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is my cockatiel becoming egg bound?

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by taylorkim, Mar 2, 2007.

  1. taylorkim

    taylorkim New Member

    I have 2 cockatiels, 2 yrs and 2 1/2. The last couple of days the older bird has been getting on the other ones back as if she was trying to mate. supposedly they are both females... Now the younger one is sitting on the bottom of the cage and swaying back and forth during the day, but perching at night. I am worried because she was egg bound in Jan. Could she be getting egg bound again.. and how long does laying an egg take? :) Do cockatiels come into heat even if there is no male present?
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi, Firstly yes a female will still want to lay eggs if no male is present.

    Are you sure that both are female and not male and female?

    When breeding it is usually 10days after mating that she will lay her first egg and then another every 2 days.
    Sitting swaying back and forth is an indication she is wanting to lay but does not feel safe, The swaying is her way of warning you to stay away from her.

    If she was egg bound back in january this suggest she is not getting enough calcium and has a deficiency, There should be a constant supply of cuttlefish bone in her cage, You can even scrape some of it off the cuttlefish and put into her food.

    Keep her calcium levels up usually helps reduce egg binding, If you suspect egg binding get her to an avian vet ASAP as this can be and usually fatal.

    What colour mutation are your birds.

  3. taylorkim

    taylorkim New Member

    cockatiels-response to Mike's question

    Hi Mike,
    thanks for your info. She is really puzzling the vet and I. Her blood work is fine, she is not egg bound, but she does have bits of shell left according to the x-ray. She is however, losing weight and seems very depressed. I have a beige and white mutation(this one is definitely a female, the one that was egg bound), and the other is a white face...thought it was female, but not so sure anymore...anyway, thanks for the help and advice. I have since put her on calcium suppliments from the vet, and last bloodwork done on wednesday was good levels..
  4. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    If there is shell left over in her oviduct then chances are she is suffering from some form of infection, Especially with the weight loss.

    Sometimes infections can be missed when doing blood work so i would ask the vet to try antibiotics to see if she improves.

  5. taylorkim

    taylorkim New Member

    My crazy cockatiel Chloe

    Hi Mike,
    thanks for all your help. I am happy to report that Chloe is doing much better. She has put on about 5gms and doesn't seem as depressed. Hopefully, we are in the clear. I'm still guarded right now, but she is doing much much better. I'm really glad we have a great vet.
    thanks for everything
  6. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    I am glad to hear she is doing better.
    Just keep a close eye on her but i think she ill be fine now.


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