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  2. Microworms - Live Aquarium Foods

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  3. Australian Blackworms - Live Fish Food

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  4. Live Spirulina

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Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by Obelix, Apr 24, 2004.

  1. Obelix

    Obelix New Member

    I just bought 4 male guppys and 2 females about about an hour ago both females began shooting out little eyes with fins. my lfs told me to leave the tank alone and let nature take its course and the few who werent swolled whole are now hiding in my plants. any body know if theirs something i should be doing to help them stay alive? ive got about 8 shooting right into my little cove. I seriously feel sorry for anything that gives birth that many times! :lol:
  2. Fish Addict

    Fish Addict New Member

    if you want to keep them i would get a small tank with a foam filter and put them in there alone
    that they can't get sucked up in to but if you don't, let nature take its course some may still survive other than that there should always be more females than male as the male cause alot of stress oh and your female will give birth every month or so and they can give birth to 15 to 40 fry at once
    good luck with your baby guppy's
  3. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    congratulations :eek: thats really cool, and that only happens once in a blue moon...lol.... hopefully you will transfer them because they should be allowed to live....so just get a small tank with a small filter...i sudgest you get the bottom filter. that is a filger that is located on the bottom and has bubbles coming up. than feed them crushed up flakes! well done :D
  4. 3_second_memory

    3_second_memory New Member


    i have 5 females, and some one has popped out 2 fry. thats it! hehe.
    If you dont want to set up another tank for them. you can buy a breeding net. you can then put the fry in the net and feed them crushed flake, egg yolk, or first bites fish powder. if they are in a net, you can moniter them easyier, and they wont get sucked up the filter.
  5. kristisanchez

    kristisanchez New Member

    I had my 1st set of fry in a breader for 5 weeks then I took them out because my mom gave birth again. I will post a few pictures of them for you.

    I use first bites fish powder and in a few weeks give flakes alternating between the two.

    This is a picture of my mom in teh breader as she was giving birth to her 1st set of fry.

    Here is a picture the fry at about 11 days old (there were 26 born this time).
  6. kristisanchez

    kristisanchez New Member

    Here is one more picture of the breader so you can see how it works. I took the mom out 2 days after giving birth so she had a few days to recover.


    I think the breader is good because it ensures that your fry can survive.
  7. Jennytoons

    Jennytoons New Member

    The first thing you should do is immediantly, get the adults out of the tank!
  8. Hooben

    Hooben New Member

    Lets all calm down now...

    My daughters guppies gave birth to more fry and we didn't even notice. We have so many plastic plants in there, they have plenty of places to hide. We started to see them come up for food and they are big enough now, not to be eaten. Buy yourself a breeder and carefully place the new arrivals inside the breeder. Of course the breeder floats inside the tank.
    You will be fine!

    Congratulations! :y_the_best: :wink:

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