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Cat is peeing blood

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by ashlan, May 31, 2007.

  1. ashlan

    ashlan New Member

    My cat just fell out the window,four stories and he was bleeding from his nose but it stopped and he could walk, except his back leg is really hurt.When he went to the bathroom he started peeing blood.Do you think it could just be damaged or he could be bleeding internally. Please help I've had my cat for 10 years. I don't want to take him to the vet because my previous cat fell out the window also and her situation was different luckily my little malory made it.They wanted to do surgery on her mouth and charge me more than $2000.She ended up being okay.I pray my bangi will live. Thank you
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    count to 10 Mary
    Your cat fell out a window and landed 4 stories down and you don't want to take her to the vet? She's peeing blood and you come on a message board and ask for medical advice?
    'cuse me....but this cat NEEDS a vet.
    Yes I know money is tight...but if my cat took a fall like that I wouldn't be wasting valuable time hoping someone on a message board could diagnose - I'd be at a vet.
    Please get your kitty to a vet. Peeing blood simply is not normal, and no one should try to diagnose
  3. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    I guess the saying, "If you don't learn from your mistakes, you're due to repeat them" holds true. If you can't take your kitty to a Vet, call an animal protection agency, Humane Society, ASPCA, and get some help right away. The poor thing is no doubt suffering and in a great deal of pain.

    Then take care of your window problem before you acquire any more pets or to protect your remaining pets. It's understandable that things happen, but most of the time we fix them so as not to repeat them.
  4. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Your post made me cry. Please get your poor kitty some help and take him to the Vet.
  5. ashlan

    ashlan New Member

    The Cat is okay

    Made me cry too. My cat will be fine.he is doing better.I doctor all of my cats. I called the vet and just told me something extravagant, .Home is the best place right now. And why would I call cat services for so they could take my babies.I don't know how he fell with the screen on.this place is haunted,and for the record my cat malory fell out the window twice accidently.Malory is the sweetest.Bangi will heal with blessing because my babies are very special. thanks for the posts .
  6. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    How many times do your cats have to fall out of a window to realize that there's a problems with the window?

    Sounds like you've had enough opportunity to fix the problem. I don't think "Home" is the best place for your cat(s).
  7. ashlan

    ashlan New Member

    so sad some people are just ignorant

    There is nothing wrong with the window and No one asked you!! . Just because you jealous and don't know anything about animals. Keep your ignorance to yourself in loser AZ where you belong.
  8. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Re: The Cat is okay

    Please, please, please take your cat to a vet. How can you say that Bangi will heal with blessing because he is special?? If he is peeing blood he needs medical attention! If you don't take your injured cat to the vet it's called animal abuse... Cats are really good at hiding their pain, he could have internal injuries without it showing. I really hope you will do what is best for Bangi, and let a vet take a look at him. If it gets pricy you could ask if you can pay it off over time, like a monthly payment. Good luck!
  9. ashlan

    ashlan New Member

    your right

    I'm going to take him. .thank you
  10. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Re: so sad some people are just ignorant

    No need to be rude... Non of us know your situation, but from what you have written it really seem like there is something wrong with the window, or that the cats have found a way to open the screen. And if that is the case, it really should be fixed. Anyways, I'm really glad you'll take Bangi to the vet. Good luck!
  11. ashlan

    ashlan New Member

    Thank you

    Thank you everyone!
  12. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    Im so glad. This should really be treated as an emergency. When something like this happens we don't always realize just how bad it can really be at first. We had a client at the animal hospital where i work call in once becuz her cat had gotten bit by a dog and the owner decided that he was fine and didn't want to bring him in. He had internal bleeding and by the next morning she ran him in cuz he was half dead. He almost didn't make it. I hope your cat will be as lucky. Best wishes for you both.
  13. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi. It's been a couple of days since your post. How is your cat doing? Did you go to the vet?

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