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some big changes coming my way

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Mary_NH, May 6, 2007.

  1. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    we put our house on the market this past Tuesday and by Thursday it was pending - a whirlwind.
    We have put an offer on another place and if all goes well we'll be moving the end of June. It's not that I necessarily want to do this but financially we have to. More money going out than is coming in. Rather sell the house now while there is some kind of market left than lose it in 6 months.
    Anyway....the cats will have a great new sunporch to lay around in at will as there is a slider leading directly to the porch. It has combination windows and tons of sun! We're going to put a Monitor heater out there so they can be comfy out there even during the winter.
    The kitchen in the new place is HUGE. I've dealt with a galley kitchen for 16 years and it will be wonderful to have a kitchen we can all fit in at once.
    It's a moho in an adult park which is quiet, clean and peaceful. The lot we'll be on is actually an acre!!! Dogs are allowed as are inside cats. It's not a bad place at all - I'm actually amazed at the room. Once the cats settle in I think they'll enjoy having that sunroom and the place being large. There is even a separate laundry room which will become litterbox alley :) I won't have litterboxes in the bathrooms anymore :eek: they can be kept hidden from view (laundry room is a separate room off the full bath. Geoff will even get his own bathroom in his bedroom - and he can clean it.
    My last 2 fosters (the ones plucked from a feral colony) went home to PA last Saturday and even though we're in the process of waiting on our home inspection, packing and such I have another coming in. A 10 month old chocolate point. He'll be gone before we have to move so he won't get stressed out with my pets.
    I've been busy (obviously) so haven't been on much.
  2. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    That's great to hear about your house! The new one sounds really nice. I'm sure all the kids will love the sunporch! You'll have to post pictures when you move in.
  3. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi Mary_NH. Your new home sounds wonderful. It's always nice to have a big kitchen. At least it is for me, as I do enjoy cooking. Yes, the sun porch for the cats sounds terrific. I hope everything goes smoothly for you and the fur animals. :D
  4. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Best wishes in your new move. It sounds so exciting. Your kitties will have new places to explore.

    A large kitchen is a great thing to have. They are sometimes hard to come by. When we've looked at houses, the kitchen's have been so small.
  5. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    What great news! That is a load off your mind on not worrying about the animals :D and showing the house. hope all goes well with the new purchase, :D
  6. vene

    vene New Member

    Good luck with everything! The sun porch and the huge kitchen sound divine! :eek:
  7. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    closing date is set ofr 6/21 for selling and buying. Things are being packed and some things being taken to the "Thornton Mall" aka transfer station.
    I do have another foster, Billy a 10 month old beautiful meezer kitten but he's moving to Montreal Canada soon!!!!!
    He was with me a week yesterday.
    VA4899 for those of you that are curious. He adores my Zeus and has been following him around with idol worship.
    After Billy I WILL be on break as the rescue director has told me to stop LOL I told her to stop asking me to take one in. I'll be able to start up again early July if all goes as planned.
    Busy busy
  8. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Best wishes, Mary. You do sound very busy.

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