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can you help me?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by mickey b, Jul 12, 2007.

  1. mickey b

    mickey b New Member

    what should i be feeding my amstaff?

    i think he needs to fill out a lot more
  2. Sara

    Sara New Member

    What are you feeding him now and how much does he weigh? Pics?

    If you are feeding a comercial food there should be a deal on the back that says how much to feed per the weight of the dog...

  3. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    How old is he? Maybe he just needs time to mature. Is he neutered, and if so, at what age was he neutered? How much exercise does he get?
  4. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    The vets should give you good advice on what to feed him, and how much he should weigh, is that him in the picture??
  5. mickey b

    mickey b New Member

    he is 1 year old and has not been neuted, i walk him 3 times a day and also take to a local park for a good run (he loves a stick). i feed him butchers tripe and complete.

    the pic i have as my avatar is very recent.
  6. Sara

    Sara New Member

    How big is he...his current weight and a better pic than the tiny avatar pic would be helpfull...

    I assume "complete" is a comercial bagged food? Does the bag give an indication of what to feed per pounds your dog is...? My bag for instance says 1/2C to 2C for dogs 4-10lbs (I think that's the ammount...but you get my point).

    Feed according to the bag and if he's still losing a bit of weight you could add rice to his feed (like 1/4 cup a day at most) or noodles, similar ammount. We add Hamburger meat to the Great Dane when he starts trimming down, he does this from time to time. Unfixed male dogs tend to be a little harder to keep weight on...

    A correctly conditioned dog should look about like this:

    This is River he's a year and gets about 3 1/2 cups of food and Daily walks and play time at the moment that'll change to 3 cups daily once we get cracking for his next ADBA show last time he was weighed he was at 58lbs:

    This is Hermionee a Boerboel Bitch weighing in at about 115 and she gets 4 1/2 cups and a daily walk

    This is Monty about 70lbs and four years old in the pic. intact and has always eatin' 4cups food daily and walks:

    Honijade was usually at 40lbs and ate about 2 cups food daily

    Bella at about 40lbs 1 year and eats 2 cups food daily...thinking I may cut that down for ADBA show though:

    This is my Dane who is a little light in this pic but not terribly thin by any means he's 150lbs I think and plays hard all day long:

    A couple more nicely conditioned intact adult male pits:



    Each dog is different as you can see... Bitches tend to eat less and keep weight on better than males do but my Monty keeps weight better than any other male I've had... You really just go by what the dog looks like and keep an eye. If you add to his feed and notice he's getting heavy cut back by 1/2 a cup or vice versa... Start out with the ammount listed on your bag of food if it has one...

    Hope that helps...

  7. mickey b

    mickey b New Member

    sara, i cant seem to be able to put pics on to message board, can i email them to you?
  8. Sara

    Sara New Member

    sure... bantam_sara@hotmail.com...or you can put them into shutterfly.com and then post them from there. There are a couple other folks on here who'd probably have valueable input...


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