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They've all taken the Rat Terrier's Lead!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Sara, Jul 15, 2007.

  1. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Well she took over...and now the rest have followed suit! I came to make a post or two online before getting to work outside and I turn around...to this sight!


    Dauby got shaved a day or so ago...

    so I take his picture and step back...to watch them REALLY take over!


  2. spindlehead

    spindlehead New Member


    Stupid question, is the Rat Terrier the larger dog? I really love the all brown head sitting atop that white body, what a beautiful dog!

    The other two are cute as well but the terrier is a stunner.

  3. Sara

    Sara New Member

    The Terrier is the little bat eared dog. The one you're looking at is Papreeka and she's a Whippet... We rescued her not long ago and she's a sweet little dog. VERY laid back.

    Thanks for the compliments and question...

  4. spindlehead

    spindlehead New Member

    Shows how much I know about dog breeds, eh? LOL, thanks for the answer. You have quite the little family of k-9's don't you? You appear to be a lady after my own heart, I would have twenty dogs if I had the room, HA!

  5. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Oh jeesh that was only half of the crew! The other half is about 3 times that size too...Pit Bulls and Great Dane...we've got lots of pooches...quite a little dream come true really. I always wanted all kinds of dogs and horses...and low and behold... I managed to work my butt off and get to a place where I can have all that stuff.

  6. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Whippet is just stunning! I didn't see her when I was last over. Wow she is PRETTY, PRETTY!!!!

    When Ozzy was out, boy was that something! I felt like he was towering over me, maybe its because I'm short...lol

    River looked real good too! You've done awesome with him.

    Hope the new girl is going to fit in just as good, she should, she's pretty laid back. She's so loving too, I mean totally. Glad you guys (Andy especially) is so happy to be getting her. We might catch a movie or something if you guys want to join us.

    Oh and Nediva is getting ready to go any day now.
  7. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Holy Smokes the excitement is definately mounting! We're really looking forward to the new girl for sure...

    Thanks for the compliments.


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