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In need of some serious Advice.

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, Feb 28, 2007.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Ok. Precious is doing good the puppies are getting to be fat little butterballs.... but theres a problem.

    Precious is driving me CRAZY. She barks all the time, wants inside, then runs back outside, then back and forth. Just can't sit stilL!!!
    She's an awsome momma but I'm thinking she's got to be bored. I don't know what else would be causing her to act so strange.

    I took her to the vet thinking maybe she developed a UTI, but she's fine. The vet thinks she's bored. I gave her her Bad Cuz toy and a few others and bought some chew treats, and even moved a small TV in her closet so she could watch it and have noise... but she's still pacing, snooping around and barking to get my attention.
    Any suggestions???
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    It could be she hears something outside and is wanting to protect her babies, Either that or she has found a new game to play lol.

    I would just keep an eye on her, It could very well be she is bored now.

    I do not know what else to say apart from keep an eye on her

  3. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I think her biggest problem is she's spoiled rotten. And I've given in to chasing her arund and letting her in and out. Now when she hears us in the living room she barks and barks and barks. I know I should igore it, cuz yelling at her to hush is just reinforcing her attention and giving her what she wants... but Ugh!!! Driving me NUTS!!!
  4. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    LOL how smart are dogs, Sounds like its a game to her and she is loving the fact mom will play along...

    Its easy to say just to ignore it but it can get quite annoying so its easier and quicker to give in that way the noise stops lol

  5. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    she's content at the moment. I got some chewlotta bones. (there her favorite) so she's happy, until its gone...
  6. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    My mum is having trouble getting jess to eat much, She has always been a picky eater but i thought now she is pregnant that she would have atleast started to actually eat all her food.

    The only thing my mum can get her to eat properly is cooked tripe from the butchers which she buys in bulk and freezes. She will not even eat puppy food, Vet says its fine to lether just eat the tripe but i thought maybe its not enough for her especially when she gets to 6weeks.

    I have never had a picky dog so i do not know much to suggest to my mum, Have you got any idea's

  7. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    My dogs are picky too.
    has she tried the canned puppy food?
  8. Sara

    Sara New Member


    Precious has you around her finger...and on top of it, even if she's not manipulating her and her behavior is stemming from some insecurity protecting her babies you've perpetuated it by letting her take the lead in that department...if you want her to keep the lead in that department throw her and the puppies back outside where she can come and go as she pleases. But in the house if you want that job...then take it...but you're causing some issues by letting her take the lead.

    If the weather's fine out there...I'd put her and the pups out of doors. My pups were out as soon as the freeze was gone, under a heat lamp with mom. It works WAY better that way if you have safe containment for all and warmth for all. Honestly I think Precious is worried about her job this way and you can fix it one of those two ways.


  9. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    You know i think your right.

    I'm not quite ready to put her outside for good. But I'll try putting them on the porch tomorow. I just started putting the big pups out and they seem to like it. I won't let them on dirt though. parvo is sooo bad here.

    They seem to enjoy being outside, only as soon as it gets dark, their right back indoors.

    Precious is spoiled rotten. She's a daddy's girl and when she can't be with him, she's very upset. She knows what time he comes home for lunch and what time in the evenings and thats the main time that she throws a fit.

    She's used to waiting for him outside. So she barks until I let her out.

    Another thing I've really begun to knotice, if one of the other older pups whines. she gets upset. I won't allow her with them... She's not agressive, but she's overly attentive and curious of them, until they get a bit older, I'm not risking her hurting one by trying to play. She's great with her own though.

    Seriously considering putting in a doggie door. That way she can have the pups in the living room instead of the bathroom and then come in and out as she pleases....

    Thanks for the advice... Giving her toys and stuff has really helped as well. She's a very athletic dog and is used to hours of patroling the pastures and yard, and playing fetch and running with the other dogs. Its a HUGE change for her to have to be lazy and a momma....
  10. Sara

    Sara New Member

    I'd be all about the Doggy door... I have no idea why they starred out my little comment... S*U*C*K*E*R....is what I said....perhaps it's too close to the other word... Anyway that'd probably be a good middle ground with a Doggy door. She'd probably really dig it. Good way to train puppies to use one too, that's always nice if you sell to someone who uses one, one less thing for them to train for.

  11. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Yeah, super idea.... my biggest problem would be keeping her from draggin everything from the yard inside the house!!!! She's quite the collector

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