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My kitty was mauled and killed by neighbor's dogs...

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by catjen123, Jun 3, 2007.

  1. catjen123

    catjen123 New Member

    She was mauled by 3 of their dogs. She did not have bleeding or punctures. The vet said there was no internal bleeding, though she was clearly hurt. He gave her some shots of steroids and pain killer, got some piankiller/ anti-imflammatory oral meds and sent her home with us. She subsequently died 2 days later.
    I live in the country and there are no leash laws here. The dogs are herding type dogs with a high prey drive. They have been known to kill chickens and chase cats. Chloe didn't get away this time. The attack happened in my yard.
    The neighbors never offered to help pay for the vet bill. It was only $60 by the way. I called and asked him to keep his dogs out of my yard. After seeing his dogs in my yard 2 different times I called animal control. They say they can't seize the animals. All he said I can do is take a picture of the dogs if they come in my yard again.
    Finally the neighbor comes to apologize about my cat after over a week has passed. Though he argues the fact that since the cat didn't have bleeding or punctures, she couldn't have died from the dog attack.
    I'm so FURIOUS about the neighbors denial of the incident. They won't own up and do the right thing even though they're church going Christians.
    I am a laid-back person. I never go looking for a petty lawsuit but I don't feel justice is done.
    Has anyone else had a similar experience or have any advice. Thanks so much for reading.
  2. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi. I am so sorry for your loss. :cry: It is so hard to lose one of our fur animals. As far as the neighbor goes, the reality is that this world is full of idiots. You can't do much about people like that. Just do things by the law, when it comes to his dogs. Take the pictures and call animal services each and every time his dogs are in your yard.

    I am so sorry. I've lost cats too and it's never easy. If possible, try and do something positive when you feel ready. Perhaps plant a small tree in your cats honor?
  3. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Sorry for your loss.
  4. Bente

    Bente New Member

    I'm so sorry for your loss :(

    I'm afraid I don't have any advice to offer, other than to do what Chessmind suggested. Good luck!
  5. catjen123

    catjen123 New Member

    Thanks guys.
    I think I will plant a tree in her honor.
    Meanwhile my video and digital cameras are ready.
    Thanks again, and take care.
  6. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    I'm so sorry for the loss of your kitty.
  7. vene

    vene New Member

    I'm so sorry for your loss. :cry:
  8. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    something you could do it try to get the laws in your town changed.
    Look up your state laws regarding unrestrained dogs...call your selectmen and ask them how to go about getting a leash law (or at least a restraining law) in your town. Chances are good you will need a certain number of signatures on a petition to put in front of the selectmen (or mayor or however your town government is set up).
    Impress upon them the importance - not only for other pets but children playing outside, people walking/biking/jogging. Ask them if they think a dog's freedom to run is more important than the safety of people.
    Make them feel like they MUST do something.
    And in the meantime....since you are aware of the problem, if you get another cat don't let it outside.
    The loudest voice can have the biggest impact...make it a personal goal
  9. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    Im sorry to hear about your kitty..Did you find out from an austopsy what actually caused her death???? As there was no bleeding or puncture marks, how did she end up dying?? Maybe it was a heart attack.. :?:

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