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This is funny, found it by accident.

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by True_Pits, Apr 28, 2004.

  1. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    I think this post is so funny. How I found it doing a net search on google and the auspet thread popped up. People should get educated before they go making suggestions, but thats besides the point in this case because its so funny and ironic in a way.

    http://www.auspet.com/pet/dog_pitbull_p ... 00183.html

    Mainpitbull says:
    Freedom ask:
    Mainpitbull answers
    Does anyone else find this funny. They LIKE Red Boy & Jocko but haven't gotten into bloodlines to know about the others. But Red Boy and Jocko are their favorite as well as Boudreaux and then they say this is the reason to steer clear of Eli, Gatormouth, Chinaman "We had a big debate and some of the people came to figure that these are fighting bloodlines." So what is the problem again?? If you can like Red Boy/Jocko bloodlines used heavily in the pit but not the others bred for the same purpose that makes no sense at all. And a lot of Boudreax blood is basically Eli blood, so much for knowing about their favorite bloodlines.

    The only thing I can say about Chinaman is the quality is decreasing due to overbreeding and peddling of the Frisco stuff.

    Not sure what gatormouth is?

    Eli is one of the best bloodline out thre, the foundation of many of great bloodlines and a real assest to the breed. Including BOUDREAX


    Red boy is one of the most well known dogs in APBT history, he is the base of a damn good bloodline and game producer. Not only was he and his offspring of good producing ability but the line has stood the test of time. One of the gamest lines to come by, many claim the red boy dogs lack mouth and Jocko or Turtlebuster blood is often added to make up for this. You get the same gameness from the red boy and added mouth from jocko or turtlebuster. Turtlebuster was one talented, great dog and produced Fargo who was a hard mouther pit dog. He beat a dog that was said to be unable and lost his 3rd match but proved his gameness then. There are many noted red boys such as Bailey's Bingo 1xw POR. Bingo beat a dog who was going for his GR CH titled in 1:27 mins. He has been a great producer his sire is Red Boy and dam Fanny who's dam was Brandy Girl she is Red Boy X Cleo. When bred to Peaches (red boy bitch, Mr Bulldog x Brandy girl) he produced WCC's Deacon ROM, Crenshaw's Hunter Red ROM, GR CH Radar, Charlie's Justice 2XW, and Red Girl 1XW and 1XL. Deacon bred to the CH Turtlebuster bitch Roxy Rom produced extremely well. Bingo bred to Bailey's Cherry produced Bailey's Crypt who is also a well known producer, he doesn't just produce the deep game, long winded dogs but produces hard biters and has sired winners. Redboy has also crossed very well with Jeep blood and produced the likes of Tab Rom(Jeep's best producing son) his littermates like Garrett's CH Tramp 4xw POR. There are more White's CH Tuffy, Rodriguez' CH Gator ROM&White's CH Brute(Both Tab ROM x Irene POR), White's KA. He has produced both winners and other producers. Redboy/jocko blood a very good combo such as the breeding from CH Yellow John ROM to Tant's Miss Jocko 2xw ROM. Produced GR CH Yellow ROM for one sire of GR CH May Day.

    CH JOCKO (28lbs pit weight)

    No doubt that CH Jocko was an awesome dog in the pit, however he was also a very smart dog indeed.

    A few stories I've read about the lil dog.

    Jocko & Lion

    Jocko has been staked on a cable run. Keep in mind he is a 28lbs bulldog. A dog known as Lion weighing 60lbs is brought onto the property. Lion has the appearance of a Lion. He is attached to a chain set up 200 feet from Jocko. Jocko tries to find a way to free himself from the chain set up, which he is unable to do. He was however brought into the house on occasion and makes his excape from here. He was left upstairs on the 3rd bedroom floor. He was discovered missing and the window open. Peering out the window to see if Jocko would really jump this height and expecting to see his body below. It wasn't there. He must have used the tree and roof to get to the ground and the veranda roof to get down. They figured if he had leaped he had probably went straight for Lion and should have just killed himself jumping from the window b/c he was as good as dead. They reached the back yard and stopped dead in their tracks. Lion was tangled in his chain and being helplessly drug around by Jocko. Jocko had him by the nose(from this story and others I find that Jocko raelly likes the nose!) Jocko just wagged his tail and gave Lion's huge head another twist and shake. As in Jocko's usual fashion he was unhurt and unmarked!!!

    Jocko in the Slammer

    Jocko his handler and friend are being held in a jail cell after a raid. Jocko (in true pit bull fashion) feels that he must bunk with his owner and hog the bed as much as a 29lbs dog can! The next day he needs a potty break. The Captain won't allow the owner to do it for obvious reasons, but takes it upon himself to let the little dog out. he takes the lead and is nearly pulled off his feat, surpised at the tiny dogs strength. A long time passed with the Captain taking Jocko out. Finally he returns caked in blood as well as Jocko covered in blood. but Jocko was happy, tail wagging smiling pit bull. he Captain tells them t "Take this hellion" "Get our of here, and forget you were ever here. Tell no one about it" The two men must ask the captain what happened. When he explains "the Mayor's German Shepherd is an awful bully. When he jumped this little dog, i thought he was going to kill him. But it wasn't him I should have worried about, even though he was on the bottom. That little dog killed that big dog from underneath. And all the time I was worrying about him! He's the devil him, inst he? Look at him wagging his tail, happy as an idiot-just pleased as punch with himself."

    Jocko Strikes Again

    The owner of Jocko decided to let his son Jimmy (14) start walking Jocko. Jimmy walks Jocko until one day an Airedale got too close to Jocko who latches onto his mouth like a bear trap. The Airedale howls and Jimmy tries to get Jocko off. A crowd gathers and many try to help a match lit under his tail, a firecracker set off under the dogs, Jocko keeps his hold. Then finally the Airedale breaks loose and runs as fast as possible. This created a lot of talk, back in this day Airedales were considered mighty tough dogs and one being worked over by a tiny dog like Jocko.....Ed had a leather muzzle made for Jocko to go on his walks. This seemed to work, until one day a Newfoundland sailed into Jocko. The big dog is nearly smothering Jocko. Jocko had no concerns of being muzzled! He grasped what he could of his opponent's body with his powerful forepaws(had a dog do this once) and shoved his muzzle at the dogs throat. He could barely get but a little tuff of hair in his mouth. But he was full of fight. The big dog starts to loose his will, he tries to give his best shots and this only makes Jocko happier. Jocko clings harder and shoves his muzzle harder in the dog!! The giant dog broke free, turned and high tailed it with a mini muzzled dog in how pursuit!!! The town people were amazed, Jocko had whippeda tough airedale twice his size and now a dog 3 times his size with a muzzle on!!!

    People should really educate themselves before they talk about something, especially giving advice. Very weak excuse to stay away from those bloodlines when their favorites are fighting lines, how does that really look. But in all when talking about anything one should have knowledge and talk facts. Not hearsay or an opinion that doesn't have a good basis.
  2. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Isn't Chinaman OFRN...just like Redboy??? I really don't know much about peds but it seems that the OFRN bloodlines came from the same source back in the day and I've seen BOTH of these lines mentioned in the OFRN context...as well as Boudreoux (sp?) so...I think this person is not bright to say the least... I mean I thought I was ignorant about bloodlines...but it seems this person is even more ignorant than myself...LOL...

    Don't crucify me if I got it twisted around....I only know what I read about and those names above tend to come up with talking about modern lines with OFRN blood in them...
  3. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Chinaman is Eli/Snooty blood. Red Boy isn'y OFRN paperswise, but supposedly he is OFRN bred and not ColbyDime/Teal blood at all. Chinaman is ELI like I said foundation of many crossed with snooty which is a very exceptional cross. His sire is Wood's trouble off Eli Jr and his dam is to be Snooty to Bloody Sunday, Bloody Sunday is supposedly off Bullyson to Carver's One Eye, but many speculate she is really off Rascal. She looks just like him too. Rascal is also Eli bred and worked well with Honeybunch and crosses good w/ OFRN. I like redboy/jocko and redboy/jeep the best, but have redboy/turtlebuster x Jeep w/ a bit of rascal but thats through Rascal Jr who is out of honeybunch (jeep's dam) and GR CH Pedro ROM who's sire was rascal but his dam Sandy is out of Honeybunch and sire is Oso Negro eli bred and honeybunch is supposedly off bullyson eli/broudreax bred so it all works.

    Wouldn't say so. This is the same person who said all who is involved in the game is greasy spics or some BS like that. you can't wash the "blood" from the hands that easily. Anyone with a spec of knowledge on history knows it was the white people who brought these game matching dogs to this country as they immigrated. There is a very small number of african americans involved and some hispanics, but the majority is white. They brought the dogs and have maintained them to this day. Are the Greenwood's, Floyd B, Tom Garner, Tant, or Stratton not white? Just about any well known dogman is white. It is ignorance and people do no research on the breed they choose or before they give information which is where it is the most harmful. Just never understand it? Why woud some one not want a high quality gamebred dog anyway??!?! Especially since their fav blood happens to be red boy...lol
  4. Sara

    Sara New Member

    [/quote]Why woud some one not want a high quality gamebred dog anyway??!?! Especially since their fav blood happens to be red boy...lol
  5. Sara

    Sara New Member

    LOL I tried to fix that Quote thing before it posted... No luck I guess...
  6. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Yeah you got it right there!!! Also they say stay away from ELI but like BOUDREAUX, as in BOUDREAUX' ELI 2XW....lol bred from Boudreaux' Blind Billy. It is so hilarious to hear this stuff. That is a big oxymoron. I think some people don't live in reality.

    Honeybuch was a great bitch, really good producer, she was just a great dog all the way around. With everylitter honeybunch produced well. Jeep is another great, I like em both too...lol

    Chinaman was another great performance and production and a good example of the Eli/Snooty cross.

    Another really great bloodline is BOLIO. I really like this line and the dogs coming from it! I've seen only good things. Eli/Bolio, Bolio/Chinaman, Tombstone/Bolio and Bolio/Boyles. Its just a great line, pure or crossed.
  7. goob

    goob New Member

    This is a bit off the original topic, but I remember seeing in a couple places online that Oso Negro had been used in some AB lines as well? Since you mentioned him, I was thinking you might know if that's true or not... I don't even remember anymore where I read it, nor can I find it again to check. No real reason for asking, just to satisfy my own curiousity, and reading your post reminded me about what I'd read before.
  8. Sara

    Sara New Member

    I'll have to check out the Bolio stuff! Thanks for a new project for when it's not busy at work!

    Oso Negro could be referring to a different dog...not that uncommon for a name (Black Bear in Spanish).
  9. goob

    goob New Member

    Nope, they had a picture of him as well, and detailed his lineage a bit, same dog.
  10. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    This Oso Negro, double bred Eli and littermate to CH Rascal?

    I don't know, I have never heard of it but its a possibility. What are AB's created from? I've heard a couple different things. I also ran across an AB registry and they were speaking about AB's that were unpure, and said they are a reg to preserve the AB and refuse to reg crosses unlike some other reg that will reg an "AB" when it is clearly an AB/APBT cross. So I don't really know. People could possibly cross Pit Bull in, hell they cross Pit Bulls with ABs and reg them as pure.
  11. goob

    goob New Member

    That's him. Depending on who you ask, you'll get different opinions as to what ABs are... some say they're the original "bulldog", some say they're a recreation that used APBTs, English Bulldogs, and other breeds... I don't know enough about the breed to even have a clue which is true. My guess though is that some strains are much more pure than others, which have had other blood introduced much more recently. Whether that dog was used in to add in to some lines is something I guess I'll have to wonder about for a bit longer :lol:
  12. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

  13. DogmaMa

    DogmaMa New Member

    What I read is that Chinaman was very man-agressive, even supposedly killing his owner,at some point...im not sure of this, its been forever since i heard it duscussed. if one is of the mind that a manbiting pit is only worthy of a cull, as it would be too dangerous to handle, and may pass on its tendencies to its offspring, this may be a reason to avoid chinaman bloodlines.
  14. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    LOL okay I assure you Tom Garner is still alive and well and still running the Chinaman bloodline and putting out the mag that was left after Tim Murphy passed. Pit Bulls hardly ever kill their owners.

    If you want man biter think GR CH Zebo. Psycho.
  15. daddyfs

    daddyfs New Member

    my pup looks jus like the pup from the bolio bloodlines.. but i was told he is "hemphill wilder"anyone know anythin about this??
  16. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Dogs can look the same and be from different lines. Can you post pics of your pup. I have Hemphill/Wilder.
  17. daddyfs

    daddyfs New Member

    i will get some up in a couple weeks..

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