the puppies are due, and well, we were going from the last day they mated, we're now going fromt he first date they mated. So any time now we'll have puppies!!! Her vagina and cervex have relaxed and dialated, and milk production is at FULL copacity Dr. Zeplin said she predicts puppies in the next few days!!!!

    I was supposed to go to the international dog show this weekend in Hutto with Byeboer and Faith, But I belive I'll be staying home.... I know their gonna wait itll i'm gone to have them!!!!

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