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Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by MyPetTherapyDog, Feb 20, 2007.

  1. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    Honestly, I am so upset over what I just witnessed.

    I was having a nice morning playing with one of my dogs in my own home town. Penny and I were playing fetch in the ball park for a few minutes
    (it was too cold to stay any longer) anyway, I was leaving the park which is right next to the animal shelter that I volunteer as a dog trainer).
    While I was at the stop sign, I happened to see an old white crappy car with "trailer trash" type people sitting in it and a dog looking out the car window.
    They caught my eye because the shelter was obviously closed and they looked like they were scheming.

    I decided to drive around the park one more time because I did not like the looks of them.

    Mind you this park is only 1.5 miles long so it did not take me very long to drive around it.
    By the time I got back to the other side, the losers were gone and this poor sweet emaciated dog was scared to death running after them whining.

    I could not believe they just dumped her even knowing I had just driven around the park and was still in the immediate area!

    I had my dog in the car so I was really at a loss.
    I called the ACO (who also is a friend of mine) and asked her for assistance. The shelter was closed due to the holiday and she was a few towns over and could not get there right away so she called the police to assist me.

    I had treats with me and although scared, thankfully, eventually the dog did come to me.

    I was able to get my leash around her and then I brought her into the shelter. The police officer met me and asked me if I had gotten the car's plate. Unfortunatly, I did not. I was more worried about the dog.

    I am hopeful the shelters surveillance system will pick up the entire show on tape and we can charge these losers with Abandonment .

    Although very skinny and un-kept, so far, she seems ok. She is not a young dog probably about 7 -8 years old. I'm guessing she is a border collie/terrier mix. Sooooo dammm sweet even after being abused by losers!!!!!

    Why oh why do people do this to animals??? :x

    These poor animals have no voice, only people such as ourselves.

    I guess these are the exact reasons I choose to adopt from shelters rather than to buy from breeders as I know there are sooooooo many other dogs just like this poor soul that need and DESERVE LOVING HOMES!!! Through no fault of their own are they in the situations they are in!

    This honestly makes me SICK and obviously ruined my day! :(

    Thanks for letting me ramble on. I needed to VENT!!!

    To those losers, I pray you get whats coming to you!! :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x

    To "Katie" (Her new name) (Named after one of my doggies) You will get a marvelous NEW home, I PROMISE YOU!!!!
  2. hermann muenster

    hermann muenster New Member

    I, like you am continually amazed by people.

    And, thank you for ruining my day too!

    What a horrible way to start a day.

    I'm sure "Katie" will get the marvelous new home she deserves.

    As for the trash that dumped her off in this cold --- well, being a church goer, I just can't say the words.

    You were Katie's angel today.
    Feel good that you were there for her.
  3. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    Ohhhh I am so upset reading this, you would like to get your hands on them wouldnt you.. :x :x :x
    Bloody cruel mongrols..
  4. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    :cry: :cry: :cry: You are so lucky you were there, you are indeed her angel I do think thing slike this happen for a reason, you being ther eat that time, she will have better home
  5. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I'm guessing, in spite of being dumped, it was HER lucky day....you were there to intervene and be sure she is safe. From the sounds of her physical condition her life sucked.
    It was horrendous what they did...but sounds like they did the poor girl a favor. Just glad their timing was better than their thought process.
    Fate....it's pure fate that you were there
  6. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    Thank you EVERYONE for your extremily kind words. I am still kicking myself for not getting the plate number on the car.
    Well, today I took "Katie" to the vet today for a check up because we noticed her gums and her eyes and her skin was "yellow" She had a bunch of lab work today and she is being rulled out for: Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia/ Thrombocytopenia
    I feel horrible for her.
    Please everyone pray for this poor soul!
  7. someday

    someday New Member

    I'm praying for poor little Katie( I'm partial to the name :D ).
    Thank goodness you were there to rescue her. She truely did find her angel.
  8. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Oh Goodness, Sorry to hear that.
    Hoping for the best!!!
  9. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    well, the vet called today. Katie's news doesn't seem so great. She is building up fluid on her lver.
    Seems her problems are liver related.
    Not so good.
    She could have a mass.
    Tomorrow, he comes to re-evaluate her.
    Please pray for a miracle.
    She is such a sweet heart of a dog.
    Poor soul sure did not deserve this sentence.
  10. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    Things did not end up so well for poor Katie. She was in complete liver failure and the only humane thing to do was for us to let her die with any dignity she had left.
    Its been a very hard day for me.
    Katie, please know the shelter workers loved you much more than your friggin rotten family.
    I hope they get whats coming to them.

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