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My Cat is Vomiting and not Eating or Drinking

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Goldy Cat, Jun 26, 2007.

  1. Goldy Cat

    Goldy Cat New Member

    Hi All,

    I was wondering if anybody knew what could be wrong with my cat Mimi.

    She threw up a fur ball this morning, then continued to throw up many times today. She will not eat or drink. :cry:

    Last month she was vomiting foam and had diarreah for 2 days, my Vet said to wait till morning, and then she was fine.

    I gave her the hairball goop, on her paw and she licked that off, in case she has a stuck hair ball, should I give her more? Her vomit is a yellow thickish liquid, could be from the Hair ball remedy goop. She is a mostly indoor cat, but she went out today and threw up out there. I'm sure it's not anything she could have or would have eaten outside.

    Any suggestions on what may be wrong?

    I get so worried when she is sick, which is very rarely, except last month too.

    Thanks in advance,

    Goldy Cat
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    how long has it been since she's had anything to eat or drink?
    Don't let her go more than 48 hours w/out doing either before seeking vet help.
  3. Goldy Cat

    Goldy Cat New Member

    Hi Mary,

    She has gone for about 35 hours without eating (or drinking as far as I know)

    Just dropped her off at her Vet's so they can do blood work, urinalysis, etc. and to observe her all day.

    She's was mad at me when I tried to say "see ya later". Poor baby :cry:

    I will post what her diagnosis is after I pick her up.

    Thanks again...

    Goldy Cat/Mel
  4. Goldy Cat

    Goldy Cat New Member

    What Her Vet Said...

    Hi All,

    Well, Mimi's Vet called and her temperature is 103.6, so she has a fever. I knew she felt warmer than usual last night.

    They are putting her on a liquid IV now because she is dehydrated from not eating or drinking for 35 or more hours.

    They have taken a fecal sample which she says has extreme oder, not good.

    They have taken her blood and will be analyzed by 3:00 today, 3 more hours.

    Her Vet doesn't think that it is a Uninary Tract infection because she has a fever, she thinks it could be her kidneys (OH NO!), she also said she has very tense muscles, I think because she has barely slept, nor me, in about 35 hours.

    They are also taking an intestinal x-ray too.

    Please pray for Mimi Girl :cry:

    Goldy Cat/Mel
  5. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Poor girl. I hope she'll be back to normal soon.
  6. Goldy Cat

    Goldy Cat New Member

    Thank you so much,

    Her Doctor said she has to stay over night, and all morning tomorrow so they can monitor her, they said they won't let her come home until she starts eating and drinking. :cry:

    She is currently on the I.V. drip. Her temperature is down now :D

    They said she is being a very good girl and not fighting them with their pokes and prods.

    They said she finally fell asleep :D

    They wouldn't tell me what is wrong with her though, they said tomorrow they will give me details.

    They wouldn't let me go visit her, they said it would just cause her more stress if I came and didn't bring her home with me. I can understand that.

    I hope she doesn't think that I abandoned her, she was abandoned by 2 different homes (down the road) before she found me. One moved and left her and her 3 kittens homeless, then she lived with someone else who I know physically abused her, then he moved and left her homeless AGAIN. She had a horrible childhood.

    I will miss her so much tonight, she hasn't not slept with me in our nest for over 8 years :cry:

    Thanks again :D
  7. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    positive thoughts being sent...please let us know the diagnosis. Poor kitty!!! But at least she's in good care. I know it won't help you sleep but just keep thinking positive thoughts
  8. vene

    vene New Member

    Big hugs! She's in my thoughts and prayers.
  9. Goldy Cat

    Goldy Cat New Member

    Thank You So Much :)

    Thank you guys so much, :D

    I love this forum, everyone is so wonderful :D Your support is keeping me afloat, I'm so thankful :D

    I have been trying to think positive as much as possible, but it's hard, I'm praying for her non-stop.

    I wish I could upload her photo, but having difficulties.

  10. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    Ohhh poor girl..Big kisses from me too, hope she gets better really soon..xx
  11. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    so I know we're anxiously waiting to hear how she is. She's in my prayers too [-o<
  12. Goldy Cat

    Goldy Cat New Member

    Thank you so much, you guys are so caring and supportive :D

    Well, I just picked Mimi up a little while ago (2 days with out me and me without her ) :cry:

    Her diagnosis was:

    Early Diabetes type 2, and tape worms :shock: and entoeritis (stomach thing I think) caused by the tape worms and dehydration. A combination of of the two.

    I never saw any worms in her stool so this is a surprise.

    The Dr. Said that she got sick because A. her pre-diabetes inhibts her immune system a bit, and B. The tape worms caused problems with the natural (flora/bacteria) in her system causing the bacteria to absorb into her system causing her to get an infection and a fever, and therefore vomiting and not eating.

    Medically they did:

    Adminitered Antibiotics and pain medication interaveneously (shots) I have to continue for a 7 days, subcutaneaus fluids (IV) to re-hydrate her, force fed her (I didn't like that) an Enema (which how they discovered the tape worms), took stool sample rectally) full panel blood test, 2 uninalysis, withdrew urine by needle, De-wormed her, X-ray'd her (which showed no obstruction), many rectal temp checks and...pampering. I know I forgot some other things.

    They did the WORKS! on her, first off she looked like she just came back from a cat SPA, they washed her , more beautiful shiny coat and smell, clipped her claws, cleaned her ears, etc. and did not charge me for it (I pretty sure its cause the Veterinarian knows my Veterinarian Step mother and went to school with her and still meet up at conferences, (it's good to know people) :lol: I don't take Mimi to my step mom cause were not that close, and because of the 10 barking dogs my parents have their Vet practice at their house. Mimi would freak out :shock:

    She did not eat at or drink (just a few bites) while she was there, I told them she would not (I know my kid) and she didn't poo or pee either (I told them she would rather die than void in front of anyone, even me! They were not going to let her go home tonight until she had a BM, but let me take her (reluctantly) because I told them she wouldn't, I know her better then myself.

    Her temperature is down, but still running a low grade fever at 102.5, was 103.6. When she came in the house she went right for her food bowl (I told them!) and devourd her new DM Purina Prescription (For Diabetic Cats). I expect her to start going in her "sand box" very soon.

    Mimi is very tired and exausted from all the pokes and prodding, but so glad to be home :D They told me she was so very compliant and patient and sweet and was a pleasure to have her there :eek: They want her back in 2 month for a glucose test, I'm reluctant to go back!!!!!

    Thank you all for all your support and prayers and good energy, IT WORKED!

    Mel and The Marvelous MIMI GIRL :y_the_best:
  13. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    oh I bet she's glad to be home....sounds like a special kitty
  14. vene

    vene New Member

    There's no place like home. Glad they were able to treat her conditions.
  15. Goldy Cat

    Goldy Cat New Member

    Thank You All =^.^=

    Yes, there IS no place like home...

    I am too am very glad they were able to treat her and that it wasn't something life threatening.

    Were happy today, and she is eating a lot and drinking now, and SLEEPING, she's pretty tired from the ordeal.

    Thank you all again, Mimi and I really appreciate it :D

  16. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    Awwwwww :eek: :eek: Yippeeee, glad she is home and doing well..
    Excellent.. :mrgreen: :y_the_best:
  17. Goldy Cat

    Goldy Cat New Member

    Thanks so much,

    I couldn't be happier that she is home and back to her old self.

    I am having a bit of a struggle administering her antibiotics, she really hates that.

    By the way, I had purchased the Bach's Rescue Remedy a week before she got sick, and rubbed 4 drops on her ears and head the night before she saw her Vet... it really did help her to relax enough to lie down immediately.

    I also rubbed it on her ears and head and lips again before I put her in the car, she did 90% better than usual, only meowed once all the way, rather than constantly, so Bach's Rescue Remedy really does calm a cat down, Mimi and I are so happy you guys here at the forum recommended it to me :eek: I really appreciate everyone here :y_the_best:

    The Magnificent Mimi and Mel

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