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Dog limping after stepped on

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by warnekeh, Apr 29, 2004.

  1. warnekeh

    warnekeh New Member

    Hello I was taking my mini dachshund for a walk today and someone stepped on her foot. She hasn't been walking on it since it happen. Right after it happened she cried for about a minute and then stopped and I can touch the foot but she won't walk on it. I am really worried that something is really wrong with her foot. Yesterday she got spayed so I am wondering if maybe she is just being over sensitive. Someone please help.
  2. Jennifer

    Jennifer New Member

    Dachshunds are pretty fragile dogs aren't they? Is there any swelling at all? If she's limping still... I'd get her into the vet to be checked. Better safe than sorry, I think. Yes.. please call your vet right away.

  3. warnekeh

    warnekeh New Member

    It looked a little swollen and I called the emergency vet and she said that it would be okay to wait because dachshunds overract a lot, but I was wondering if anyone had this happen to them. I have been putting ice on it and that seemed to help
  4. Jennifer

    Jennifer New Member

    I've never had it happen to me.. I'm getting our first little dogs tomorrow. But man.. I don't think I could make myself wait. Hopefully someone will come along and be able to give you some better advice/support.

    Hope he's not broken.. :(

  5. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    She could be overly sensitive or she could have a fracture of some kind. I would have it xrayed if you think she is acting abnormally.
  6. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Sure she may be overreacting, but it is better to be safe than sorry! The only thing that worries me is the fact that she hasn't walked on it since the incident, which *could* be sign that there is something wrong. (I don't know for sure though, maybe I am just too much of a worry bug! :wink: )If you feel as though she may be overreacting, you could wait until tomorrow morning and see if she seems to be doing better, if not, then definitely take her in to check for any injuries!

    I hope that she is feeling better soon, and that her foot is O.K.! :D
  7. warnekeh

    warnekeh New Member

    Okay I woke up this morining and now she is limping on it but almost walking perfect at sometimes, I am going to make a backup appointment for tomorrow morning but I think she will be okay by then, Thanks for your help!!
  8. sandangel

    sandangel New Member

    Hopefully just a sprain :)

    You might want to try felling around and applying pressure here and there just a bit i jhad a Pekepoo with horribly broken foot and didn't whimper when I felt lightly down the sides. I took her to the vet anyway because she just wasn't herself and xrays showed 4 TOTALLY broken toes. They were broken clear through and seperated. My baby hadn't even whimpered except the intial cry when it happened!!!!!! My vet found it at first before the xray by squezing the sides down her leg and foot with no reaction, and then when he applied pressure top and bottom of the foot squeezing gently... then she whimpered. he coudn't believe she was SOOOOOOO good for such a horrible break.

    by the way. She got the 4 broken toes when diggging under a brick outside and dug so big a hole the brick fell in the whole on top of her foot!!!! She is now running around fine again with no complications and not limping at all. However she did have a little pink cast for a month :wink:
  9. Riley'sMom

    Riley'sMom New Member

    A friend of mine had a maltese, oneday she got a thorn or a prickley spur (one of those things in your yard that can cling on to your socks or knit clothing that are prickley, sorry not sure of the correct term :0011: ) stuck in her paw. Anyway... it was taken out she was fine but now and then she'd limp, even months after, clearly it had been healed, but the vet said she's doing it for sympathy or wanted attention. HOPEFULLY, thats what your baby is doing!?
    I hope she's going to be okay, let us know how she's doing!!

  10. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Oh boy, my neigbors feisty min pin, had jump out of her car and her hubby had just cleared some cactus. Well he was limping but she could not get him to let her look. I was walking my ywo and spoke with her. I offered to bring mine home and come over to see what we could do. He had been limping for a few hours already. So she muzzled him, otherwise I would have him biting me no doubt. I found a cactus thorn nearly an inch long in the poor buys foot. He's fine now. But they let him rule their house and they just can't handle him when needed. If he spent some time with me, I'd have a handle on the boy.
  11. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    are you available for "toilet paper roll stealing intervention" ?? :)
  12. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    Monster ! [-X and you accused us of the toliet paper thing !!!!!

    Puttin is very dog savvy ,she could more than apt talk him into a doggie clinic ...Love her to peices !!! Hi Puttin ! :y_the_best:
  13. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    I'm not sure even what you mean by that.
    I don't mean anything bad. Its just that sasha was very much like that min pin when I got her. I had to reastablish whom was alpha or she would have raised alot of hell in the household. Possibly would not have been able to keep her, had I not. Just being firm. The older couple that own this min pin, honestly don't have much control over this dog. He bites them so they just don't do the things needed. They have to take him to the vet for nail clippings. I think you must understand what I mean.

    Thanks for sticking up for me Iluvmalts. :eek:
  14. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    Puttin ,she meant Bailey steals the toliet paper and she needs to teach him not to .You were talking about how strict you would have a handle on that other doggie and she said 'intervention " like when an alcholic's family comes in and says "Go Get help or your outta here ' ...She means you could "take control of Bailey and get him to mind better about the paper thing .no harm meant there .Monster is a cuttup like I am at times (she is worse,LOL ! ) it was not an insult but a compliment ...Lova ya Puttin and tell sasha she gets another certificate this month (send me a new pict to put on it ) and send me a cute pict of that Rufus ,he is a doll too !
  15. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Oh ok, I was thinking that could go either way. But Mosters always nice to me.

    I will send some more pictures your way. Thanks.
  16. Prncess

    Prncess New Member

    Oh, I'm so sorry about your dog, It seems that if she hasn't been walking on it then it could be a problem, i would take him to the vet. I accidentally stepped on my baby today 3 times, cuz i was workin in the kitchen and she jumped out at me from no where, i felt soooo bad, and then the last time i stepped on her she yelped...i was sooooo scared..then she started no walking on it, eeek, i was a bad mommy, but in a few minutes she was walking normally again, so depends on how long she doesn't step on it.

    Goodluck! And i pray that your baby is doing well! take care!
  17. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Oh my goshhhhhhhhhhhhhh! No, no, noooo puttin... I was just being funny (or trying!) LOL) I just read this.... and THANK YOU MALTI! (Malti always has my "back"... hehe ...xoxo)

    So, yes, yes, yes.... puttin, I was just teasin about you making my Bailey behave. :) Malti explained it perfectly.

    Gosh, I'm so sowwy you misunderstood.... I try to always be nice (or funny) - but apparently only one at a time! hehe :) I think you are AWESOME PUTTIN!!!!!!! (you don't know that by now?? hehe)
  18. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    Puttin is a doll and those babies of hers are just the cutest things ,I love the one with Rufus and the underwear .he is so adorable in it .
    more than apt Monster she was just tired .I have read things wrong myself .No thanks necessary ,I love you both .
  19. Jennifer

    Jennifer New Member

    He posted this same issue a day later at Practical Pet Care... and surprise.. got the same answer.

    I hope that this little dog is doing okay now. Did you ever take her to the vet??

  20. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Yeah, I usually catch onto your wonderful humor Monster. I have been working alot this month. I'm fine though, I really am. My hubby and I went to the rennisaince faire last weekend. Free 25.00 tickets from my boss. He sells period clothing and leather goods. It was alot of fun. We dressed up too. :wink:

    I hope the little guy is doing better by now.

    Malti- I was trying to take some pictures of Rufus yesterday. Trying to get some new ones. But some were dark. Sooo I sent them onto imagestation thinking I could edit them. The site would not co-operate. It is really hard to get a good picture of him. He is either moving and its a blur or its just the same look. I have one where he moved so fast that he looks like a different dog somehow his face was lengthened. I'll see if I can put in in the poocross threads.

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