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Help, I don't know what to do anymore..

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Tina05, Jul 25, 2007.

  1. Tina05

    Tina05 New Member


    I have a 5 year old American Bull Dog. She is all white with the exception of a few spots on her one ear.
    She has horrible allergies. Her skin is so sensitive its unreal. We have taken her to the vet ever since she was a puppy and they have us treat her with antibiotics and prednisone. We don't give her prednisone that often b/c of the long term side effects, we try to only give it to her when she has a bad flare up. We have her on venice and potatoe food. The whole works. Lately she has been shedding realllllly bad and her skin is just flaking off. Where ever she lays there is a pile. (lots a vaccuming!) I just don't know what to do anymore. I'm going to give her a bath tonight and put some mineral oil on her just to give her some relief from it being so dry. Is it true, that if there is an excessive shedding and skin flaking that there could be something wrong internally? Does any one have any suggestions? I'm really getting desperate. I feel so bad for her. She itches until she bleeds. I dont know... :(
    Any help/suggestions are appreciated

    Thank you,
  2. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Hi Tina,

    My grandma has a rat terrier thats the same way.

    Most ill pigmented dogs have skin, ear and eye issues.

    I would bathe her in oatmeal shampoo and then use a oatmeal conditioner once ever two weeks. you can also buy the "STOP ITCH" from Drs Foster and Smith. I'll get the link for ya.

    http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/p ... 2001&Nty=1

    Some dogs need to be on a daily allergy medication. I know my grandma takes her dog in to get allergy shots every two weeks and it really seems to help

    I gave her some suppliments that I feed and she started feeding it to him, and low and behold it started clearing up!! If you want, you can try the NuVet Plus. It seems to be great for dogs with allergies!!!
    I feed it to all of my dogs... here's the link to it.


    Its an overall suppliment and adds in the key ingrediants to help promote good skin and teeth and overall body quality and health.
  3. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Now this is my own opinion, but your vet is treating the symptoms and not the cause. Yes you do have her on allergy food, but there are so many more allergens out there besides food that can be the culprit. I reccomend you get her allergy tested.

    something else you can try below. this has worked wonders for my dogs skin problems

    http://www.nzymes.com/Articles/Instruct ... ctions.htm


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