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Hello Everyone, been a while

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Chezza, Apr 7, 2007.

  1. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    Hi Guys Iv been off the boards a bit, trying to organise relocation from state to state..Was just wondering, where we are moving too, its a 3 full on days drive, or 2 hours flight, then 4 hour drive, which one of these I am considering the best, as you know I have 2 cats, Jay and Tiffiny..
    Now this 3 days drive is alot for them to take, eg, in there cat box and on the road for 8 hours..Long time for them..I am worried at either of these choices to know what to do..

    Jay gets stressed if the door shuts and he is stuck in the laundry with the dryer going, he HATES the dryer noise..Dont know why, he has never had any BAD experience with it, but just does not like the humming of the dryer.. :shock: HE HOWLES so loud, I mean loud... If I fly them, they go in the cargo bay, with it being even LOUDER, you know what airplane engines are like, the humming is twice as loud in the cargo area. :shock: :cry: I am scared that he will get SO scrared and stressed with the noise aswell..

    But I'm also scared that in the car he'll get scrared and start howling with the car noise too, and On major highways it could be dangerous for everyone.
    I am so at a loss to know what to do..

    Anyone got any suggestions at all, any????Time is running out till we go.. :cry:
  2. Bente

    Bente New Member

    I don't have any experience with this myself, but if I were you I'd go for the three day drive. That way you can be with them all the time, and you can take breaks (assuming you have the time). I think that would be less stressfull for both them and you :wink: Good luck with the decision! :)
  3. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    I'd do the drive too. I hate the thought of putting my pets in the cargo bay, like luggage. Seems very wrong. My family has driven from Ottawa to Tampa several times with a cat in the car (it's a 3 day drive). The cat yowls a bit for the first hour of the trip, and then settles in fine for the rest.

    Good luck with the move!
  4. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi Chezza. Perhaps you could try some Rescue Remedy for to calm him down? Good luck with the move and let us know how it goes.
  5. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Hi Chezza. Hope all has been well with you. Best of luck in your move.
    Let us know how it went when you get there. :)

    I also vote for the car ride. I have family members who have driven through several states with their kitties and they made it fine. I know someone who drove with their kitty from out west to Florida. I"m sure you kitties should be able to manage it. It might be a little stressful for you kitties but it's only temporary. A lot of motels allow pets.
  6. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    :eek: :eek:

    Thanks guys for your support and advice, we have opted for the drive with the kitties, as it will be less stressful for them, Its too much to think them being on the plane, so its a no go with flying for them, so thats what we intend on doing, driving with them..Thankyou all so much for your thoughts and well wishes, I will come on and say goodbye before I head of to relocate, but will get back on line when we are all settled in and say a big hello from our new home...
    Best wishes to everyone here, I'll miss posting.. :( :( For a while..

    Have missed it already being busy with organising things..
    Thanks again..Toodle for now.. :D :D :D
  7. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi Chezza. Not sure if you have packed up your computer yet. Have you moved yet? Hope you are all doing well. :D
  8. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    Hi Chessmind, thanks for that, really appriciate it.. Im back on board again WooHoo..Just got back on about a few days ago and catching up. We are In out new home and new state, as angel my daughter has put in a thread, the cats did fantastic with the trip, really calm, I was sooooo proud of them, they were happy to get home and be with us all again, they have a huge house to run and play and hide in and they love it. I will get some piccies of them, I just saw Jay out the back sunning himself heh heh, he looks soooo cute, :mrgreen: .
    They are all happy, we are all settled and happy, and its great to be HOME in my home town with all my family..
    Ohhh and yea, we are getting a new addition to the family, Nooo Im not pregnant lol..Ahhhhh :shock: .. :lol: . We have adopted a pup from the adoption shelter, he is the cutiest thing you have ever seen, we are naming him ZEP, we pick him up today, cant wait and the kids cant wait too..I will get lots of piccies, he is as healty as they come, hes been in Quarrantine for 2 weeks, vet checked, needles, desexed and microchipped.

    Now to slowly introduce him to our kittys..Any ideas???? :mrgreen:

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