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Weekend hard work dog runs!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Sara, Apr 16, 2007.

  1. Sara

    Sara New Member

    FINALLY got the dog runs built this weekend. Took Thursday and Friday off as vacation days and hubby and I built runs! Holy SMOKES...what a job. Windy all weekend too so I got some rosy wind burned cheeks tonight!

    Here's what we did! I'm so proud...LOL

    Pit Bull runs...



    Hermionee gets to roam to keep our pitties safe from thieves!

    Dane run...for the Dane and his buddy puppy Dane Cross...


  2. someday

    someday New Member

    Nice job! Lots of work! We spent our weekend building fence. We're putting up a new paddock and I'm using woven mesh with a wood top rail so the dogs can use it as a fenced area to play in when I don't have horses turned out. Ugh, fence building is a pain.
  3. Sara

    Sara New Member

    NO JOKE... We put mesh wire fabric between the runs and in front of the gates so they couldn't/wouldn't dig out...eeeks that was the toughest part I think... I want to fence the corral with that square stuff so that the Dane dogs can go out there but after this weekend...urgh...I think I'll wait a bit on that. We have lots to do around here...only moved in 6 mos ago so work work work... Dog houses in the barn are next...probably indoor runs for them if I can swing it!

  4. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    Your work paid off obviously, It's very nice.
    I spent my weekend very very WET!!!
    Non stop RAIN!!!
  5. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Great job. I just got your email and then saw them on here. I'm glad you finally got them done, I know how much work it can be. We had to move several dogs around yesterday.
  6. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Good job!
    We're having dirt hauled in to bring mine up off the ground about a foot. Keep them from flooding, then having concrete poured. I'll just have to continue with my shavings for padding. I don't want them on concrete.

    Its alot of work, but very nice to have. I don't use the chain link. I never could keep a dog in them. They figure out how to bust them real quick. I have the magnum kennels.

    This is mine, but i've added two more kennels to it. and I have two "runs" at the end about 30ft by 16ft made out of livestock panel. That way while I'm cleaning kennels they can run in them and play and I don't have to keep an eye on them in the yard...
    Also works good to let them exersize for a few hours while I do house work.... Those are coming down though. I'll have a carport roof built over the top of them as soon as the dirt and concrete are done...


    I'll post pics when the construction is complete.
  7. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Weird you couldn't keep the dogs in chain link.... I've never had anything but and even Askari, the true escape artist was kept at bay. Modified but still chain link... I worry about the magnum stuff because it's welded if I remember correctly. Pit Bulls can break welds in nothing flat so I try to stay away from welded stuff. Tack the bottom of the chain link down and keep an eye on any spots when we feed and whatnot and I've never had a problem. Kept all three of my Boerboels in chain link without a problem.

  8. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Oh yah and Rayna also generally used nothing but the Chain link...she had pretty good luck with it except when a climber came along... The tops of our runs are covered though so climbing isn't an option.

  9. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Hmmmm Mine always end up pulling it up from the bottom... We'd try and wire it back down, but it never lasted. I finally resorted in putting the cattle panel in side the chain link and that stoped it. That set of Kennels is still in Rock Island. I keep em there.

    I don't htink they can break these. Their spot welded pretty darn good. Byeboer's pushed on them pretty hard and he's never managed to do anything...

    Trust me if i could use the chain link, I'd be much more convienant! Their cheaper, lighter and eaiser to handle.. The magnums are HEAVY!!! and wayyy too expensive. I raised all kinds of you know what when I bought them, I bought 5 sets and then went back for three more... and they wouldn't give me a discount. I was pissed. Told them I wasn't buying the other three and went somewhere else. I wouldn't have been angry, but they sat there and told me if I bought that many they'd give me a small discount. Going back on their word and it was the same man and lady at the counter and it was only a day a part!!!!
  10. Sara

    Sara New Member

    A bar is wired at the bottoms of all my kennels so they can't pull it up from the bottom.

    Pits tend to bite the welds off. Hog pannel is notorious for getting welds broken that way...urgh... Just a few bites and they snap those suckers right off. The coated stuff might be different but since I've had the good luck with the Chain link I went with that rather than the more expensive stuff that I figured would end up broke anyway. Ya never know...depends on what a dog wants to do and how bad he/she wants out I guess.


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