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Where do i start? Please Help!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by bigballer7251, Mar 3, 2007.

  1. bigballer7251

    bigballer7251 New Member

    My dad has recently maried a woman with two 3 year old labs. They have never been played with or taught anything. Every time i try to let them out of their .5 acre pen, they run off. I want them to stay around and not run off. Does anyone have any tips? Any Response would be greatly apriciated!
  2. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Hi there, you can teach them its a lot work I know from personal experience on my dog who was stray and just wanted to bolt any time she got the chance. It will be hard because you have 2 to work with THis is what worked for me. First off, since you have a good size pen, I would work with each of them in it individually and start teaching them sit and stay. when they have learned the sit. then work on stay. Make them site, hold your palm out and say stay, while being a few feet from them, make them stay in this position for about 5 seconds, then reward them with a treat and something like an "okay good dog"! work on this until they can stay about 15 seconds. and work you away farther from them as they get better so when they have mastered you on one side of the kennel and them on the other add the word "come" or whatever word you want to use to get them to you, again praise and reward, At this point you may need a a rope get it about 6 feet long tie like a leash and when you say 'come" you tugge the rope so it give them the hint to come to you. once they have master this, you can now work on this on the outside and slowly as days or even weeks go by, you make the rope longer, so there is more distance to you, make them do the sit stay come praise come commands

    good luck
  3. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    I might surmise from your message that neither dog has had any obedience training or socialization with other dogs. I don't know where you live but you should take at least one of the dogs to a basic obedience class. Take what you learn in each class and then work with the other dog at home but away from the first dog. Labs learn quickly if you demonstrate strong leadership.
    The basic commands they should master are, sit, stay, down, heel, leave it, and most important come. I believe that once you train the dogs they may not tend to "bolt" as you put it.
    Are the dogs neutered ar spayed.? If not then that has a lot to do with their urge to roam.
  4. bigballer7251

    bigballer7251 New Member

    thanks, i have been tring to do what yall said but when i seporate the dogs, all he will do is fight to play with the other dog.
  5. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    you really should seek professional training help.
  6. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    Yes, I agree w/ Sams.
    You should seek professional help. A trained eye can assist you more than you can imagine.

    I do have some pointers for you in the mean time.

    First, Begin working the dogs ONE BY ONE! INDIVIDUAL TRAINING TIME IS NECESSARY!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Utilize a behavior program with all of your dogs called NILIF
    You need to be recognized as the leader!

    Begin by teaching a simple sit/stay. If the dogs don't know sit, then begin by teaching them individually SIT. Then add STAY
    Do some door training at your household doors.
    Before you go outside make the dog sit and stay until you cross the other side then give a release word and release the dog to the other side of the door.

    As far as a recall, you begin with an area of least distractions then gradually move up.
    I use a training game I made up that words great!
    This also works to exercise the dogs as well.

    Tools needed: 26ft flexi leash, fanny pack and treats.

    Begin by taking your dog for a long relaxing walk using a 26 ft. flexi leash. Let the dog have fun running around without using any commands. The idea is to let the dog use up any Pent Up Energy.
    After 10 minutes or whenever you see the dog start to relax and chill, begin teaching the dog "Go Fetch" and "Come" using the flexi leash. First throw out a treat or toy and tell the dog to "Go Fetch". Allow the dog to run after the treat/toy and then tell the dog to "Come" Reeling in the flexi leash to get the dog to come if you have to. Once the dog comes, HIGH PRAISE and Reward!
    Repeat this process and let the dog think its a real cool game to play. This teaches the dog a nice fetch and recall at the same time.

    You also can teach a recall by getting a 20 ft. training leash (walmart sells these cheap in the dog collar isle)
    You get on one side of your yard and let a family member or friend go to the other end of the yard with the dog being leashed up on the training line.
    First you take a turn calling the dog "Dino Come" run backwards and be bouncy and happy tone!
    Once the dog COMES Say Good come and REWARD!!!
    Now your family member takes a turn calling the dog. If the dog comes back to you, you IGNORE the dog completely because you did not call him.
    Once the dog comes to the other person they do the same thing HIGH PRAISE GOOD COME and REWARD!!!
    The game continues.
    Once the dog understands COME move the game onto area's of more and more distraction.
    NEVER YELL AT THE DOGS IF THEY DON'T COME because you only teach the dogs to run away faster!
    Come always is positive.
    If you need more advice, contact me directly at Dynamic_dog_Training@myway.com

    For anyone else with training issues the same applies, please e-mail me and I will respond with your answers.
    I usually don't like to post my answers on a public board because this is my bread and butter remember LOL but I am willing to help out when needed!
  7. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    PS Honeybears! You give great advice! Too bad you didn't live near me I need a great training assitant!

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