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Back from the show

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by True_Pits, Apr 6, 2007.

  1. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    I guess we did alright for the show. We will be heading out again in less then a week.

    Twister took two 2nds and is close to CH now, only needs a couple 1st.

    Nediva took two 1st

    Here is Warrior in shape before the show

    Warrior took two 2nds and a 1st

    Eown I was only able to show on Sunday and she took a 2nd

    Here is my friends female, same bloodline as Nediva dn Eown she took two 1st and a 2nd

    My other friends dog who took a 1st and Best Puppy I think both days.
  2. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

  3. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Good job! Hopefully Bella will be heading out with you guys for this next trip! Looks like fun!!!! Dogs look great.

  4. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Thanks!! I sent ya an email Sam.


    If you don't get Bella's papers back by next week I'd call ADBA and see whats up and if they can get you the info to enter her. I can't find the copy I made of them!!!! I need to get more organized I have so many binders and folders.

    I'll talk to John about River and see, he looked good in the pics and might take him just for experience sake. I need to find out who's judging too. I know we are planing on taking Scorpion and Santana this time, wanted to take Scorpion last time but didn't have room. We aren't taking Thunder this time though.
  5. Sara

    Sara New Member

    We'll do! Hopefully they've been sent and they'll be happy to fax copies or something! I would be so upset if they couldn't. I haven't ever dealt with the ADBA or this kind of thing so not sure what to expect. I do hope they're not difficult about it...

    I'm not too worried that I won't get something to send her to the show with...but it does make me nervous...urgh...

    River's been doing well with his fear, getting more confidence and is quicker to recover if something startles him (cars on the road....) so even for just the experience, if there's room it would maybe be a good idea. And you could always enter him if you felt he was ready. I'd be dogless though...my pits would be gone... :cry: I'll have to get River a surprise to come home to along with Bella's welcome back home toy...

  6. floppy730

    floppy730 New Member

    You have beautiful dogs

    I am pit bull owner. We have a red nose pitt with a hip disorder. This disorder has never stopped her. She is wonderful with our grandchildren. We have tried to adopt several from the SPCA but it never seems to work out. Once they have been abused it is hard to rebuild a trust in them. If I was any good at this stuff I would post a photo of our Jeannie Lynn. :eek: :eek:
  7. Sara

    Sara New Member

    I highly doubt River was abused...LOL... River came from True's yard and breeding and his only set back is his age most likely and he's not quite used to living in such a populated area...we have a really busy road just outside of our house. He's never been in a new environment like this so it's just a learning process is all. And he's one smart cookie so he'll fake it too...I've caught him doing that...LOL...

    We make progress every day so it's all good.

  8. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Yeah abused?! :shock: Haha, if anything he's the abuser...lol He could manipulate anyone with that cute puppy face.

    He was a pretty good dog here just fine, Sara saw him here before she even took him and he was all happy go lucky and excited to be pet and all that.

    Its a change of environment from out here to there and he was always one of the more calmer ones, him and another male. The rest are out going loons! They are super hyper like their parents. The other male has come out of that and I'm sure he will to. I'm pretty sure he's getting adjusted and I know Sara is just fine handling him. He probably will never be super hyper crazy destructive like the rest of them but I'd consider that a blessing. They others have to be doing something all the time, when I'm not playing with his sister (who loves the flirtpole) she is collecting rocks, pushing her food bowl around, his other sister is very smart and will find a game in anything and take things apart, she also recently ate a digital camera, another sister is also a non stop player she will run around, fetch all that for hours, even if they are just sitting there she will bring the ball for them to throw thats pretty much how the others are.

    I used to bring him inside here and he would be pretty calm he would play with a couple toys and then lay on my feet while I did dishes or under the desk while I was on the computer. He would also curl up by my bed and just nap. He did pretty good on walks but we don't have hardly any traffic out here.

    Anyway I've had a few dogs who were abused and it takes time to build trust. One female I have was starved and very badly beaten and she finally trust me. She acts just like a normal dog with me, she is so sweet and one of my most playful silly dogs. She will jump around, bark happily, all that and get excited when I go over. It just takes times you can't expect them to behave normally right away. She is still getting better and better with time I think. It may have taken a few years but she is certainly making progress, she's a very hard dog to gain trust with. When strangers come over she goes under the fence to the other side or she will just stand back, but when Sara and Andy were here she finally came up to them and I think Andy got to pet her. My friend is now here and she's not so afraid of her like she used to be, still doesn't fully trust her but won't hide.

    I think its possible knowing people who have done rescue with abused Pits and having done some myself. Pit Bulls seem to be one of the most forgiving breeds.

    We'd all be happy to see photos, you can make an album at photobucket and upload photos there if you'd like.
  9. Sara

    Sara New Member

    I forgot to mention the pictures we all like to see!

    I think 95% of River's antics are an act True...He's got Andy wrapped around his toe...LOL... I don't have the heart to tell Andy that...I should though...LOL... He's so cute though... Bella's getting him revved a bit. Just now they went on a run through the yard...she was leading with a ball and she was following...not really motivated to "win" by ANY means but he was running along behind in the game the whole time. He's definately not wild like she is. Probably one of the most Laid back of all the dogs we have. It's kinda nice.

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